Oregon is a marxist hellhole. I was there on business and it reminded me of a third world country with all of the leftists and sodomites. I was mugged in Portland by the ghetto trash that run that city. I was carrying and just flashing my gun was enough to make the thugs flee.bert has his thumb on the pulse of the Middle East:
There is a coalition. Obama was kicked out last fall.expat2 has decided Turkey is pro-ISIS.
Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE.... for action in Syria. Turkey was originally a member but I don’t know the attitude of the Turks at present.
These nations are in agreement......Obama can not be trusted to do anything much less prosecute a war. He must be shunned.
Since the ISIS invasion of Iraq that coalition is now forced to rethink the operational mission.
No. Turkey is now a quasi-jihadist state. Their action stems not from fear but from their support of ISIS — the Caliphate is to be headquartered in Turkey, doncha know.All these Muslim countries are shunning Obama because...he's too Muslim?
Noted genocide booster GladesGuru really really wants to shoot someone and get away with it.
Mr. American, meet Mr. Bounty.Hi, Impy! Your desire to disenfranchise people who 'vote wrong' gets you another mention.
He has a very long history of success, works for far less than cops, and he is everywhere because “he” is us.
I suggest that police departments are like other organizations and can operate with a 10% cut. Take some of the money spent on inflated salaries, benefits, ad nauseam and use it to pay bounties of dead violent criminals.
It will work. Then do the same the following year. Rinse and repeat until crime becomes sufficiently rare.
I hereby bring the readers attention to the fact that in Urban Feral land, the criminals are known to the rest of the residents. Now they are cowed, afraid of retaliation if they were to file a charge against said Urban Ferals, or appear in court against an Urban Feral. With the return of Mr. Bounty, small arms sales would skyrocket in Urban Feral land and the presently helpless prey would suddenly sprout round, hollow(.357, .40, .45 bore) steel fangs.
Mr. Bounty is capable of empowering an armed citizen to work real miracles of transubstantiation. Mr. Bounty and the armed citizen can transform a violent criminal into a harvestable resource.
Who said the time of miracles is past?
In lieu of way to include them that doesn’t provide a net benefit to the democrat party, I’m fine with them having no vote in Congress, they can adopt Charlie Rangel as their honorary Rep. If they don’t like that, they can move to a state. Based on the quality of their local officials, most of them should not have the right to vote anyway, they do as well with it as the Iraqis have, I would abolish their local control and appoint a commission to run the city. They should never have been given 3 electoral votes.Republican values? Fairness? GOP or no vote for you!
This clearly false prissiness about a witness to the Michael Brown shooting from re_nortex can't be for real. But I fear it is.
'he had his f****** hands in the air'Friendofgeorge tries real hard to explain how one can have one's hands in the air and still be a deadly threat.
The use of that vile profanity by the thug "witness" tells me everything I need to know. The credibility is zero.
He could have had his hands up and then said as has been reported...you are not going to shoot me, and then rushes the officer that is still dazed from the punch he took.Its like they got a taste of making up racist shit from flimsy evidence up from Trayvon Martin, and are thirsty for more.
Who knows
Le Chien Rouge really hates those blacks who are going to Community College:
Community Colleges are full of ‘Holder’s People’ like Michael Brown who ‘enroll’ in college with FREE government aid, immediately placed into remedial classes because they can’t read on a 3rd grade level( THANK YOU public schools), and NEVER attend a class.Kenny Bunk starts out like a normal person. However,
The women on the Supreme Court are occasionally not despicable. The Wide Latina has actually voted with Scalia on a couple of slam-dunks. Usually however, her Latina-Lesbo-Commie reasoning is completely specious.Latina-Lesbo-Commie! I had forgotten the lesbian thing for Sototmayor, but shouldn't surprise me.
The distaff side of the SCOTUS is to the Left of Trotsky, and with the defection of Roberts from common sense, have ruined the court as an arbiter of the Constitution.
Let's see if we can take the Senate and deny The Mombasa MF another selection, shall we?
Kenny Bunk again, hating on nonwhite Europeans
Step 1:
Let's stop calling these filthy un-Worthy Oriental Gentlefolk "Austrians, Germans, Italians, Belgians, French, or English," OK? They are no more "European" than a rabid Schnauzer.
Step 2:
Start using all those NATO AF transports to carry thousands of these jihadists to some remote plateau in Southern Tunisia or Libya and kicking their asses out into the sand.
Step 2:
Please allow all Scandinavian Leftists to accompany them.
![]() |
Witness the Oriental unworthy! |
Voter fraud in Georgia is limited and very, very restricted: It only occurs in racially-segregated democratic precincts and democrat-theocracies led by democratic-run city and county dictatorships (er, governments).grania hates the EU for undefined reasons.
FWIW, I think Scotland wants to join the EU. I don’t get it. The EU might be the most despicable “democratic” government on the planet.JLAGRAYFOX breaks out the ellipses AND multiple explanation points!!!! for his response to the Palin brawl.
The media is in total panic stage as November 4, 2014 draws closer!!! They will throw anything against the wall to save Obama, the moron and would be America destroyer and his low life Democrat Obamabots....but...it ain’t gonna work this time!!!! The “Palin” campaign they have now undertaken...goes nowhere...and once again they look like fools and idiots.greene66 supports behavior he would call thuggish from anyone of a darker hue.
They did the same thing with thug, Trayvon Martin, and...”Gemtle Giant” would be cop killer, thug, druggie & criminal Michael Brown!!! Both those poor excuses (though not their total fault) for human beings got their just due, because of lack of real parenting, or no parents at all!!! A sad experience that occurs...all too frequently!!!
The hate “Palin” media can rant and rave all they want....no one of any importance is listening!!! Get a life...liberal deadbeats and work on something positive...like getting Black folks free to be all they can be with decent education and real help and guidance with family problems, instead of catering to your worthless teacher unions and low life Democrat politicians....beginning with Obama and going down the line!!!
We, the people, know November 4, 2014 is but around the corner...and I can tell you..it ain’t gonna go your way...deadbeats!!!
The Palin Family stood up for one of their own and that tells me that Sarah Palin will stand up for America and fight anyone that disrespects the USA.On the other hand, Windflier's boner is for Ted Cruz.
Indeed, if anything, it just enhances my already lofty opinion of Palin and her folks. Sarah has always reminded me of the America that used to be... the feisty, take-no-guff ‘frontier’ attitude that both built and defined this country for most of its existence. Before libs transformed the culture into such a wimpish, faggoty sewer of impotence and government dependence.
I cannot understand many FReepers infatuation with the junior freshman Senator from Texas.FlyingEagle has two gay siblings, but remains an asshole.
Maybe it's because he seems to have the blood of the Framers running through his veins, and is the closest thing to Ronaldus Magnus we conservatives have seen since Sarah Palin started short circuiting liberals' brains.
I have paid the price and no longer give a damn.
I have one homosexual brother dead from AIDS and another homosexual brother terminally ill from AIDS.
They can take their LGTB and CRAM IT. I do not subscribe. Marriage is an sacrament between men and women, and sexual behavior is a choice. No amount of decadence changes that.
re-nortex is a liberal troll laughing his ass off..
ReplyDeleteVery well said and absolutely spot on. The more I ponder it, given his evil streak, it's plausible that the vile, often drunk Levi Johnston, who poses for smut rags and is a favorite of leftists such as the unhinged Kathy Griffin, raped Bristol. Of course, the Palin family, having class and being good Christians, didn't press charges hoping that Levi would man up. No, I'm not claiming with certainty this happened but it certainly squares with how things turned out.
78 posted on 9/11/2014, 11:08:52 PM by re_nortex (DP - that's what I like about Texas)
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and this-the guy is making fun of the legless wonder himself;;
DeleteIf you find the truth to be "entertaining", so be it. All I know is that our generous host has declared that Free Republic is Palin Country. Jim is not only a war hero, pioneer in website design and champion of Conservative causes but a lot smarter than I can ever hope to be. So, if he's onboard for Governor Sarah Palin, so am I! To this day, Sarah Palin IS this Tea Partier's cup of Tea!!, remains one of my "must reads" inspirational articles. The boss sets forth a logical yet passionate argument on behalf of Governor Palin's leadership.
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..and this..
DeleteSince Jim Robinson's Patriotic stand at the Texas border, I've noticed that the flood of criminal invaders has slowed to a trickle around here. The power of "We the People" can not and will not be denied. Go FR go! Take America back!
4 posted on 9/10/2014, 12:57:48 PM by re_nortex (DP - that's what I like about Texas)
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and finally this..no one reads fr since 2001 and just joins up..guy is a retread troll
Those have become far less frequent within the past few years (and I've been reading FR since September 2001 in spite of my less than stellar born on date). I know they were always meant in good clean fun but, to some extent, yes, they did bother me. I presumed that "hitting" meant the sin of fornication. Like adultery, it's too often taken lightly and dismissed with a mere wave of the hand.
24 posted on 9/10/2014, 12:34:42 AM by re_nortex (DP - that's what I like about Texas)
For someone who kisses JimRob's ass as much as he does, I haven't found him on any of the donor lists.
DeleteJust the fact that he references DP in his tagline is freaking awesome.
DeleteI saw that too and was wondering what dp he could be referring too that is not double penetration.
DeleteThis is like Andy Kaufman levels of trolling.
DeleteHey Oz. Sup?
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say, I'm a realpolitik kind of guy. I'm past caring about some notion of "fairness", if it helps my foes.
Sup, Impy!
DeleteIt's not fairness, it's principles.
One can respect idealists of any stripe, but those who give up their principles because their ends justify their means? Those people - on both sides - are doing more harm than good.
One could argue Obama's use of executive orders to get his agenda done comes from the same place. The road to Hell and all that.