Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ferguson riot hoping

Freepers really want their Civil War, and these days the race war narrative seems the most likely possibility. Add in some unresolved unhappiness with the whole Civil Rights movement, and you get Freepers hoping (and therefore predicting) massive bloodshed when the grand jury hands down its indictment (or lack thereof) of Officer Wilson for the shooting of Mike Brown.

Don't get me wrong - the danger is real. But so is Freepers' gleeful disgust.

Da Coyote - lock and load!
So one side wants to worry the other side.

Two can play.

It is long past time to reverse the worry.

Lock and load.
LeoWindhorse - also lock and load!
lock & load baby
ThomasPaine2000 - also. Man, no points for originality here.
Lock and Load,,, I just upgraded to Home Defense 2.5, just sayin...
Extremely Extreme Extremist breaks out the dialect. I blame Rush Limbaugh for this impulse, I think.
Hear that, Teabaggers! Don’t be messin’ wit muh peeps as they be tryin’ to get they justice on fo’ Mike Brown, fo’ sure playa! Ya’ll crackas best be standin’ the F back!
unixfox calls false flag:
Designed to take Grubergate off the front pages.
2ndDivisionVet thinks the FBI is behind the coming riots:
The FBI and DoJ had a significant hand in “infiltrating” those trouble-makers, $#*+-stirrers, community organizers, NGOs, anarchists and communists into the mix. What a pant-load!
dragnet2 also vastly overestimates the FBI's capacity:
Well now is time for the FBI and law enforcement to cleanse us of all the violent thugs.

They know where they're at, know where they live and on and on. Like hundreds of thousands of gangsters, they've got them all cataloged in every detail.
Hulka fondly remembers the Civil Rights era.
I say hose them down, first, with fire-hoses, let them shiver in the sub-zero cold and then send them to Hades to warm up.
ozzymandus is sure riots are inevitable, and knows the way to solve the problem:
If they took that cop out and lynched him from a street light, there would still be riots. There are going to be riots, period. Best solution would be to shoot as many rioters as possible.
Captain Peter Blood has a rather drastic solution:
Why wait? Just get everyone together and destroy the town now rather than wait. Then the government can come in give out free money to compensate everyone and they can move somewhere else. End of Ferguson and problem.
whatshotandwhatsnot has a different drastic plan:
A day before the GJ announcement make a PSA that there will be no police presence in Ferguson. Give business owners and the innocent time to leave or hunker down. Go on to say that no government funding will be available for rebuild or replacement of any business or personal property damaged or destroyed by looting. Build and maintain a military perimeter and let it burn. After a few days bring in the bulldozers and body bags.

Harsh, yes. Realistic, yes. People are tired of being held hostage by perpetual victims, race baiters/hustlers and thugs.
pallis doesn't bother coming up with some elaborate plan to do what all the Freepers are wanting:
The best thing to do is kill them all, and send in the street sweepers. It will have to be done sooner or later, because we have let this insanity go on for too long.
lentulusgracchus has a weird and simplistic revisionist Roman history. Also, this means we need to kill Obama.
What is largely not taught about the Roman Revolution was that it featured lots of organized thuggery like this, always directed to political objectives, and that such thuggery was an integral component of Caesarism and Caesar's party (previously, Gaius Marius's party -- Caesar's uncle -- which carried the "tradition" back about 50 years before Caesar's death, and nearly to his birth).

After Caesar died, his "master of thugs", Marc Antony (yes, that Marc Antony) used those thug gangs to kill off a great part of the Roman nobility, in cooperation with Caesar's nephew and adoptive son, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus. Almost the first to die was the noble Marcus Cicero, together with Cicero's brother Quintus, who had conquered Aquitania (the Bordeaux country) while Caesar's great lieutenant during the Gallic Wars.

Antony and Octavian's objective, in slaughtering the ranks of Roman nobility, was to eliminate any other body of knowledge of how to organize and run the Roman state. They killed off the knowledge workers and officeholder class, leaving everything to themselves to settle and decide.

That's what's waiting for us if we don't stop this Caesar-wannabe in the White House and his Beast-in-Waiting.
RedHeeler knows black people super well:
This will be done because of JJ/AS and Calypso Louie, in the name of allah and the black freedemonic struggle. The cause is irreparable. There is no healing.
Old Yeller knows who needs to die.
When it becomes a shooting war, might I suggest that Sharpton be taken out right away. The head of the snake and all.
What's amazing is Sharpton did nothing but calm people down in this case, from what I've heard.

CivilWarBrewing just wants the Racial Holy War to get started:
Blacks live under their OWN rules. We see that everyday in our White House, and THEY SEE IT, TOO. There is NO REASONING with people who defend a THUG who pushed a cop, reached for his weapon and then turned on him and charged at him a SECOND time.

There is only ONE language they understand and it's called "DOUBLE TAP".


  1. Ferals need a new shoes and flatscreens, Rev Al and Jesse are quite about Chicago with 5-10 or more black deaths each weekend.

    Mow down all the sub humans with machine guns and they will think twice about pulling this crap again. Some people need controlled.

    1. Sure, but why stop there? Any time anyone breaks the law, we'll just start slaughtering everyone who shares their same skin color!

  2. Not that I share anon1's "mow them down" solution, but I do have concerns about the other groups that have co-opted the Ferguson protests.
    They're planning on turning the inevitable rioting into some sort of general anarcho-destroy-the-system-battle-in-seattle type of thing.

    1. Your actual anxiety is why you're not a Freeper.

      I share it.

      We shall see what happens.

      I'm kinda hoping the verdict comes down as Obama is making his immigration speech, for the perfect Freepstorm.

    2. Ozy you are being talked about in multiple post

    3. Always cool to see.
      I enjoy their speculating that I was once a Freeper.
      And by theorizing I mean stating it as if it were true, of course.
      Lurked for years, never signed up. Didn't see the point.

      machogirl seems nice. She's been on my spotlight watch-list for a while now.

    4. Credit where it's due, this quote in the thread had me laugh a lot:

      "Some people just need a high-five.

      In the face.

      With a chair."

      Too good to be wasted on Freepers.

    5. The posts about "trash in the street" about the Brown memorial at the shooting site on the other hand brought me back to the expected despair about humanity.

  3. sorry for the triple post, but I do wonder about one more thing. What about those "removed by moderator" posts. Too racist even when they advocate to gun down protesters? Had the gall to imply that indicting Wilson might be a good thing? Guess I'll never know...

    1. One may allude to the word nigger but never actually use it at Free Republic. That's the fig leaf. You can be a straight up Storm Front racist at Free Republic, that's fine but don't use the n word. Somehow that allows Freepers to think they are OK. Weird, eh?

    2. How perfect that I just now came across this clip on CollegeHumor!

    3. Diet Racism. (TM)
