Friday, November 7, 2014

Spotlight Friday: Terry L Smith

Via FreeperFan.

Former military engineer born into a Democratic family. Hates the poor, naturally. Super into guns, and Youtube(?!). He really likes to frame his posts as formal letters ("Dear... in regards to ...."), and really enjoys long meandering sentences. He also enjoys breaking into dialect for no good reason.
A registered libertarian ("to keep them guessing") who votes GOP every time. Also has a really dull manifesto on his profile page. His classy name for Obama is "The Queer In Charge."

In short, he's quirky, but very much not a deep thinker. I'd think he was some college-aged entitled asshat, except for the conspiracies. Alas, he's like 61.

Not a conservative, just a Real American:
I am neither conservative, nor liberal.
I am a Libertarian, and an American disabled military veteran.
I talk ‘American’, not ‘unidas estados’, or, as translated from Russian, ‘Union of States of America’.
Whenever I mention my country, it is America.
When ever I mention my heritage, it is American, of which I’m half Mojave.
When I talk of THE Flag, it is the American flag.
When I talk about my fellow beings (including you), within the Continental 48, I call them Americans.
When I worked with Soviet refugees, THEY said America.
When I worked with Thai nationals, THEY said America.
Lastly, as an American, there is nobody on the face of this Earth, that I bow to, man, woman, or queer. I am my own autonomy.
He's an independent libertarian who agrees with the GOP about everything:
Dear Kas,

re:”Did that help you changing to libertarian? I am not saying that all libertarian are bad. John Stossel for example is my favorite Libertarian. But by voting 3rd party you are handing your votes over to the left”

The politicians did help me in my choice, since both parties ‘left me and I not them”.

I vote by principle, i.e., ‘what is good for the nation - what will prove good for the next generation’, as I was taught, so many years ago, when Americans would beat the snot out of another American saying anything bad about this country.

I ‘registered’ Libertarian, to be the thorn in the side of both the Demoncrats and the Repubelicans.

I do NOT vote ‘party line’, to the point that I broke the nose of the union rep on the work floor, when he tried to intimidate me to vote ‘the union line’.

Voting ‘party line’ takes little or no thought, nor guts. My granduncle was the president of the local Democrat group, in Stamford, CT. My mother was a Democrat to where she believed I would be a little Democrat robot. When, in 1968, old boozer whoremonger and killer of his secretary Ted Kennedy foisted an anti-gun law on America, I knew it was wrong. I disappointed her to her last breath.
His Democratic mother gave him a tough, conservative upbringing will never be equaled
dear EBH,

I started working at the age of 14 at the base commissary, with my parents’ written permission, when we were living on-base, those many years ago.

While in high school, and lettering in Cross country, I had jobs at a locally owned department store (obviously way before Walmart), a hospital, and finally a supermarket near the house. All part time jobs, all minimum wage. When I graduated high school, my draft number was 3, so I started earning my full time wage, by enlisting in the Air Force, continuing the family line.

So, as the pussification of America continues, and those who still live im mummy’s basement whine about their measly wages, I just stand there and tell them to get off their duffs and prove they can do more, and better than they are, by enlarging their education in a trade, instead of a college paper to add to the roll in the bathroom, or k.m.a.!
When he became a libertarian:
Since the ‘Katrina Debacle’, I’ve changed to Libertarian, just to make things difficult for all the contenders, considering no one but me knows the direction I choose.

(Here’s a hint: “The nation faltered, when in the glorious wisdom of Congress, to repeal the anti-Communist laws that were ‘law of the land’.)
A nonpartisan boner for Mia Love
Lets limit all politicians to one term:
It is my belief, that ANY elected official, vying for their 2nd term in office, is either elected at the error of the constituents, or the constituents are so lazy, that all they know of the candidate, is their name.

It is my belief, that there should be, under no circumstances, more than a ‘second chance’ term, for any elected official. Why? Longevity more than one term breeds corruption.
After the Republican win in the midterms, will Harry Reid kill Obama?
Gee! Now that Harry Reid won’t be ‘boss’ anymore, ya think he’ll get so nasty as to ‘attempt a Roman senatorial response’ to good ol’ Queer-In_Charge?
Though before the midterm, he was speculating Obama was gonna let a nuke off in the US.
Another webite, b4itsnuz (my misspelling), has an article declaring that Obama wants to have a nuclear accident in this country, either today or tomorrow.

If you remember, some missile commanders were fired in the past, and it came out, that they REFUSED a presidential order to launch missiles on this country.
More leaks of classified info!
For 6 years, the military, and the elite corps, have been openly and defiantly crapped upon, by the queer-in-charge.

let them be heard!
Obama is using Ebola to kill off non-liberals:
The slice of the population of The United States that exists, that does not recognize the magnanimous, pompous, benevolent Queer-In_charge barack HUSSEIN obama, must be eradicated, whether it is the civilian, or the military, population.

I believe with the introduction of EnterovirusD68, and now the Ebola virus, this is the direct intention of His Queerness.
Taxes above 10% is spitting at God:
if this country is founded on judeo-christian principles, and the god of the bible says ‘give me one in ten of everything’, are we, by electing those who then demand from the electorate, MORE than what the god of the bible demands, not making THEM more worthy of ‘tribute - Roman definition’, than the one of whom desires the one in ten?

We’ve gone from those hallowed and revered principles to outright theft at the end of a gun, held by the very organization, that now, takes the money from us.
We need the economics of the late 1700s:
who was “the man with the plan”, in the time of The Founding Fathers?

Might we return to THAT person’s writings?
He's never had kids, for which he blames Bill Clinton:
I agree that homosexuality should be given no quarter, nor housed in safety.

I have no heirs. I lay the blame on the parents of these deviants, for not ‘taking care of their own problem’, and foisting public law upon me, to pay tax, legally coddle them, and by law only, accept them as part of society. That is part of Clinton’s legacy, too, in that federal anti-discrimination bill he signed.

Now that this abhorrent matter is in front of The U.S. Supreme Court, I expect all sorts of tomfoolery, and mockery, with the prime-time talking head harlequins running over each other, in their attempts to further fill their resume’s.
Juan Williams cannot be trusted:
The race-baiting, “liberal wolf in conservative’s sheep clothing”, Juan Williams, cannot be taken for granted, on ANY subject.


Who can believe a turncoat?

All I have seen of him, through YouTube and an occasional Fox video, shows him to still be married-in-the-mind-to-PBS. He DOES still display his allegiance to Obama, and wears it on his sleeve, proudly.

He should be put out on the street.
Love for Youtube:
I block any social media, except YouTube, so, I guess I’ll have to remember from my early DoD days.
Europe does not understand Freedom:
For most of Europe’s history, the words ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ are imported ideas, never having been truly part of Europe’s psyche, with all the monarchies, and vassal lords still living. If Europe were to desire freedom, from their very guts, every royal, vassal lord, and lesser royal would have to be stripped of everything, andf then their life, to blot them out completely.
We need patriotic citizens to find and kill Bowe Bergdahl
(children, close your ears)

IF Bergdahl is ever released onto Main Street America, I propose that an unspoken ‘open season’ notice be put out about him, ears for wampum, and EVERYBODY gets the NYC apartment hearing loss and blindness.
I done and gone and did d’at, so d’at dah woman what called me wacist, kin go pack her carpetbag!
More dialect:
Dear pc,

I did not say ‘lazy’. Complacency has become the new norm of American touted life, from the queer-in-charge, down. “I don’t need to go git that, ‘cause somebody’s gonna git it for me.”

You overlooked one other facet of the work force: ‘temporary employment services’. They practice another bugaboo, age discrimination.
He loves the acronym for "Phat Ass White Girl"
Ah done gone and did what I done did tah show d’at dah PAWG from dah chawklitt ci-tee ain’t dah one d’at I done did click!

No com ‘ere ah’s got tah kiss ya fool e’der!
More PAWG humor
deat tflabo,

In response to:
“Mary Landscrew as Miss Piggy.
Its not like she can bring home the bacon anymore because she IS the bacon.”

Nah, m’man! She dah PAWG!
(chil’lin, ax yo’ daddy what d’at mean)
Dialect, with a citation to some old time radio:
As the character named “Mr. o” on the walton and johnson radio show say:
“Itz all abou’ dah monee!”
Working for minimum wage for a decade must mean you're lazy
As one who hired and fired folks, and determined eligibility of those seeking to be hired as milvets, anybody that worked for more than three years, at the same place, at minimum wage, was seen as ‘not wanting to be going anywhere real soon’.

This dribble about ‘we have to raise the minimum wage to make it a living wage’, is just plain crap, and is really meant to drive businesses out of operation.


  1. He also enjoys breaking into dialect to signify that he holds black people in contempt as all true FReepers must.

    Fixed your typo.

  2. Long time freeper since 2004 "slump tester" zotted after getting ravaged by wagglebee.

    1. I'm beginning to gain a grudging respect for wagglebee.

      Since his return to FR, he's been like a one-man demolition crew, a termite from within, destroying FR at an average rate of several posters per week.

      And what's more, doing it in such a way that the jimcompoop can't even recognize what he's doing.
      TheOldLady (and all the other old ladies of FR) cheer him on as he destroys FR's foundations.

    2. I'm pretty sure Jim has given cart blanc to wagglebee as long as they aren't donating.

    3. From SlumpTester 's posting history, the guy isn't even liberal!

      They're just eating their own now. Or he never gave any money.

    4. I'm sure Jim would restore posting privileges for a donation to the cause....

  3. I suspect this freeper does not actually know any of the planks of the Libertarian Party.

  4. This vaccination/alleged sterilization thing has come up at least twice today. I wonder how FReepers square their hatred and disgust of poor people who can't afford children with objecting to birth control (whether forced or voluntary) for those they openly despise (especially Kenyans, judging from the NBC threads). Do they have to grudgingly be pro-life toward Africans, whom they incessantly claim racial and moral superiority to?

    1. In this thread the majority of Freepers actually argue for the rights of welfare moms against one who would like to have them sterilized.

      Mind. Blown.

    2. With some of them (a lot more than I am comfortable with) it's out and out racism with a large dash of superiority complex thrown in. Same thing that motivates Stormfronters and the extreme Men's Rights lot (to keep it on the right end of the spectrum - no doubt you can add the left side.)

      Some of them are devotees of the Red Queen - they are perfectly capable of believing 6 impossible and contradictory things before breakfast. The amount of effort that goes into that is impressive, in it's futile way.

      Most of them though, I think, simply don't give a crap about anything that happens outside of their immediate circle or experience. This is more for your comment on their views on the poor - after all, their parents and grandparents went through the Great Depression and fed 10 kids on a tin of beans a day and the kids were always immaculately turned out and there was money for the church. Things you learn in childhood very rarely get examined in later life. They are just there.

      Just my opinion - been wrong before and will be again.

  5. On the subject of the nominee for Attorney General,

    "Blatant in yer face racist partisan affirmative action affront to the United States.

    Considering the ongoing criminal questions about the Holder reign of terror, why would anyone rush to approve one of El Supremo’s racial cronies?"

    by Regualor

  6. I have to laugh when I read someone on this site say Freepers have a superiority complex. The irony is so rich, it's like butter!

    Ozymandias, here's some advice for you. If you're going to write a blog and post it where the world can actually read it, learn spelling and punctuation. Otherwise, with all your mistakes, you come off looking like a moronic rube. And you thought adopting a preening literary reference for a name would make you appear intellectual!

    "Dribble", indeed, LOL.

    1. "As one who hired and fired folks, and determined eligibility of those seeking to be hired as milvets, anybody that worked for more than three years, at the same place, at minimum wage, was seen as ‘not wanting to be going anywhere real soon’."
      What is wrong with this comment? He is 100% right. Wal mart/Lowes etc move people up very fast on the wage scale if they show up to work and do a halfway decent job

    2. Not anymore it doesn't. Long term unemployment means a large labor supply. Add in the baby boomers staying in the workforce, and there's no longer the churn in the system that leads to upward mobility.

      I know folks working at Target (not well, but we've talked about life). They don't seem to be screwups, but they aren't even being given a full 40 hour workweek, much less promotion.

    3. All those big box stores have huge turnover..if you stick it out, have a halfway decent attitude and do a decent job you get more hours and higher pay very quickly..months not years I know plenty of people who work at them and the ones who try to do a good job have many opportunities for advancement. A friend of mine is in his early 60's, retired, and wanted15-20 hours at the local WM for kicks to get out of the house..within 5-6 months they were pushing him to go fulltime which he refused.
