
Gotta say, that is a wonderfully exploitative picture of the teenage girl.

Yes, Obama is a psycho!

This is the worst finch ever.

Are Freepers saying Obama and Oprah are white trash?

Yeah, when Obama banned Freeping as an activity, that went a bit far.

What is supposed to be going on here?
ReplyDelete1. ..."Did they mean for Obama to look like Thomas Jefferson here?"
Answer: No, that is a classic pic of Vladimir Lennin, Obama's philisophical hero with Obama photoshoped in...the pic is fitting as Obama has been trying to implement one of Lennin's famous quotes: "The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."
2. "Yes, Obama is a psycho!"
Answer: Correct, those quotes will come in handy during the next election as the MSM didn't santitize them quick enough like they did during the last election. My favorite recaps from 2008 are: "I campaigned in 57 states," "I was born (1961) because of the march on Selma (1965) and many many more....
3. Are Freepers saying Obama and Oprah are white trash?"
Answer: No, but those types of marriage pictured don't last long and the divorce is already happening as Oprah won't be stupidly endorsing Obama this election cycle like she did during the last one...
4. "Yeah, when Obama banned Freeping as an activity, that went a bit far."
Answer: No, but he did try and ban all truthful press about him when he banned Fox from the WH. He also set up an "Orwellian spy on your neighbor" site with his "report fishy rumors web site"....
5. " Stupid Obama, always dressing funny and dancing..."
Answer: If you think he is dressing and dancing funny over Solyndra, wait to you see stupid Obama bust a move and start break dancing over his Gun Walker Fast and Furious scandal.....
1. Yeah, because trying to bring back the tax rates of the 1990s is exactly what Lenin would do.
ReplyDelete2. No evidence of psychosis there.
3. Who cares if Oprah endorses him or not? I certainly didn't care in 2008.
4. "Truthful press" and "Fox News" in the same sentence, LOL. Also "Orwellian spy on your neighbor."
5. Yep, that scandal will break any day now...just like the birth certificate scandal. Keep the faith.
For everyone out there who forgot; greasy little euphgeek would like for you NOT to remember this little Orwellian Obama jewel:
ReplyDeleteObama: "There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse..gov."
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, charged the White House with compiling an "enemies list." In a letter to the president, Cornyn urged Obama to provide Congress with more details on what the White House plans to do with anyone reported for "fishy"speech.
"I am not aware of any precedent for a president asking American citizens to report their fellow citizens to the White House for pure political speech that is deemed 'fishy' or otherwise inimical to the White House's political interests," he wrote.
"You should not be surprised that these actions taken by your White House staff raise the specter of a data collection program. As Congress debates health care reform and other critical policy matters, citizen engagement must not be chilled by fear of government monitoring the exercise of free speech rights,"he wrote.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/08/05/white-house-draws-requesting-fishy-information-supporters-health-reform/#ixzz1Z0EZCuvC
Fox News at least reported it but the other members of the MSM gleefully fell right into lock-step with Obama. Greasy little euphgeek gives lip service to free speech (and a bunch of other things I'll wager) but actually he is just spouting the party approved rhetoric.....
ReplyDeleteLOL, good job at "ignoring" me. An "enemies list," huh? Is that the new talking point from the Republicans/teabaggers? You do realize that term came from Richard Nixon, a Republican, right? Except nowhere do I see anything about Obama collecting names of people who are spreading the rumors. I wonder why that is? Hmmm...Could it be that he's just doing something similar to his Fight the Smears website from 2008? Nah, it must be something sinister because... well... because Fox News said so.
Honestly, Barry, if I spouted half the tinfoil hat nuttery you did, I'd be too embarrassed to respond to rational people, too.
greasy little euphgeek must really worry about what I post here because he valiantly tries to defend the undefendable, without evidence of course. Obama's misinformation and dis-information site "Fight the Smears" was so "wildly successful" that he had to launch yet another site called "AttachWatch.com"
ReplyDeleteFor those liberals who spent the 2008 campaign, and much of this presidency, wishing President Obama would go all Road House on opponents, the new site is a good sign. Gone are the cheery red, white, and blue graphics and dignified fonts, replaced by stark red and white letters on a black background, and grainy film noir photos of AttackWatch suspects like Gov. Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Glenn Beck. It’s hard to tell whether the object is to win an election, or to hunt down Keyser Soze.
The site also features an “Attack Files” section that aggregates pushback research against attacks, like “President Obama really is a friend to Israel, despite unfounded claims to the contrary.”
If this campaign is anything like 2008, that page is going to get mighty full, as then-Senator Obama’s opponents reached all the way back to his kindergarten class for oppo grist. Maybe this time around, they’ll circulate a sonogram featuring an in utero turban that the site can push back against (hahahaha).
These sites are just reiterating age old community organizer techniques of "getting into your opponents faces." ......Obama's record is what is going to defeat him and all the sites in the world trying to show what Obama accomplished (nothing is hard to show) will do him no good....
ReplyDeleteTalk about who's worried about who posting here, you're the one pretending to ignore me while answering me by talking as if there's someone else actually listening to you.
Yes, Fight the Smears was successful in helping Obama get elected. Why not repeat that success?
I agree, though, that Obama will have a tough time getting reelected. Good thing he has such ridiculous opponents that are unpopular with the general public. So who do you want to win, Rick "Ponzi scheme" Perry, Mitt "flip-flop" Romney, Michele "crazy eyes" Bachmann, Ron "I'm popular on the internet" Paul, Rick "santorum" Santorum, Herman "running the country is the same as running a pizza company" Cain or Sarah "send me money so I can decide" Palin?
You see, people may be dissatisfied with Obama and want someone else. But if his opponent is insane, then people will reject them, the same way they rejected Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Ken Buck and Joe Miller. That last one must have hurt since he lost to a write-in candidate with a hard to spell last name.
More Highlites:
ReplyDeleteOzi wrote:
(1) "Bye-bye Perry. You lost to the Phantom Palin candidacy."
Answer: the Repub nomination is up for whoever can get it, remember how Obama said he wasn't going to run then ran?? Yes those were the days...before our national debt was doubled by reckless dem spending and unemployment wasn't greater than 9% and there weren't 40 million people on food stamps.... yep it won't be too tough to beat Obama on his preformance record....
ReplyDeleteYes, and all polls show a majority of people blame this economy on Bush more than they do Obama.
Face it, your side has nothing. Teabaggers will work hard to ensure Obama wins a second term.
Ozi wrote:
ReplyDelete(1) "What is supposed to be going on here?"
Answer: It is a modern art montage of Hispanic origin showing Barry being arrested for trying to cover up evidence of his political campaign contribution crimes by burying it in Michelle's garden, because no thinking person actually goes there....not even Mexican field workers which he tried to disguise himself as....more proof that Obama is losing his Hispanic base....
ReplyDeleteThanks for that little insight into the deranged mind of a Freeper.
Ozi wrtoe:
ReplyDelete(1) "This is the worst finch ever."
Answer: Wrong, it could be covered in crude oil given how long Obama took to respond to his BP oil spill disaster.....
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't nearly as long as Bush took to respond to Hurricane Katrina...or 9/11.
Ozi wrote:
ReplyDelete(1) "Gotta say, that is a wonderfully exploitative picture of the teenage girl."
Answer: yes and no, they have a long way to go before they learn how to be a master exploiter like Obama. He defty uses fake criers, fake fainters, fake homeless people, children and dead soilders to spice up his speeches .....yep a LONG way to go to catch up to master exploiter Obama.....
ReplyDelete"Obama acts like a regular politician! That means he's EEEEVIL!" LOL.
Ozi where are you, come on post some more!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I'm your only friend. :)
I take Sundays off. Went out and saw Moneyball.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Monday Morning.
Something named "euphgeek" (apparently some form of a penile sounding device used in urethral play) posted this as part of his comments:
ReplyDelete"Face it, your side has nothing. Teabaggers will work hard to ensure Obama wins a second term."
euphgeek should probably pay more attention to the real world and less time deep throating the next big lie from the dems.....
During the first two years of Obama’s presidency (when congress was controlled by dems and with practically NO Repub or indept support), he got everything he wanted. Obamacare, numerous “jobs” bills, a bunch of “green jobs” initiatives and an $860 billion “stimulus” that was going to save the country from a recession. Since then, food stamp usage is through the roof and the black unemployment rate is over 16%.
All the polls now say that this is "Obama's economy." Whys houldn't it be, it is all the stuff that he voted for during his brief senate stint and then he signed into law as president. Yep, O owns this economy lock, stock and barrel and it is going to sink him the next election...
ReplyDeleteAnd now here comes the gay "insults" that every RWNJ resorts to when they're losing an argument. It's rather amusing to see, especially when you seem to have gay sex on your mind a lot more than any gay man. Whenever I see it, I instantly know that the person has no valid argument, and looking through the rest of your reply, I was obviously right. Nothing you wrote refuted the fact that polls show that a majority blame the economy on Bush.
everybody can google these days except euphgeek...the polls stated this this is Obama's economy and they also show his approval rating at a stellar 36% ......the economy and the ratings go hand in hand as they should because this is his economy...and now O has no new second stimulus (read porkulus) program or another Bin Laden to shot to pull his nose diving poll numbers out of their tail spin... yep the proof is in the pudding and the pudding belongs to Obama.... who do you all think the new Repub president will be??
ReplyDeleteFunny thing, people actually remember who was president when the economy went bad, no matter how you RWNJs try to twist it. Obama may get the blame for not fixing it, but Bush gets the blame for creating it in the first place.
Of course, if people are dumb enough to elect another Republican, they'll deserve the 25%+ unemployment they'll get.
Obama, I had no idea you were your own harshest critic. I'm all for people with power challenging themselves, like Undertaker vs Undertaker or Sin Cara vs Sin Cara, but I've never seen anything like this. I can't wait for you to show up at an Obama rally and just point at him. Then you can have a match at Hell in a Cell next year before the election so we can determine the real Obama.
ReplyDeleteFun facts, Obama doubled the deficit, increased unemployment, increased number of people on food stamps, had three wars going, Makes us read Miranda rights to terroist suspects, Cybersecurity Act of 2009, gives Obama an unchecked "OFF" switch to the internet, oh does the list go on and on and on.... yep that new Republican president will have their hands full repairing the horrible damage done....
ReplyDelete@kidglov3s: I aim to please and I keep challenging myself by trying to set the bar higher as to what the next thing I can screw up even more than before will be.....and I just keep coming back to the economy, I really haven't screwed that up enough but if you all will just pass my porkulus jobs bill you'll really see...
ReplyDeleteI love your "facts" which are just right wing talking points that you wish were true.
I am reporting my self to Attackwatch.com for telling the truth, hopefuly they can spin it as well as euphgeek but I am afraud that reality has already started setting in, which is hard to argue with....... if you look at the Treasury Dept website it gives the actual undown-played debt because if you are using the CBO well remember, it was you all that said they served president Bush's wishes.... let's pray for the next Republican president and hope that Obama doesn't tank things even worse before he is voted out based on his sad sad performance....
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately for you, reality has a well-known liberal bias.
the liberal's patented "Turd Polishing Glossy Coat" which they applied "liberally" to Obama worked for only a very short period. That's because they didn't read the warning label which stated that: "the shine comes off the more you try and "spin the candidate"." The warning also included that if the shine comes off it could permanently damage your historical profile. Based on his past, present and very likely future (given the short amount of time he has to do damage) performance, his historical profile is going to look pretty pathetic....
ReplyDeleteI'll agree that Obama's presidency hasn't been the most stellar. Health care reform didn't go far enough and unemployment is still high. But unless Republicans nominate someone who isn't crazy (Huntsman or maybe Romney), Obama will win a second term.
Krauthammer is another Rovian Republican big government spending belt way boot licker but I agree completely with his asseseement of who and what Obama is...
ReplyDeleteKrauthammer seems to be whining about rich people having to pay more money. Oh, those poor rich people! If we tax them too much, they won't be able to afford that sixth Lamborghini and put off buying that solid gold yacht! Then where will the economy be? I know, let's call them "job creators" so that we can continue giving them tax subsidies out of the pockets of poor people! Poor people don't need that money anyway, they'd just waste it on food, shelter and other necessities.
You really are completely teflon coated when it comes to pointing out Obama's far left socialist ideals aren't you??......he dodged the bullet about him functionally being a socialist last election but now that we have very clearly seen it in action over the last 3 years AND the results, he will not dodge it this time, guarantee it, people are not as stupid as you'd like to think...they see the results which when it comes down to it is all Barry has to go on....
ReplyDeleteIf Obama is a socialist, then so were Reagan and Eisenhower, because tax rates were higher under those two presidents than under Obama. But do call him a socialist all you want, though. I'm sure it will help whichever nutjob the Republicans end up nominating.
You ARE telfon coated, you are so desperate to spin Obama (and bury most of that buyer's regret) you're not even looking closely at him.
ReplyDeleteSure for most, not all of Reagan's presidency there were higher tax rates but lets look at what you are purposefully leaving out and NOT SAYING so you can try and save Obama's reputation.......
President Reagan campaigned on an explicitly articulated, four-point economic program to reverse this slow motion collapse of the American economy:
1. Cut tax rates to restore incentives for economic growth, which was implemented first with a reduction in the top income tax rate of 70% (under CARTER) down to 50%, and then a 25% across-the-board reduction in income tax rates for everyone. The 1986 tax reform then reduced tax rates further, leaving just two rates, 28% and 15%. (Which are now higher)
2. Spending reductions, including a $31 billion cut in spending in 1981, close to 5% of the federal budget then, or the equivalent of about $175 billion in spending cuts for the year today. In constant dollars, nondefense discretionary spending declined by 14.4% from 1981 to 1982, and by 16.8% from 1981 to 1983. Moreover, in constant dollars, this nondefense discretionary spending never returned to its 1981 level for the rest of Reagan’s two terms! Even with the Reagan defense buildup, which won the Cold War without firing a shot, total federal spending declined from a high of 23.5% of GDP in 1983 to 21.3% in 1988 and 21.2% in 1989. That’s a real reduction in the size of government relative to the economy of 10%.
3. Anti-inflation monetary policy restraining money supply growth compared to demand, to maintain a stronger, more stable dollar value.
4. Deregulation, which saved consumers an estimated $100 billion per year in lower prices. Reagan’s first executive order, in fact, eliminated price controls on oil and natural gas. Production soared, and aided by a strong dollar the price of oil declined by more than 50%.
These economic policies amounted to the most successful economic experiment in world history. The Reagan recovery started in official records in November 1982, and lasted 92 months without a recession until July 1990, when the tax increases of the 1990 budget deal killed it. This set a new record for the longest peacetime expansion ever, the previous high in peacetime being 58 months...
Yeah Obama's record is just like Reagan's.... whatever.....
You need to leave your flawed politics behind and become a critical thinker or you'll never get anywhere.... "let's try socialism because over 100 years of failure proves nothing..."
What is so striking about Obamanomics is how it so doggedly pursues the opposite of every one of these planks of Reaganomics. Instead of reducing tax rates, President Obama is committed to raising the top tax rates of virtually every major federal tax. If already enacted into current law as planned,
ReplyDeleteAs a result, while the Reagan recovery averaged 7.1% economic growth over the first seven quarters, the Obama recovery has produced less than half that at 2.8%, with the last quarter at a dismal 1.8%. After seven quarters of the Reagan recovery, unemployment had fallen 3.3 percentage points from its peak to 7.5%, with only 18% unemployed long-term for 27 weeks or more. After seven quarters of the Obama recovery, unemployment has fallen only 1.3 percentage points from its peak, with a postwar record 45% long-term unemployed.
ReplyDeleteNow do you see how ridiculous it is to call Obama a socialist? You do the most entertaining gymnastics to not call Reagan a socialist while trying desperately to call Obama one. And while Obama talks about raising taxes, Reagan actually did it several times during his presidency. If he was running today, you'd call him a RINO!
Obama's economics is failing because it's not very different from Bush's. In fact, taxes have never been lower than under Obama.
@euphgeek...you also fogot to say that SPENDING has never been higher than under Obama....
ReplyDeleteI would have said it if I was a liar.