Well, more like "Spectacularly wrong Boston predictions with a sprinkling of other crazy."
Thorliveshere knows life in prison is nothing but good times:
Dammit, wanted the little dope to off himself. Is it wrong for me to think that, now he’ll be pampered and treated like a little prince in prison our dime.
(Only thing now is I wish for him to be waterboarded. Is that so wrong, too?)
Sir Francis Dashwood councils you to remain terrified, nothing is over!
The Sheriffs in your counties had better start recruiting, deputizing, and arming civilians.
When these terrorists see the disarray caused by two young snot nosed kids, they will hit us again...
This was a test run.
George Varnum will blame every bad thing ever on Muslims:
Don’t forget the “Pyro Jihad” as the forests dry out.
I’m expecting a lot of wildfires to be “Acts of Allah” or “Arab lightning”. Those can do as much damage as any bomb, if not more... and they know it.
SkyDancer senses America has changed since 5 months ago:
Yes, the climate has changed. People are getting really upset over liberalism.
The libnuts are all on their knees right now praying to Satan that the image is of a white male wearing an NRA t-shirt.
Diogenesis's experience tells him the true bomber is a Muslim or fake:
Differential list (developing):
1. al Qaeda
2. Holder’s (DO”J” black flag) agent
3. Obama’s White House (black flag) agent
4. Obama’s allies (al Qaeda) plant
5. Terrorist aided by the State Dept
ansel12 knows who really needs to be worried:
Who is more in danger of being attacked, a member of the Sikh religion in America, or anyone being white and in a black neighborhood, or in any area where a lot of blacks are present?
Venturer loves how he gets to be super racist on Free Republic these days:
30 years ago when I said this, I was a racist.
10 years ago in this forum I was called a racist for thoughts very similar to these.
Today more people are waking up.
I have no desire to enslave anyone,but I also do not intend to be enslaved.
Years ago I saw affirmative action placing unqualified people in jobs they did not warrant.I saw these people get promoted over deserving white people because of their race.
Soon I saw them taking over these jobs and was actually told We is in Charge now.
Today we have a back Presdient,elected because of his race.
Now previous experience, No understanding of econimics, No understanding of how laws should be made, no idea of foreign policy.No Idea of how to pick competent people who can do the job. Just appointing his Buddies who don’t pay their taxes and share his melanin.
Spartan302 - blame Obama fail!
I bet in some form of trickle down the explosives used in Boston yesterday are from Obama aide to terrorists back east.
The scorpion and the toad.
Its their nature.
DocRock knows Persians can hold a grudge for a long time!
Has anyone asked what does the Marathon commemorate? The defeat of the Persians. I’ve not seen any references at all regarding Iranians could be upset because of the significance of this.
What about Obama's actual dsighters,
Pollster1, ya cock?
If Obama had a son, I don’t know if his son would look like the Boston bomber, but I’m quite confident I know whether the son would hate America and act like the bomber.
SkyPilot's mind was seared when he went to a party and discovered that some lawyers are greedy tools:
I'll never forget being at a social gathering once, standing in a circle of people I barely knew, and listening a group of very young female lawyers.
They kept throwing out the term: "medmal."
Everything was "medmal" this and "medmal" that. I took about a minute to realize this was the legal predator pet name for Medical Malpractice.
It was how they made their ill gotten salaries - suing doctors, hospitals, whatever they could target.
What would he NOT do...?
.Uphold the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Rule of Law.
.Tell everyone the complete unfiltered truth about Benghasi
.Provide freely all information about Fast and Furious
.Quit blaming the GOP and conservatives for everything
.Quit campaigning on every issue he intends to shove down our throats
.Work on eliminating duplicate offices / government agencies and submitting some kind of REAL budget to Americans
.Quit persecuting Christians in the USA (have a national prayer day)
.Quit causing racial divide and class warfare
.Quit taking vacations on the taxpayers dime that are exhorbitently expensive
.Get off his butt and help businesses in America create jobs for the millions of unemployed
.Quit giving away entitlements to people who are scamming, who aren't citizens, and who could be working real jobs if there were any real jobs
What I like about this is how you can see the thought process. "Conspiracies! And persecuting me! And the budget! Also, persecuting me! And the laziness! Also, fuck the poor!"
muawiyah knows why Eleanor Clift isn't discussing mental health - liberals just love to chain up crazy people!
The last thing Eleanor wants is for Congress to come to grips with the problem of mad men wandering about the countryside arm in arm with the ACLU.
She'd rather oppress all the innocent than CATCH and STOP a single schizophreniac before he kills.
I suspect Eleanor's real concern here involves her own personal life, and those of her friends. There are, after all, people who still keep crazy aunt Mary chained up at night, 'but she's at home'.
SkyPilot, on the other hand, knows Psychiatry itself is a liberal conspiracy:
It is coming. In fact, it is already here.
The first targets will be recovering addicts (including alcohol), veterans, anyone who has ever been prescribed an antidepressant or sleep aid.
I would also include any male who has ever been involved in any type of domestic dispute (even if there were no charges).
The net will then suddenly be cast far and wide. Psychiatry is a "made up" science. They have the ability to invent any "condition" or "syndrome" they wish.
The very fact that you resist is further evidence that you require "treatment."
left that other site thinks diagnosing depression is antisemitic:
I heard that one of the “Mental Disorders” is if one grieves for a deceased loved one for more than a prescribed number of days.
After the deadline, you are no longer a bereaved widow, but a nutcase.
NICE, eh?
That would probably include all the pious Jews who light a candle on the the anniversary of the loved one’s death every year, and are reminded by mail to do so.
A convenient way of justifying “rounding them up.”
old and tired makes up numbers, and then gets really indignant about it:
I skimmed through the text of 0's remarks in the WSJ. Good gravy, I detest that man. He's like a 12 year old boy making up stuff as he goes along - he said 90% of Americans favor background checks but 90% of Republicans voted against them while 90% of Democrats voted for them.
I guess to Obama, 90% of Republicans don't count as people.
MrB thinks white guilt was a part of Satan's long game to let Obama be President:
Satan/the commies
sure picked the right cipher in Obama.
They spent decades setting up white guilt to the point that any hint of an accusation of racism is enough for us to shut up and not challenge them.
[Gabby Giffords] Proof you can shoot a Democrat in the head and not hit a brain. I am sick of this bitch. A liberal shot her and she wants to pass on her anger to conservatives. She played the role of unarmed victim and now wants us to be unarmed against aggression.
left that other site knows the Boston bombers are never gonna be caught:
IF it was a White, Christian, Licensed Gun Owning, Republican, He would have been found, tried, convicted and executed by now.
The long delays, speculations, denials, and coverups point to the “Religion of Peace” more than anything else.
Just my opinion.
RetiredArmy has found the antichrist, and it is twitter!
I am so danged glad I am not on social media or even give a stink about social media. Social media will be the voice of the Antichrist when he speaks to his minions and demons.
Mortrey hates civilization:
I love what one smart Freeper said...
“One day closer to street justice.”
ClearCase_guy knows some people just deserve better things:
The Left likes to pretend that all people are just simply equal.
In truth, some folks are just better than the average bear. And these are the sorts of people who are being punished by the Obama regime.
liberalh8ter goes through everyone know knows all about the REAL Boston Bombing:
Someone Knows
Yup.....and I'm betting Valerie Jarrett, BO, Huma Abedin and the rest of the MB crowd are well aware of who is responsible for this.
rktman is trying to be funny, but ends up being crazy:
I heard a rumor that the libs have an auto tune device implanted in them and they automatically hear the master puppeteer speak. Kind of like those that pick up radio stations through their fillings. Very painful for the un-initiated I’m sure. “Hello Eloi. This is the master Morlock speaking to you directly from my teleprompter. Everything you say and do WILL be used against you in a court.” (Not necessarily a court of law either.)
St_Thomas_Aquinas knows Obama was up to no good during the Boston bombings:
I want to know where this jackass is RIGHT NOW.
Since Benghazi, the burden of proof is on him. He's guilty until proven innocent.
Crazy or just a bastard? muawiyah obstructs justice by urging Freepers to report someone who insulted Sarah Palin on twitter as in league with the Boston bomber.
These are probably the very same leftwingtards who tried to murder Sarah and her children at a church they used to attend.
Need to report them to ATF ~ at: 1-888-ATF-BOMB (1-888-283-2662)
Why I say that is that very frequently after an organized attack the attackers confederates elsewhere will put out spurious news stories to confuse and confound investigating authorities.
The Tweeters Above meet the standards of suspicion in cases like this.