Friday, April 12, 2013

Spotlight Friday: Iron Munro

One of the many "Purer than thou art" Freepers, Iron Munro is eager to point out how other Freepers are compromising, and therefore wrong. His profile is some kinda fictional superhero biography. Other than that, he's hard to distinguish from the usual Freeper - yelling about guns, negros and Obama's spending.

Bipartisanship is unconstitutional.
Ayn Rand: “In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit.”

Whenever republicans “compromise” with democrats the constitution takes another direct hit.

A compromise is nothing more than giving democrats a win but cloaking it in other terms to make it sound better.

Every compromise is a loss for patriots and conservatives and a win for anti-constitutional Nanny Staters.

Democrats are happy to advance their agenda by chipping away a little at a time. Like water eroding a rock - sooner or later they will gradually erode our culture and constitution until they are lost.
The government's coming war on White People:
We can't be lured into thinking that the hands-off-by-law-enforcement style we see in the minority areas will be the way the government sets about disarming white suburbs, rural areas, Tea Party groups, military vets, militias, etc.

Think "Ruby Ridge" and, especially, "Siege Of Waco" - that is more like the treatment we can expect.
Public Schools are totes evil:
Totalitarian classroom tyrants like Professors Sragow are Hitler’s and Stalin’s revenge on America.
How Liberals Work:
Giving away money and spending money we don't have has become an addiction to Obama, other socialists and democrats, and RINOs.

Like drug addicts around crack cocaine, like alcoholics with a bottle of booze, they have no control - they are totally mindless when it comes to throwing away money they extort from taxpayers and future generations.

They should all be sent to some sort of long term rehab for addicts, preferably in a maximum security prison.
Obama's weakness leads to an Administration that's all dumb:
Ever notice how Obama surrounds himself with buffoons, incompetents and weak figureheads like Shotgun Joe?
(and Hagel, Napolitano, Sebelius, Hillary, Kerry, etc.)

Weak, insecure leaders like Obama tend to avoid strong subordinates - they feel threatened by confident, independent people. That dooms them to mediocrity at best.

Strong, confident, secure leaders don’t feel threatened by strong subordinates so they tend to select the strongest, most competent people available. That gives them a strong, capable organization, able to set their sights high and rise above mediocrity.
Obama totally fooled Thomas Friedman!
Friedman and other fools like him still won’t accpt the fact that they were, and still are, Obama’s punks.

They might be surprised that the “Arab Spring” made things worse, not better but Obama knew where it was headed from day-1.

These fools are used by Obama to legitimize him and give him cover and they stll slobber all over themselves at the chance to do it again.
Only Freepers and Obama know how this whole thing will turn out!

Obama's America:
The Moochers get more freebies.

The Middle Class gets poorer and smaller.

Producers are called names and get higher taxes.

Obama's pals get billions and billions in handouts.

The Obamas live like King and Queen while lecturing others about "Fair Share" and "Skin In The Game".


  1. Just posting to say that this guy's profile is the best thing I've read all week.

  2. I don't agree with much of what Iron Munro says but he is not a total wackjob like many freepers.

    1. Agreed ...
      internet tough guy, real-life nobody, nothing more, nothing less.
