Friday, November 8, 2013

Hillary's qualifications

I let time get away from me, so Friday Spotlight will be Saturday. In the meantime, here are a few articles from my buffer:

Freepers work on switching their rage to Hillary, now that the political upside of hating Obama has decreased. But you can't turn that kind of emotional juggernaut on a dime. Plus Hillary has a legacy with them, one filled with old conspiracies until Obama won and then they kinda liked her, then they stopped caring. In the end, she was useful only as part of their grand secret Obama drama.

All this means that as they return to hating Hillary, there's an amusing mix of white-hot rage, dusty decades-old conspiracy theories, and the usual fear and loathing.

rockabyebaby is comforted that Freepers already have some conspiracy theories on her:
Qualifications: murderer and liar, yep, she’s the perfect dem candidate.
Brad from Tennessee tries to find a number bigger than infinity:
Hillary is vastly more qualified than Obama and she may be vastly more dangerous.
dennisw invents some illness:
Hillary is ill with thyroid problems meaning she feels like she has run out of gas. She has a roller coaster thyroid condition where she can be “switched on” for a few weeks then off and down for a few weeks

I cannot see how she will run for President
blackdog knows Benghazi plus alcoholism means Obama is doomed?
Words meant to thicken the Hildabeast’s armor for the Benghazi gun running operation about to come undone in public hearings. Obama needs a person to fall on their sword and Hillary only falls down drunk with no sharp objects around.
mardi59 seems a bit worried:
The liberals owe Kankles. They dumped on her for Ozone. Now it’s time for them to go for the glass ceiling and put the power hungry whore in the WH.

The republicans need to jump on this NOW and bring her down over Benghazi and bang the drum over her health issues. Sadly, I won’t hold my breath. With McStain around there will be plenty of liberal butt kissing to go around!
Coldwater Creek knows all is for naught, as we're in the Saudi Matrix:
She can run all day long, but the final candidate and winner will be whoever the Saudis choose.
laweeks knows this is Palin's time to shine!
I am absolutely and totally convinced that Palin would trounce this criminal. I think there'd be such a groundswell of activity across the nation that no amount of negative trashing of Sarah would help. The Hilderbeast would be beaten so bad that fraudulent voting would not be able to help her.
Cringing Negativism Network's analysis shows women vote like robots, so Palin vs. Hillary would be awesome:
What we have here, is US women voting.

Currently they are overwhelmingly voting democrat. Palin would split the women’s vote.

How much I don’t know. But Palin represents a serious, very serious threat.

I for one am tired of all the negativism around here. There is an election in 3 1/2 years.

Let’s start getting our forces in order, and planning to boot this bunch of losers out.
Using only The Google, LibertyOh found a new Hillary scandal from the 1970s!
Martindale Hubbel’s listing for the Rose law firm while she was a partner indicated her expertise including intellectual property law. It’s been a long time since I looked this over, but I believe she was the only partner at the time making such a claim. The infamous suit that was the subject of misbilling centered on intellectual property (remember the records that mysteriously showed up in Hildabeast’s closet). There is no way she wasn’t involved in the subject lawsuit and misbilling.

So - I believe it is likely she “ran” or “commanded” a litigation effort that resulted in defrauding a Rose law firm client, for which she avoided any responsibility. Seems this is her mode - run a disaster (Benghazi) and let others suffer the consequences.
RedElement's analogy skills are strong:
Hillary’s entire career is that of a 18th century royal mistress. Her power and notoriety derive from being the consort of WJC. She is the Madame Pompadour of our day. Bill was POTUS; HRC is his consort. The voters of NY were willingly seduced by that. Her tenure as SecState was disastrous. Hillarycare went down in flames, despite Dems controlling Senate and House. Tell me again why she is so qualified?
ConservativeStatement warns of the hordes of feminists that will take over:
Instead of one Sandra Fluke at the DNC, there will be lines waiting to tell their stories of how they are victims and males are evil. She wins and it will be infinitely worse than anything Obama has constructed.
Tilted Irish Kilt knows Sol Alinski is the new Bill Ayers!
Check out her Masters thesis on: Sol Alinski.
Alinski , personally, wanted her to be his successor.


  1. Ahhhh...we need our own humblegunner to run off the scammers and pimp bloggers.

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    thank u sexy

  3. OK, I'm leaving this up.

    It is the best spam ever. How could you not believe a site called notscam??

    thank u sexy

  4. But Palin represents a serious, very serious threat

    I have mixed emotions about the Palin cargo cult. On the one hand, thinking Palin is viable is such huge rejection of logic and facts that it drives me nuts. On the other hand, their worship of this shameless grifter suggests that they're not gonna smarten up re: electability any time soon. Plus, seeing Palin abandoned, at long last, by her base would be personally satisfying. But then again, I kinda want her to keep wasting their time, money and energy forever, or at least until Bristol's old enough to take over the family snake-oil trade.

    1. Palin losing to Hillary would literally cause freeper suicide among the onyx crowd.
      Please lets do what we can to get Sarah in this race!

    2. Freepers love their shameless grifters. Be they from Fresno or Wasilla.

    3. Please lets do what we can to get Sarah in this race!

      We'll have to start pretending to be afraid of her, which might be hard for some of us non-actors.

      I don't think FReepers would commit suicide under that scenario, though. If you ask me, the key to their psychology is that they're "glad to be unhappy," as the old song says. Sure, they'd rather Palin won, on the whole, but if she lost they'd get a bumper crop of the anger-porn they live for. Some of 'em, I suspect, might actually get more pleasure from complaining about a loss than they'd get from winning. Most lasting pleasure, certainly....

    4. Most a lastinga pray shoor yes !
      Anger Porn sooo a sessy !

      Sara Aah

  5. U blog sexy such a huge p yes !
