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The horror! |
In the mountain out of a molehill department, here we have Freepers trying to pretend they find the above antics super offensive. I don't know who they're trying to convince, but it's hilariously pathetic.
Proud2BeRight demands more professionalism!
Democrats are always so classy and professional.Steve_Seattle is sure there's a double standard out there.
I can imagine doing something similar myself, especially under the influence of alcohol. It is just male goofiness. But, to me, the point is that this will not break into the national news, whereas if Boehner or some other Republican did it, it would be a hot national story, dragged into the "war on women" theme, etc.bkopto has decided this is sexist?
He’s allowed to wage war on women because he’s a D.Aevery_Freeman is sure there is voter fraud in Minnesota:
Any conservative doing that would be hounded out of office.
The morons who voted for him won’t be bothered by this at all.I thinkg Cletus.D.Yokel is saying liberal women don't have boobs?
Excuse me! They will be rolling over in their graves.
Insult to conservative women but compliment to entertainment wymyn.Dr. Bogus Pachysandra just hates.
He’s another infected, suppurating pustule,, like harry Screed!Iron Munro goes the full melodrama.
How far we have fallen.
This guy is always talking about how much sex he has had. he has brought this up 4-5 times in the last few years
I've engaged in heterosexual sex more than 3900 times in my life. That's just a quick calculation of 2.5x per week average x 30 years of marriage. It was actually closer to 2.5x per day the first few years!
I've fathered three conservative daughters who all married conservative men and have given us three grandchildren, with at least one more on the way.
I think about heterosexual sex maybe only once per hour now, considerably down from the "constantly" where I was 20-30 years ago.
Homosexual activity has about as much appeal to me as skinny dipping in a sewage treatment pond.
So, am I an anomaly? I think I'm pretty darn normal among real American men.
31 posted on 10/17/2014 8:52:57 AM PDT by Vigilanteman (Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?)
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Hey guys, have I mentioned my heterosexuality today?
DeleteOff topic, slightly, but here's an interesting math story problem.
ReplyDeleteAccording to a recent Marist poll, Americans who personally know someone who is gay are two times more likely to support marriage equality. And CBS polling shows that Americans are much more likely to know a gay person now (69 percent) than they were in 1993 (19 percent).
Freepers are fond of saying that gays are "only" 1-2% of the population, at best, so why the fuck do they need any civil rights anyway. Ignoring for the moment that rights don't depend on what percentage of the population you are:
- If 69% of Americans now know someone who's gay vs. 19% in 1993, it doesn't mean we have have a gay population explosion; it more likely means that those Americans knew gay people all along and just weren't aware of it yet.
- If 69% of Americans now know someone who's gay, how the hell could that be 1-2% of the population, unless those ~ 6.2 million gay people knew damn near everybody in America?
Eh, it's not that far-fetched. Over-simplified version: if we assume 2% of the population is gay, that's about 1 person in 50. Assuming your circle of contacts- including work, family, family's friends, school, everyone you're on a know-their-name basis with- includes at least 50 people, odds are that you know a gay person. (And know them well enough to think of them as an individualized person rather than as a faceless member of a group, which is the threshold here.)
Delete(And yeah, the distribution's going to make the math more complicated than that, but as a thumbnail estimate it's not bad.)
I don't find it hard to believe. I'm an introvert with a relatively small social circle, living in red-as-can-be Kentucky, and I've had four gay acquaintances and one close friend over the years. (They seem to mostly stay closeted in the rural areas; then move to urban or college towns ASAP, come out, and never move back. But they don't leave *all* their social connections behind when they go...)
I see your point, and I agree. (To some extent.) But I have a hard time believing that Freepers think gays are "only" 1-2% of the population, because let's face it -- who would ever come out to them? Not even their own kids. (Or -- gasp -- spouses.)
DeleteUh, oh!
ReplyDeleteI have been a member of FR for almost 17 years. The Country has gone so downhill we cannot hardly keep track. So tell me, Jim, what have been our successes as a Conservative group except to bitch and moan about everything. I actually ran for office and am trying to do things, so don’t you dare paint me as unamerican or a freedom hater. I am not advocating for gay marriage or a abortion, I am stating the facts. my State, AZ just made gay marriage legal last week. Our Conservative AG is not going to fight it because, in his words, we have “Zero percent chance of getting it overturned” We have lost the battle and all your yelling and screaming and censorship will not change those facts.
70 posted on 10/21/2014, 1:12:57 PM by Hildy
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To: Hildy
You have freepmail.
71 posted on 10/21/2014, 1:14:58 PM by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)
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