Thus, Freepers are inspired by a gossipy conspiracy blog post about Jay-Z to analyze the a dance move. On the way, they stop off at some rather kooky places where Freepers' ability to politicize everything comes up against the contentlessness of Hollywood gossip:
mgisthas noticed that some blacks like conspiracies. This means all blacks do.
What’s interesting is that black gossip forum’s think he is “illuminati”. The black community seems to realize these 2 are phonies. Pretty sure it’s the little white girls being those songs.Jonty30 has his own conspiracy theory:
I can certainly believe much of it. Beyoncé was definitely not pregnant. She did an interview, where she was supposedly 6 months and her pregnant stomach completely collapsed when she sat down as if there was nothing there.Of course, Freepers like RginTN are all about rumors of homosexuality.
I heard JAy Z was gay...this info about a female mistress is surprising...Sgt_Schultze sees a secret sign:
/sometimes tabloid distraction from politics is necessary for good mental health
That's an anti-Semitic gesture known as quenellePhiloBedo also sees the significance of hands on the shoulder:
It is! It’s the “I hate Jews” salute.mgist splits the difference.
Some of the female dancers in the video are brushing their shoulders off. Jay Z is definitly doing Quenelle gestures. He doesn’t even get close to the shoulder.Talisker Found a very suspicious picture of Obama!
liberalh8ter isn't a conspiracy guy, he just wants Obama to get off his lawn:![]()
That’s not over his heart.
What a smug POS.
Whether or not Obama and the clown posse are depicting the Quenelle isn't really the issue as there are discernible differences in what they are doing versus the Quenelle. The issue here is that it is unbecoming of the leader of the free world to be associating with controversial figures. Jay Z is a murderer turned-rap star. His wife is the equivalent of a highly paid pole dancer. We should demand better from the Commander-in-Chief and he should know better. We have sunk to the level of my septic system when it comes to the expectations of decorum from our elected officials.
that is not a quenelle, they are full of shit.
All this talk of quenelle's is making me hungry.
There's more than a few freepers who claim to be able to "see the inner souls" of people through mere photographs ... its all make pretend with those people.
DeleteI'm pretty sure they're, as the kids might say, "brushing their shoulders off."
DeleteOf course, Freepers being Freepers they'd never realize that.
As George Carlin once said, "I leave symbols to the symbol-minded."
ReplyDeleteI like the new Oliviaforever, (s)he's gone from making ridiculous conspiracy theories to telling Freepers straight up that their ebola hysteria is largely absurd.
ReplyDeleteThe Obama Quenelle is taken out-of-context. We usually change links for images that have been hotlinked, replacing the hotlinked image with something appropriately and purposefully insensitive to the hotlinker's worldview. We let freerepublic go though, since they are a bunch of loons.
ReplyDeleteFreepers talk reparations
Most vile in this thread are the freepers who say that the slaves had it so good and their decendants should be grateful not to live in some African ebolahole instead.
DeleteSurely the time has come for a spotlight on ClearCase_guy?
ReplyDeleteHe's spammed this in several posts
" They're doing a terrible job, aren't they?
My view is this: Ebola cannot spiral out of control quite fast enough to really cause the overthrow of American society the way Obama would like. Therefore, he will intentionally handle the situation in an explicitly incorrect manner, causing panic, anger, and confusion. He’s pushing for a revolt, either from the military, from congress, or armed mobs. He will declare martial law in 2014. The Republicans elected in November will not be seated.
The disease itself will not necessarily have a devastating effect – but the disease will allow Obama to end America as a world power.
NOTE: Neither martial law or civil war have to result in a viable dictatorship and the declaration of Muslim supremacy in the United States – that does not have to be Obama’s winning strategy. He can lose. He can die. I don’t think he cares. All he needs to do is cause a complete breakdown. Civil War will be the breakdown. The winner of the war is inconsequential – America will never be capable of propping up the West again, and the Caliphate will become firmly established in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe (Spain).
I think this will happen very quickly. "
I clicked on the link and was just about to webcite it, but it got pulled before I could, and the Google cache only has up to the second post. :(
ReplyDeleteHave it open now.
Good question. My thoughts are that the LIV won’t understand or notice the consequences.
That said, maybe I should hang around my precinct “actively coughing”?
7 posted on 10/16/2014 8:42:22 AM by Cletus.D.Yokel (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Alterations: The acronym explains the science.)
Awww jeese. THis is going to get twisted to suggest that “Evil Freepers want certain groups to get ebola and die”.
I doubt that was your intent but
Not cool.
9 posted on 10/16/2014 8:44:03 AM by NeoCaveman (DC, it's Versailles on the Potomac but without the food and culture)
All these b@stards care about is politics. People are dying and they care about is voter turnout! Jack@sses all!
15 posted on 10/16/2014 9:33:55 AM by poobear (Socialism in the minds of the elites, is a con-game for the serfs, nothing more.)
Kinda funny, since it's Freepers who are the ones terrified of Ebola at the moment.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
ReplyDeleteHey doc, your country’s calling you home...
Amen! Take America back! America for Americans!
26 posted on 10/15/2014 7:58:31 PM PDT by re_nortex (DP - that's what I like about Texas)
Apparently only people with "American" names are real Americans according to this cumstain.