Friday, October 31, 2014

Spotlight Friday: Dubh_Ghlase

Vintage 1999. Doesn't post daily or anything but when he does it's mostly Civil war hoping. He keeps seeing the signs and buying more guns over and over again. He works in IT and is worried about labor issues, which he blames on income taxes.

He subscribes to the main Freep Obama conspiracy theory:
The traitor-in-chief is head sockpuppet for the muslim brotherhood, performing at the command of puppetmaster Valerie Jarrett and her minions. The alienation and destruction of Israel has been their ultimate goal from the start...

History will prove this out...
Democrats are ruining the Ebola vaccine
Soooo, what is the name of the company that’s been sitting on the vaccine? Democratic donor maybe?
Unemployment numbers don't count people like him who Went Galt because of unspecified regulations:
Funny, I just closed a business, laying off 3 workers in the process, due to non-profitability from overburdening (and expensive) regulations, and every government agency and its cronies having their hands in my pocket for one thing or another. My employees made more $$$ than I did, and I worked 6.5 days a week for this endeavor. Guess JoeyB, the vice-presidential wonderkid didn't count those...

Gone Galt...
Rats learn from deterrence, so Palestinians should tooc
You remind me of a story from my uncle (long dead). It was termed "Burning a Rat".

Growing up on a farm, there were always chickens, and chicken coops. Invariable, rats would tunnel into them and steal the eggs. Trapping them never totally got rid of them, so my uncle devised a plan. He trapped one alive, doused it in kerosene, lit it on fire, and let it go into the tunnels, running for it's life and screaming in fear and agony...

The eggs poaching (pardon the pun) ceased...
*Crying Eagle*
9/11 is just around the corner...

Never forget!
Indeed, we all have Ebola now.
What's the budget of the CDC, and where was it spent?

Obviously not on keeping this county prepared and protected from invasive diseases...
Illegal immigrants mean Ebola and shooting on civilians!
Illegal immigrants (invaders!) smuggled into this country with who knows what diseases, secretly smuggled into all 50 states (with the greater percentage going to red states), illegal "children" allowed into schools without health checks, even though AMERICAN children have to show immunization records, Ebola downplayed by the illegal kenyan muslim in the whitehut, while not suspending air traffic from infected countries despite dire warnings from health officials, Thousands of active duty soldiers given the pink slip, while within the same week the white hut declares that illegal immigrants will be allowed to serve (in their place), with the possible reason that these illegals WILL FIRE ON US CITIZENS...

Are these not reasons enough to revolt? This all stinks to high heaven of an attack from within, sabotage and treason at the highest levels, planned and bring implemented right before our eyes!.

We are at war, and the enemy is within our gates...
Soon we will defend the Jews from American Kristalnacht:
An attempt at kristalnicht here will be met an appropriate , maybe even disproportionate, response.

And they will not stand alone...
Liberals want to behead you!
I wonder when the LIB a-holes will start hacking-off the heads of those who disagree with their loony perspective?

The most outspoken ones have already stated they would like to see all conservatives face the "final solution" that was enacted on the Jews in Nazi Germany. Trouble with that is that we have all the guns...

While on that thought: I believe that is why 30000 military personnel have been "laid off", while sock-puppet Zero has offered military careers to illegals. Guess he (his handlers) figure they won't have a problem firing on US citizens in this country if commanded to do so when martial law is declared...
Who the bad guys will be:
Don’t forget unionized police and prison guards. There’re many who would have a lot to lose if they disobeyed a direct order to fire (probably including their owen lives). Don’t think for a moment the organizers behind it wouldn’t already have plans to make an example of those first few who might hesitate when the order to fire is given...
So pick your guns really large:
Anything is better than nothing, but I wouldn't go smaller than a 9mm. Bigger and more powerful loads than the .380.
If you really need to stop something fast, HP .38 +P is better still...

got a feeling the libs are seeing the foundations of their utopia starting to crack...
Keep your powder blah blah:
Christians & Jews are already targeted and being persecuted.

Keep your eye to the sky, and your powder dry...
Civil War 2 planning
Crowd control tactics have come a long way since WWII. It's going to end up being guerrilla warfare in the end, and a dirty one too. If people can keep an eye on attrition, meaning "Sell yourself dearly", the one with the greater numbers wins (unless Mr. Death-Cult-Sock-Puppet pulls the pins on nukes or biological/chemical weapons, "for the children")...

Right about now, I wouldn't put it past him and his handlers to do such a thing. We are on the edge. Just hope he remembers what happened to Saddam's judge when the tide turns...
It's coming....
It's coming...

I see the elites walling themselves in behind ranks of military-armed "police" for their protection, while civil war (that THEY have created) is waged among the population. This has been the plan all along, and zero is the culmination of the effort...


  1. I just love Freepers' Obama fanfiction. Although I do think they need editors and pre-readers.

  2. I love how millions and millions of people across America run successful small businesses ...
    its only freepers who fail due to "over regulation and high taxes".

    I love how millions and millions of people across America can pour millions and millions of dollars into political donations ...
    its only freepers who are so hurt by the economy that they cannot afford to send in their usual donations to FR (according to DJFatCoW).

    I love how millions and millions of people across America interact with muslims, blacks, gays, even illegals, every day, uneventfully ...
    its only freepers who seem to always run into problems with anyone other than straight white christians on a constant basis.

    1. I see Colofornian is on another anti-Mormon campaign. That always seems to happen when JR is feeling the pinch :).

  3. What's the budget of the CDC, and where was it spent?

    Obviously not on keeping this county prepared and protected from invasive diseases...

    Pre-Ebola, public health was a scam to most FReepers, and they cheered for budget cuts while denying the basic fact that strong public health infrastructure -- which includes affordable health care for everyone, so that invasive diseases are more likely to get detected early -- is a national defense issue.

    Now, they suddenly want bold action and plenty of funding...not based on science, but on what their "gut" tells them.

    It's pretty amazing that you can be on both sides of the same issue, and still be wrong 100 percent of the time.

    Also: After years of flattering themselves as people who oppose tyranny, they're falling all over themselves to condemn Kaci Hickox for standing up to an out-of-control governor's election-year attack on her personal freedom.

    Brainless, corrupt, hypocritical, chickenshit losers...every fucking one of them. If there's a stupider population anywhere in the universe, I don't want to know about it.

    1. If there's a stupider population anywhere in the universe, I don't want to know about it.
      Democratunderground..and within that hive History of feminism..not sure who is worse freepers or duer's.

    2. Oh please. There are some dingbats on DU, but most of the people over there aren't as stupid as you, let alone as stupid as the average FReeper.

      Obvious troll is obvious.

  4. Since we don't have an upvote button, let me tell you all today, that was excellent work. Good thinking, good writing. Sometimes reading Freeper Madness is a joy.
