He's as much a parody as the SNL Church Lady. Beyond the usual Freeper birtherism and whatnot, this guy is of the dramatic strain of Christianity, and sees Satan and the end times behind everything that goes on. He's also a prepper, and an enthusiastic conspiracist, though without bothering with the detailed scenarios many do.
He also hates Walter Cronkite extra, for some reason.
End times acommin'
~~~The stage is being set for the Tribulation~~~End times scenario Initiated...
The end times scenario has been initiated and God is in control. We are not going to change the trajectory. Look up for our redemption draweth nigh.Def, last days.
We are definitely in the Last Days.Yet more doomsdaying:
Though I expect ISIS to turn towards Israel — crazy islamic terrorists always do.
And then, a ‘peace’ deal ... confirmed for 7 years.
That will not be the future.I guess he doesn't believe in the rapture
Ezekiel 38 shows that.
Been distributing some Gospel tracts.He's one of those insular, cliquish evangelicals.
Friend and I picked up some more, um, supplies this past week.
Preparation. Just in case there are more crazy rioters out there. And I’m sure there are.
Those who reject his Deity and His Lordship are not my brothers. They may join us.Islam, an Abrahamic Religion?
But we will not join them. I will not.
If that offends, good. Happy to offend.
~~~Your service is a powerful example of the powerful roots of the Abrahamic faiths~~~Moon God?
A lie straight from the pit of Hell.
Allah is not the God of Abraham, Allah is the pagan moon god.Evidenceless Birtherism
Islam is literally a lie from the gates of hell.
He has all the marks of somebody who assumed either the identity of a deceased infant or senior citizen.Regardless of his Birth, Obama is not Spiritually American.
I’ll bet if the truth were known, it would fill a book.
And then the world will wonder how the country could be so dumb to put such a man in the highest office in the land, and the world.
Obomba is not from the USA; at least not in spirit, anyways....Point is, Obama's father is Satan:
He doesn’t care for America and that’s why he doesn’t know even the basic things.
And has a good number of idiot leftist liberal supporters.
~~~Ah, obama has done his father’s (John 8:44) work well. Very well.~~~No one can be motivated, except by naked self-interest.
No straight man works on gay causes.True Christianity means voting against Obama:
No straight man does.
Velcome to zee world of Komrade Kwanzaa Obama.Medicare is a conspiracy to kill old people:
For those dummies who voted for this clown and consider themselves “Christians”
One way to get rid of the older population - Social Security, Medicare and Prescription Drug.Everything from Syria to Trayvon Martin to Pop culture was created to distract from Obama:
They might just do ... just that...
it’s exactly what he needs to distract from those things and Great Depression Part Deux.Everything Obama does. Everything.
The Golf and Jay-Z/Beyonce thing just ain’t workin’ it no more.
His St. TM gambit also failed miserably though a few idiots are going to go down for it. Like the useful (to Jesse and Al) idiots who killed that guy in Oklahoma and the ones who killed that 88-year-old veteran.
ObamaNation only wants non-Americans working and wages depressed to $5/hr if that.Yearning for the good old days of the Cold War:
Everything he does is to destroy traditional America.
Everything he does.
A nation conquered by political correctness.Walter Cronkite:
Unimaginable during the Cold War.
Walter Cronkite said “he was glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan”More Cronkite hate:
Uncle Wally’s a devil worshipper.PROOF!
He thought he was being clever. He found that whole Messiah thing a laugh.
For a bit, I guess.
Katy Perry wears tight pro-Obama outfits:![]()
When I see those dresses, it makes me think this is how the world will worship the Antichrist. In the beginning ....Why don't more people share is delusions?
Their works are manifest. While many in this nation can see what is happening (I get surprised by a few I speak with) I’m also amazed at the spiritual blindness of many others.The War on Christmas:
But I shouldn’t be.
For it is prophesied that in the Last Days shall come strong delusion. And we are seeing the firstfruits of it.
~~~“The war on Christmas is a war on Christ,”~~~It's all Satan
The spirit of antichrist, whom you have heard is coming, is already at work in the world.
Yeah, and mebbe Holder is counting on just that?Naturally, Democratic voters are empowered by Satan.
They are Alinsky/Lenin disciples after all. They firmly believe in progress from chaos.
The Devil loves chaos and tells constant lies.
I’m sure it’s probably just a coincidence. /s
Well, we can see that Obama’s base is energized.Satan, Satan, Satan!
By the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4).
They will meet the same fate as their master (John 8:44), lest they turn.
Take you Satan lies elsewhere, with your lies of Satan.Satan.
You are in the wrong and you seem to be making excuses for it.
Get thee behind me Satan. Sell it on DU.
ObamaNation only wants non-Americans working and wages depressed to $5/hr if that.
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm pretty sure that would be the Republicans. Otherwise, why would Obama be continuously pushing for a rise in the minimum wage? What a dummy, doesn't even know his own party's platform.
That's what I like about the Friday Spotlights ...
Deletewhen Ozy gathers together all their comments its so easy to see how the "spotlightees" contradict themselves,
often spouting liberal/progressive ideology when they feel they have been treated unfairly somehow.
Freeper thread on dating and marriage..always the same..comprised of never married bitter freepers, freepers with multiple divorces where it is always the fault of the other person, freeper who say get amail order bride form some turd world country and the bible thumper crowd complaining about FFOOOOORRRNIICATTTIIIOOONN!! (in my best SNL Church lady voice)
I'll translate:This freepers son is:
Delete1. a loser and no woman want's anything to do with him.
2. He is gay
3. He wants a subserviant woman.
My 27-yo son has just about given up on today's women.
Either they are only interested in his money or they want a bad boy.
He tells me that I raised him right, to respect women, so he refuses to play the game and be a "bad boy".
And he can spot a gold-digger miles away. No way is he going to give her everything he has when she finds a golden goose that looks more interesting.
Can't understand where all the nice girls have gone --- so he is content now to be on his own. Says it gives him more time for hunting & fishing.
On the other side, my 24 yo daughter has found that it is very hard to find a nice man. The men she meets are just interested in sex, so she's about ready to give up too.
I guess young people today who are raised right, respectful and not sleeping with anything that moves are considered a rarity, and ones that probably will never marry.
150 posted on 12/5/2014, 1:22:29 PM by coder2
Coder2's loser son should be in the Army. Failing that he could hook up with our own EC and join the army of internet fakers. They could be Batman and Robin and perform incredible heroics and I do mean incredible in it's strictest sense. And hey if they want to blow each other in the back of the invisible plane, who are we to judge?
DeleteWhy don't all these superior Freepers and their amazing yet undervalued-by-the-opposite-sex kids introduce themselves and their religious checklists to each other? That way, wouldn't they all end up happy?
DeleteOn the other hand, and I rarely say this -- I agree with the Freepers who think it probably IS very hard for both women AND men to find someone and settle down, by the time they're in their 30s and 40s. No, I don't think you need to start having kids right away -- or ever, if you don't want to -- but it's my experience from all the singles and divorcees I know that, by the time you're in your 30s or 40s, you're not going to be willing to adapt to anybody or anything. And even if you are, good luck finding someone else who also wants to. I'm glad I found someone I liked when I was young. I realize that I'm fortunate to have found that, but it wasn't fortune that made me recognize it and hang onto it.
DeleteThe only reason I want to live to see the rapture, is to see the looks on the faces of F15 Eagle, Wagglebee, and all the other holy-moleys of FR when they realize they're going to end up in the same hell as I am.