Timeout accuses recent White House Counsel of resigning just so hew could help the terrorists...secretly:
Carley just goes straight to the pure fear-mongering.BTW, is Greg Craig resigning so he can be their defense attorney?
Even if not personally, he now has all the inside info he could possibly want. What’s to stop him from passing it along to their defenders? Nothing. His past record on Gitmo gives us all we need to know about his “loyalties”.
70th Division has an awesome conspiracy theory:Some years ago in a cave in Afghanistan a disc was found with the plans of a grammar school in Rumson, NJ.
Evidently this crazed president won’t be happy until we have a Beslan here in the USA. God forbid!!!!!
So Holder puts up a fake trial with the best defence. The dirt bags go free and maybe blow up a school. People riot in the streets for justice. Obama declares Martial Law. Game over.This sounds like an awesome plan. I can see no flaws!
Venturer worries about out prisons:
Muslim is a fast growing religion in today’s prisons. Give them a week in an American prison and they will be leading the prayers 5 times a day to their converts.RACE WAR AT LAST!
Red in Blue PA
No other way to say it: Obama sides with terrorists.Wow, I had no idea putting people on trial for their lives counted as siding with them!
444Flyer speaks for NYers, so they don't have to:

originalbuckeye says what all the Freepers are thinking:
I hope the next massive terrorist attack happens while Zero is still in office and it only hits those who were stupid enough to vote for him. The rest of us don't deserve it.
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