Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Obama was the Fort Hood Shooter

Freepers keep limber by stretching to connect Obama to the Fort Hood shooting:


Who did he vote for in the last election?

Yes, this it totally relevant! Never mind who Scott Roeder voted for, cause his cause was just.

True Republican Patriot
is all about answering the above rhetorical question:

Why did You ask a Stupid Question? No Offense Intended!

HASAN VOTED FOR OBAMA HUSSEIN, Who appears to be a Fellow Muslim given Farakkan’s praise of him as well as Other Muslim Leader’s praises. They sure DONT praise Christian Convert Apostates as OBOZO alleges to be......

If this bastard recovers don't expect any punishment the Obama administration will say he was crazy and put him in a hospital we pay for..To think he is still breathing after our young men and women are dead..
Just like that Muslim beltway sniper was pardoned, eh?

tells some good stories:

‘m sure Barack will sneak in to make sure he is being treated right.
No cameras for that visit.

Guenevere does it right. No declarative statements, only insinuations:
Nidal Malik Husan...Fort Hood terrorist
Barack Hussein Obama...President of the United States

How in the world did we get here
Hoodat just has questions

Did he give a shout-out to Obama?

Yes, using secret Muslim code only Freepers can decipher.

1 comment:

  1. obama affected the fort hood's killing spree ? I would have never guessed they would come to such a conclusion
