Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mountain out of Molehill, part 185,412

Mass. Governor Deval Patrick said he "got quite drunk" after the apprehension of the Boston bombers. Freepers try to get mad, and end up just being petty about a sympathetic figure:

Nervous Tick - it's Church or GTFO:
A man of high character might have gone to a house of worship and approached Almighty God in prayer, for guidance.

On the other hand, a man of lesser character might run away to a secluded spot and have a few drinks at someone else’s expense, and then later whine about it like his delicate psyche was the victim.
forgotten man has the perfect disaster role-model:
What if there had been a second follow up attack while the gubner was sh*t faced? Did Giuliani drink on the job during the 911 attack?
Clock King attacks his leftist black politics:
I could imagine if I was in his position doing the same thing. But as governor, he shouldn’t be so stupid as to admit this in public. What the hell is wrong with leftist black politicians? Damn near NONE of them have a clue how to play the game.
angcat manages to be even more racist:
Chardonnay. Sheesh.

More like Mad Dog 20/20.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Just the kind of leader you want in place, especially if there's a follow-up attack. Because they're so similar and close friends, maybe we now know what Obama was doing the night of Benghazi.
ClearCase_guy...yep, Benghazi.
Trial balloon for Obama and Benghazi -- you see, the president would have rescued those fine people, but he was quite drunk at the time ...
Gay State Conservative wonders if Patrick is a secret Muslim just like Obama:
Even more important...not long after the two jihadis were identified by the FBI our esteemed (but not by me) Governor,Deval “Coupe Deval” Patrick,in comments made to the press,referred to them as “those fellows”.Anyone familiar with Coupe Deval’s basic political philosophy will understand the significance of those words.


  1. US leads world in oil production in 2012..wait.. I though obummer was shutting down fossil fuel production in America. BTW Coal production is also up..but gas prices are still high because we are exporting it.

    the rubes on FR are too stupid to realize oil co's want high gas prices and we will never have $2 a gallon gas ever again.

    1. Good point, Anon#1.

      Freepers seem to think, somehow, that oil produced in the US is free. It costs just as much as oil produced elsewhere. Drill here, drill now (thanks Sarah!) does nothing to contain the price of oil. It's a world market. Oil produced in West Texas sells for the same as it does for the oil produced in Iraq. How is this difficult?

  2. Freerepublic server SNAFU

    Seriosly, for 3 or 4 hundred thousand dollars a year, I could provide these paranoid, hate filled Freepers a web site that would work every time.

    1. It's all symptoms of JimRob's paranoia ...
      home-grown buggy software, housed on low quality often failing hardware, located in a far off secret warehouse where no one except his son has access.

      Of course, this is also what JimRob uses to justify his so-called "expenses".

  3. White Americans losing majority in under-5 age group, Census says

    Stupid, just stupid.

    1. What the heck is this guy yammering about here?

    2. Jim Robs post only had 53 replies and here we are up to 100 and more on this one.

      I dunno. dennisw says, "I just don’t believe in inter-racial marriage or dating."

      There are still a lot of these folks. I know a few of them. This gets personal for me. My little niece C. who is a straight A student was the first black kid in our family in recent memory. Were there some assholes in the family who did not like that kid from the start? Oh, yes.

      Fuck them, fuck dennisw, we are doing just fine. Her birthday is this month, I sent her the usual $20 and an old, first edition of, "It's Like This, Cat". Nobody can take my joy away from me.
