Obama's prom pic. Freepers are, as you know, huge fans of pictures, since they can bring their biased "gut instincts" into play. But when it comes to Obama, it also means it's time for primo amateur Internet sleuthing!
liberalh8ter has decided Obama's date is was fat:
He liked them big back then, too.blueunicorn6 wont' be distracted!
I don’t care if they put up a photo of him eating Wheaties, he left 40 Americans to die in Benghazi while he went nighty night.Iron Munro:
It looks like ‘The Great Choomer’ didn’t hate whites as much back then as he does now.denydenydeny sees evidence of racist negroes:
I suspect we’re seeing these pics only after the elections because it was feared that any picture of Barry with a white girl might provoke resentment among the base of black women.Smokeyblue knows this was a pitty date:
"He went to the prom with a girl from another school? That has “blind date” all over it. ‘Nuff said, if you know what I mean."ScottinVA makes with the gay:
He had to break it off with his composite blind date from another school because he couldn't fit into her white world and he's a flaming homosexual.
His blind date probably owed her girlfriend a favor and had to go to prom with Obozo the Kenyan Clown.
The blonde chick wanted a safe, gay guy as a date for the prom and apparently found one.gaijin notices another detail:
Pictures from before his nose job.MrB:
This is one picture that doesn’t look like he was “inserted”.null and void disagrees:
It looks fairly normal, but if you actually measure head sizes, his is larger than anyone elses, again.null and void brings the science:
It's as if someone wanted to completely cover a smaller head and not leave any tell-tale hairs or tips of ears sticking out, or something...
As measured on my monitor, teeth to eyebrow distances:RummyChick speculates:
0.502” White guy
0.444” Redhead
0.575” Obama
0.508” Blonde
Obama’s head is ~ 20% larger than average...
obama has always had a big head. you can see it in his baby photos.justiceseeker93 sees more photoshop evidence!
A Dr said it looked like he had a shunt in his head on one of the head scar threads.
Maybe he had some kind of medical condition.
In the photo in post # 1, in addition to Obama's head size appearing much larger than the other three people, there in something strange about what appears to be Obama's left hand resting on the left shoulder of the blonde girl. The hand is too dark in comparison to his facial complexion, the fingers can't be distinguished, and his reach perhaps seems too long in proportion to his size.blueunicorn6 knows what's coming!
All in all, quite suspicious of Photoshopping, especially in view of the fact that other photos of Obama in his younger years had similar anomalies, like the one of him and his maternal grandparents on the park bench in New York.
Is there anything about this man's background that doesn't have to be fudged in some way or another?
Obama is going to resign. This is just part of the preparation. Obama has outlived his usefulness to the Democrat party. Obama isn’t important. Black people aren’t important. The Democrat party is what’s important. They are setting the stage so that Obama can resign and blame the Republicans.Fred Nerks has a whole new conspiracy theory:
“I really wanted to stay and fight for the American middle class, but the racist Republicans were using these little problems to block our agenda. So, I’m going to resign so that Joe can carry on our fight for America.”
The sad part is that the Americans who are black won’t see this as a kick in their teeth by the Democrat party. The Democrats s**t all over the Americans who are black, and the Americans who are black thank them for the ice cream.
I'm sticking with my ...the tribal elder attacked him with a panga and tried to cut his throat when he found out he was trying to insinuate himself into the family...after the old man's funeral.Obama - secret victim of feral Africans?
African justice is nasty and swift. Just read 'Dark Star Safari' by Paul Theroux.
If anyone had the wit, they would be checking hospital records for a severely injured 'David' Obama in the period around early 1983. I imagine there would be a photograph on record of a young man who looks just like his mirror image, who didn't fall off a motorbike.
But that's just me. I'm out of kilter with the myth and it's numerous, various aftershocks.
Ozy, that was seriously funny.
ReplyDeleteI've always found it fascinating how Freepers and Birthers need to rewrite not only the President's adulthood but also his childhood.
ReplyDeleteTaking the long view, i think that both sides have been engaging in attempting to delegitimize the president, overtly or covertly, for political reasons for a while. JFK's father stole the election. LBJ was accused of being in on the JFK assassination. Nixon was run out of office. Clinton was accused of being a criminal and a special prosecutor unleashed on him. Bush the Younger was "selected, not elected." Now we've come to all sorts of theories all intended to prove that Obama is in some way ineligible to be in office, and everything he's done is null and void.
DeleteFreepers could do one of those fun "circuit" fiction stories.
ReplyDeleteThe ones where one freeper writes one paragraph, then passes it on to the next freeper to write tbe next paragraph and so on.
Their psychoses build off one another ... mass hysteria.
justiceseeker93: "The hand is too dark in comparison to his facial complexion, the fingers can't be distinguished"
ReplyDeleteIt's like he has never seen a flash photo of a black person before.
Can't say I follow Null and Void's argument. To the extent you can measure at all, Obama's measurements seem pretty similar to those of everyone but the shorter girl. How he comes up with "20-percent larger" is beyond me.
ReplyDeleteIf FReepers have to review their entire lives on Judgment Day -- as many of 'em seem to believe -- I wonder if any of them will be saddened by the amount of time they spent measuring Obama's head etc. in online photos?
A thousand dollars a day?
ReplyDelete"In selected places in Seattle the bums can make up to $1,000 a day. Once they get a few thou they go on a heroin binge and end up at Harborview Medical Center."
by Jack Hydrazine
My old Dad is in the hospital. If I can make a freaking thousand dollars a day begging in "selected" places in Seattle I will be on the next plane. Or it could be that the Freepers are, as usual, full of shit. Hmmm.. which is it?
Once they get a few thou they go on a heroin binge
ReplyDeleteAs always, you've gotta love the tone of absolute certainty in regard to a "fact" that's not only inaccurate, but also makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
Having known more than my fair share of junkies, all I can do is laugh at the idea of them a) needing a few thou to binge on heroin; and b) having the patience to save the first thou for 10 minutes, let alone for several days.
FReepers really are the most clueless people on earth.
Marco Rubio expressed some skepticism about birtherism which drives Freepers wild. I haven't read through it all yet, but I love this response from Mortrey to a poster who isn't on board with the birthers:
ReplyDeleteIf you want more info, just check back...the REAL experts are right here on FReerepublic—they’ll blow you away.