Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The NSA Leaker

One of the cool things about the age in which we live is the instant response. This means you get to see the passion and confusions that Freepers experience when they have conflicting responses to a situation, before Rush or Beck is able to reconcile them.

Thus we get this delicious thread about the NSA leaker. On the one hand, Freepers like the Bush-created security state. On the other, now it's Obama doing the surveillance. On the one hand, this guy is a liberal. On the other hand, this could be used against Obama...
things get mean and personal pretty fast - check the thread. In the mean time, here are the more "substantive" points

dowcaet knows if the left is for it...
I see the left is wasting no time in calling Snowden a traitor on various sites. This country is a major league joke in the eyes of the world.
But TroutGuy disagrees about what the left says:
So DUmmies and half of Freepers can finally agree on something - this man is a hero.

Check their board. They love this guy, just like an embarrassing number of you guys do.
TBP fixes things to wallow in imaginary liberal hypocrisy.
He’s a “traitor” but Bradley Manning is a patriot. Only in LibWorld.
devolve sees another liberal doesn't like Obama...
The Barack Hitler -

I rarely use “black” anymore

How did that ignorant NAZI-MUSLIM moron think he could keep everyone quiet and obedient?


Robert Redford picked “3 DAYS OF THE CONDOR” to broadcast on his “SUNDANCE CHANNEL” last night

Obama has lost - Robert Redford now
Damn! Their usual method doesn't seem to be working...

struggle concentrates on Obama's worldwide control:
China will arrest him in Hong Kong, take him to China for some manufactured crime, he’ll end up dead, WH will shrug its shoulders.
GeorgeWashingtonsGhost heard this guy was a liberal:
Democrats and security clearances; BAD COMBINATION.
GeorgeWashingtonsGhost's sudden respect for the Fourth Amendment has it's limits though...
I wouldn't mind if the NSA was closely monitoring MUSLIMS in the United States. But given that we have a Muslim in the WH who is using the NSA to develop and build his ENEMIES LIST by targeting anyone who loves our Constitution, DOWN WITH THEM ALL!!! IRS, DOJ, NSA.. The big COUP TRIO!
AnAmericanAbroad offers advice:
Dead man walking.

The US has an extradition treaty with Hong Kong; he might as well as jump off the balcony or put a bullet through his head.

He’s done.
Cementjungle remembers Obama's super inept, though!
My money is on this guy. He's far smarter than Obama and Obama's henchmen... and I guarantee that he's has plenty of dirt of a lot of important people. This is going to be the story of a lifetime... far more so than Watergate ever was.
gaijin seems frustrated.
In Bengazi, we have our Watergate. > No arrests.

In Syria, we have our Vietnam. > No press outrage.

In Snowden, we have our Deepthroat. > No future accolades.


  1. I suspect if something like this had happened during the Bush administration, most Freepers wouldn't be so kind to Mr. Snowden.

    Seriously, go back and read Patriot Act threads from 2003-2008. It's like night and day. Whistle blowers and skeptics of surveillance were widely denounced as traitors and tinfoil hat wearing terrorist enablers. Those Freepers brave enough to question Bush's use of the Patriot Act and the NSA were eviscerated. Now fast forward five years, and most of the posters there are fully in support of Edward Snowden, with some calling him a hero. What changed?

  2. The best part is how the Freepers are scrambling to find liberal hypocrisy. Which is there of course, but the irony is hilarious.

  3. Yeah, that's a completely ridiculous assertion. The two situations aren't even remotely comparable.
