Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Black Problem

The Anon who brought this to my attention thought this would be pulled. I'm amazed it wasn't.

One interesting thing about Freepers' amazing levels of racism is that despite it's extremism, it's not their focus. People just casually mention that there's a race war on and soon they will have to kill some ferals, and then go on to talk about Scotland or ISIS or what have you.

But its always there. Things have died down a bit after Ferguson, but only in frequency, not in amplitude. And when some right wing blog posts yet another anecdote about some black teenagers behaving badly, Freepers leap in like racism is all they think about.

This is one of the more amazing threads out there - I bolded its greatest hits

tom h knows after Bernie Goetz executed some blacks, crime immediately ended in New York.
It happens because we are too cowed to fight back. The black teens are laughing just like the Muslims laugh at us. They are fearless, we are afraid.

Where’s Bernie Goetz when you need him?
boycott thinks the Free Market needs a bit of spite added in.
Too bad several rounds weren’t unloaded into those thugs. People have had enough of this BS.

If some of these animals aren’t put in jail soon, Kroger should close the store. Animals should learn that if you cannot behave, you won’t have anything — even a store.

You know the theft rate would be extremely high in such a thug area. They put on a show in the video of how uncivilized they are. If I owned such a business, there is no way I would have locations in such places. Screw them. They don’t deserve it.
vladimir998 knows the problem is black's "culture of savagery," which comes from rap music, not unemployment.
This is about culture - a culture of savagery. Absentee fathers, no regard for education, deliberate choosing of a welfare dependent life regardless of jobs available, drugs, gang life, rap music, love of violence, and racial hatred made this happen, not the lack of decent jobs.
21twelve recalls some Freeper data on black mobs:
I think I bookmarked it SOMEWHERE, but there was a very good article on FR about black mobs. Not only do you have the mob mentality, but also a higher likely-hood of people with lower IQ’s in a black mob. Not a good combination.
Holy shit, dsc defends the KKK:
wasn't the Ku Klux Klan comprised of DemonRATs? As I understand things, they opposed the Republican party. Is that correct or do I misunderstand?

Yes, I believe there are some things that the indoctrination centers and evilstream media may not have presented.

During the occupation, Southerners had no citizenship. The divide was not as much between the Stupid Party and the Evil Party as between rebel and yankee. Of course, Lincoln was a Republican, so there was some hostility toward the Stupid Party during reconstruction and subsequent decades.

We have to remember, though, that the democrat party back then was not the same as today’s demonrat party. It was possible to be a democrat and a decent person back then, or to be a republican and a carpetbagger.

During reconstruction, violation of curfew was punishable by summary execution. Indeed, Scarlett’s husband was killed on that punitive expedition. However, the yankee occupying force would not protect Southerners. Rebel woman got raped? Good.

Since there was no protection under the law, the men of this area and that would go out after curfew and punish the guilty. The KKK popped up like mushrooms after a rain; independently of one another, in response to a need. It is not an exaggeration to say that the dereliction of duty by yankee occupying forces created the KKK.

Since they were out after curfew and therefore subject to execution, it behooved them to disguise not only themselves, but their horses, as a man could readily be identified by his mount back then.

Of course, the yankee press misrepresented these meritorious actions as an attempt to restore white supremacy and terrorize blacks. Since these groups were made up of human beings, I have no doubt that there were some abuses. However, their raison d’être was to protect those who were not protected by the law.
"the democrat party back then was not the same as today’s demonrat party." Way to ruin the "Democrats are the party of racism" meme, DSC! aquila48 knows black people's genetic inferiority makes war inevitable.
I’m firmly convinced that easily identifiable groups of people who have significantly different AVERAGE IQs (say more than one standard deviation) cannot peacefully coexist in the same society. And it’s the case regardless of which group is the majority. (Examples abound - Zimbabwe, South Africa, the US, UK, etc.)

This stems from certain aspects of human nature, that though mixed societies may try to forcefully suppress through laws and societal mores (as we’ve done with anti discrimination laws, and the demonization of anything that smacks of racism), in the end they will always make their presence felt because they reflect reality.

So if one believe the data presented in “The Bell Curve”, and the propensity for humans to “prejudge” as a way to make decisions based on available data, then it logically follows that whites and asians will not be able to coexist with blacks.

This is a sad and tragic conclusion, but given human nature I don’t think it can be easily avoided.
With racist teachers like Leaning Right, it's amazing black children can't get ahead!
I have more than 20 years experience as an inner city high school teacher. I might have taught the children of the welfare recipients you dealt with. I'm sure you'd agree - the acorn does not fall far from the tree.
F15Eagle knows Obama is using black people for Satan.
They are Alinsky/Lenin disciples after all. They firmly believe in progress from chaos.

The Devil loves chaos and tells constant lies.

I’m sure it’s probably just a coincidence. /s
OK, that's it - F15Eagle is back on the spotlight list!

patriot08 - no white is safe on the street anymore!
Blacks have been emboldened by the election of Obama and the actions of Holder.
They are taking advantage of this to ‘get even with whitey’.
No white is safe on the street any more.

Being armed will do little or no good when you are suddenly attacked from behind.
2ndDivisionVet - we're at war.
Is truth “controversial” now? We’re in a war where only one side seems to know there’s a war on, except for a few like us.
2ndDivisionVet is related to a dumb white guy who had opportunities, which proves blacks aren't really trying.
My cousin, who is white, as I am, was one of McNamara’s One Hundred Thousand and after serving in Vietnam, worked in a pallet factory. Very simple work. Well, pallet factories really don’t exist any more, so he lives on Social Security. He has never committed a crime or made any mischief that I’m aware of, despite his room temperature I.Q. Why is that, do you think?
2ndDivisionVet then explains that slaveowners raped some smarts into American blacks:
American blacks have higher I.Q.s than those in the Motherland because almost all of them are actually mixed race, to one extent or another.
Holy shit again, 2ndDivisionVet ends off by explaining the real reason Lincoln was assassinated:
[Lincoln] wanted blacks returned to Africa or sent to colonies in South America and the Caribbean, which is, in my opinion, why he was assassinated.
That John Wilkes Booth was just really against expropriation, guys!

I could not understand a word the girl said. These kids are losing the ability to communicate.

In a few years she’ll feed discriminated against because some company doesn’t hire her as a CEO.
It’s the new official Obama language...EBONICS.

It will be taught in public schools across the nation as a required credit very, very soon.

However, they had to remove one subject in order to fit this new class into the schedule.....MORALITY.
driftless2 used to be a liberal, until he realized blacks couldn't learn.
I was one of those libs back in the sixties who supported all the Civil Rights bills passed and all the provisions in them. I firmly believed passing those bills would send black Americans on the road to parity with the rest of the country. It didn't happen. Some progress has been made, but the Black Underclass resists every effort to transport its members into civilized, productive society. Harsh measures are needed.
The harsh measures driftless2 requires? Eugenics.
The first time any punk...white or black...commits a crime, they’d be given an IQ test. Under 90...castrated. Any female of whatever color applying for welfare...IQ under 90...sterilized.
The eugenicists are on the rise! freeangel:
Why I am no longer strongly “pro-life"

I don’t think you are alone. Maybe Sanger had it right.
Ladies! Over 18? Never had kids? Step into the Easy Money Tube-Tie Clinic and step out with a check for $25,000. (Weave and nail salon on the premises!)


  1. It used to be the occasional sly racist comment on FR, and even those sly comments were often called out.

    Now, especially since Obama's 2012 re-election, the racism freely flows all day every day.

    Patriot08 has always been one of the most open racists on FR ... she doesn't always instigate it, but she is always drawn to the threads that have degenerated into racism, like a fly to shit.

  2. Freepers are going full retard over Ebola in Dallas. Can't believe how many truly think obama put Ebola there to kill the Texas economy and kill conservatives..not juts a few but 75% of the posters. One freeper out of Dallas said he was duct taping the gaps on his windows and doors and many have said millions are gonna be dead soon in America..

    Vermontlt is a sane poster and is trying to reason with these posters.I wonder how long it is before he get's the zot..he has been arguing with the nuts the last 5-6 months over various issues

  3. Little Freep-a-thon opening update ...
    from their own scoreboard, the number of monthly donors is 659.

    Last quarter's 'thon started off with 671 donors, and they claimed to have added an additional 40 or so more donors during the thon.

    In reality, they have LOST 12 monthly donors in the last quarter.

    DJFatCoW, humbledummy, TheOldWrinkleBag and the rest of the harpy crew continue to drive people away from FR at a blistering rate ... how long until the jimcompoop realizes his own favorites are destroying his site from within.

    1. I know it's immature, but I keep chuckling at DJFatCoW.
      And humbledummy.

  4. Every top republican (even the Blessed Sarah) should be sent a copy of that thread and asked if they endorse and agree with Freerepublic.

    1. My god this would be glorious.

    2. I wanna see O'Reilly discuss it on The Factor, where he routinely lectures and scolds black people who don't watch his show.
