The Wizard:
There is Only Sarah
This primary is gonna be awesome.Gargantua knows if you check out the real numbers, and make some assumptions, you can prove anything!
Nobody wants to waste weeks or months of their lives and millions of dollars only to, in the end, watch Sarah Palin waltz away with the nomination and the White House.E. Pluribus Unum knows this is another Masterstroke by Sarah:
All the actual polls (not the push-polls or "weighted" polls that say otherwise) have shown for the last five (5) months that Sarah Palin is the odds-on favorite when you assume (correctly) that the GOP/Tea Party voter bloc represents at least 45% of the 2012 electorate.
The strategy is to keep Ubama, state-run media and the GOP ruling-class RINOs confused and off-balance, like they're waiting to see what she is going to do.tcrlaf warms up the victimization machine:
Seems to be working.
TaraP has an alternate candidate in mind:Palin/Cain would send Democrats and the media in to an absolute orgy of misogyny and racial hatred.
Of course, it won’t be misogyny and Racial Hatred when DEMOCRATS DO IT, thogh.

That is why the next leader to FIX< REPAIR AND HEAL THIS COUNTRY AND THE WORLD for that matter is *JESUS CHRIST***
I definitely plan to vote for Sarah Palin in the Republican primaries if she runs. Or if there's enough of a write-in campaign.