Friday, May 20, 2011

There's something about Herman Cain

Freepers seem to love Herman Cain for some reason. Can't figure out what it is though...

no dems thinks Cain would be tactically awesome:
Cain getting the GOP nomination would take the race card off the table.
smith288 suddenly doesn't care about executive experience, it's all about color:

Yea, and he’s more black so there! lol (as if it mattered...but to some voters, it must)

jonascord feels race relations will be renewed:
if we vote for Cain, then we are just voting against a flaming Commie Muslim Traitorous A$$hole, and not against a BLACK flaming Commie Muslim Traitorous A$$hole.

Cool. Although, you have to admit, Obama has set back race relations more than anyone since Woodrow Wilson.
tuckrdout notes that Cain is 'all American.'

I believe [Cain] is all American, descended from slaves. Which would be a real victory in the USA. Obama’s black heritage is rooted in providing slaves for the USA.

justsaynomore prefers to trade tokenism for paranoia:
please pray for Herman Cain’s safety - even if he is not your choice for Prez. The democrats are very afraid of him. He has top-notch security but still, please pray for God’s hand of protection over this great patriot.


  1. You said it and I know just what you mean. Herman was not a gifted community organizer like Obama who managed to live very well for years off of other people’s money. Herman was like all the other unwashed masses in that he had nongovernment paying jobs that he had to perform at until he wised up for a short while and went to work for the Navy for 6 years. Obama was way smarter because he actually avoided having to produce a tangible work product for all of his adult life. Also can you believe it that Herman has no political experience? I mean Obama actually got to vote present many times during his short stint as a US senator when it wasn’t above his pay grade. Herman clearly doesn’t understand the game because you can actually look at his college transcripts with his degrees in mathematics and masters in computer science. I mean that’s all fine and good but how can he compete with Obama who was head of the Harvard Law Review?? Sure when Obama was head they didn’t produce one thing of note during his entire tenure and he didn’t publish one paper during that time. Doesn’t Herman realize that without (or with hidden) documentation you can make up any number of narratives concerning your alleged super genius to fit a variety of scenarios?? And Obama has the clear distinction of being the country’s first post racial president. Just listen to MSNBC they now say the word racist more than Olbermann ever said "Bush is stupid." Herman is just another Uncle Tom who obviously wandered off the Democrat plantation. We have all clearly seen the benefits of how Alinsky tactics and community organizing can govern the country, boost the economy, secure the borders and improve foreign relations. Just how can Herman compete??

  2. @theo,
    Hilarious! Spot-on impression of a right-wing teatard and ODS sufferer (but I repeat myself).

  3. @Euphgeek: Glad u appreciate it, using the truth makes it all the more hillarious and even more ironic!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. LOL...the truth is funnier than the fiction!

  6. It's especially funny when people think they're telling the truth but instead are just parroting right-wingnut talking points that failed to keep Obama from being elected in 2008.

  7. Wasn't it funny how easily we labeled the truth as talking points without actually having to produce his records? I mean that's one of the oldest Alinsky tacts there is and they fell for it! I loved the way Valerie Jarrett really showed those Repubs and TeaBaggers when she said they won't release his academic records because there's no point now that he is 50 years old. That's always been good enough for me!

  8. Theo - where are Bush JR's military records? Where are Trump's financial records? How many colleges to Sarah Palin go to again? Alinsky! Alinsky!
    What about Soros?! hmmmmm?

    The real tragedy in your posts is that they're not convincing anyone outside of the echo chamber that already believes them.

  9. @theo,
    And exactly what would showing his academic records prove? Not showing them didn't keep him from getting elected either. Haggard is right, you're not convincing anybody who isn't already convinced.

  10. Haggard, Thanks for pointing out a serious flaw they we Progs have. I mean Dan Rather would have actually kept his job if he hadn't been so eager to smear Bush with those hack job records he supplied. It is a cautionary tale for all of us when it comes to the truth. It is best avoided and remember to smear the opponents with innuendo. See Chris Matthews, NOT Keith olbermann as it cost him his job too.... Don Trump didn't run sadly because we are all very anxious to see his records and how they were manufactured. And Sarah don't get me started, so many colleges and all those records avialbe for review, no way she was smart enough to hide those...

  11. Guys Guys!! Please remember that we must keep the meme up that Obama is the smartest president ever. That is how we will beat that "other black guy" by stating over and over that Obama is far smarter without ever having had to produce any substantiating evidence. Sadly, people's faith is starting to waiver about Obama's god like intelligence so it our job to keep telling them that asking for proof is a lack of faith in our progressive messianic president who would never ever lie to us. Keep pounding them from that angle and we'll win 2012 too!!

  12. @euphgeek: F*cking a chicken? Please, one step at a time! Remember, first we desensitize people's morals by getting gay marriage passed. Next we completely legitimize NAMBLA. Then we work beastiality into legislation. What are you going to name your chicken??

  13. NAMBLA has already been completely legitimized, it's call the Republican party now. As for bestiality, I'm sure the Republicans are working on that, too.

    Oh, and I think I'll name my chicken theo.

  14. @euphgeek: We already did it!?! Wow, what was your first NAMBLA meeting like? Was Barney Frank and Kevin Jennings both there? Who gave the Don Young and Larry Sinclair memorial speech? Proud day for you and us progressives. We next must start working on getting the animals, the earth with mother nature the same rights as people!

  15. No, but Larry Craig and Ted Haggard were there. As were John Ensign, David Vitter and Mark Sanford. The guest of honor was Mark Foley. He did a speech on how much people like Jeff Gannon have contributed to the cause while we all did lines of cocaine off of Rush Limbaugh's back.

  16. @euphgeek: The unsubstantiated rumor was that Bill Clinton and John Edwards were in the Ted Kennedy room. Jim McGreevey was too busy at the local rest stops to make it. I also heard that client #9 himself, Eliot Spitzer made a quick guest appearence taking time off from his failed CNN show.

  17. That's all it was, an unsubstantiated rumor. I think I heard something about those guys being a little too squeaky clean for the room.

  18. Don't let this out....but Obama couldn't make it because he had a prior engagement at Chicago's Man Country with Reggie Love and Rham E.

  19. I heard the same thing, but that was just a rumor started by people who couldn't find a thing wrong with Obama and just started making things up out of jealousy.

  20. They were jealous of him really? That's pretty low, what were they jealous of, the soft ball questions and free passes he gets from the MSM or all of his vacations and golf games since becoming POTUS??

  21. No, they weren't jealous of the vacations or golf games, since they knew that Bush took far more vacations than any president in history. They also knew the MSM gave Bush a free pass in the run-up to the Iraq war.

  22. Check out this short video compilation highlighting some of the differences in worldview between Mr. Cain and President Obama and his administration. Clearly Mr. Cain advocates for an empowerment society and Mr. Obama advocates for victimhood and entitlements in exchange for votes. When Herman Cain debates Obama on race, my sense is that Mr. Cain will take the president to the woodshed.
