Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Potpourri

This is what Freepers really believe.
Freepers' condoms-equals-sluttery stand is bold, ya gotta give them that!
Someone can't do eyes, it seems.
Super-tough Commie Obama will beat you up!
Keep ignoring Bin Laden, all the drones and Libya, Freepers!
Freepers mix up correlation with causation again!
As classy as it is subtle.


  1. OK, this has nothing to do with anything, but ever since the Libya thing I've been getting the odd sense that Romney doesn't even want to win the election, but instead wants to lose and become a conservative pundit type kinda like Palin.

    Granted I have kind of a wild imagination, but does anyone else get that feeling at all?

    1. Mitt is a gigantic snob. I can't see him hobnobbing with the likes of Palin, the Wasilla hillbilly. In Mitt's world you have to make 250k just to be middle class!

      Palin did really well for herself, didn't she? Mitt doesn't need the money. My guess is that he will just take his football and go home.

      But hell, who knows?

    2. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that all elections in this country are predetermined and the losing side purposefully runs a candidate who is sure to lose.

  2. The best Barack Obama burning effigies – Islamists go bonkers for Bonfire Night (photos)
