Monday, September 30, 2013

Iran owns Obama

Obama and the Iranian President spoke on the phone. While I'm not sure of it's importance practically, it is pretty big news for diplomacy geeks. Which Freepers are not. Also, everything Obama does is not just wrong, but sinister in a way only Freepers can sense.

Vermont Lt is preemptively preparing new conspiracy theories for Syria:
He is saying to the Iranian,
,br/> “Look, we need another war right now. Unless you want to be on the receiving end, you will get Assad to use those chemical weapons again. I really, really need a war.”
austinaero is one of a million people to make this false equivalence :
Obama talks to the Iranians but not the Republicans,,but Obama has the country’s best interests at heart,yah,,riiiight
Gen.Blather - if we don't bomb Iran, it'll be Nazi Germany!
With this phone call, bearing Hassan Rouhani’s return number, I give you peace in our time!
BigBobber is sure Obama seemed weak, reaching out and all:
,br/> The Iranian stood up the pretender on their first date at the UN, but the lovesick wall flower calls up Iran AGAIN to beg for another date?
,br/> This guy has no shame and no self-respect. Like high school girls giggling at the class nerd when he walks by them in the hallway, the world’s leaders are secretly giggling at Obama behind his back.
,br/> Sadly, he drags this country down with him.
Dog also reads the Iranian mind:
Obama called the Iranian at his hotel....shocked the Iranians....weakness on display for the world to see per usual.
If it actually happened, I wonder if Hassan Rouhani handed the phone to one of his servants to pretend to be him.
SunkenCiv just hopes for Obama's death:
The ideal outcome would be face to face talks between the two “leaders”, during which a wahhabi / salafist / (fill in the blank from the pro-Iranian playbook) jihadist suicide bomber blows both of them to bits.

I’d be headed for Disneyworld if that happened.
bigtoona thinks Obama is an Iranian plant. After all, Obama is a secret servant of every country Freepers don't like:
He’s calling the mother ship for his next set of orders.
edpc is sure Obama talking to Iran means the end times:
I am far from a biblical scholar and don't go to church as often as I should. However....

Given the fact we have Obama conversing with Rouhani, the UN working on the Syrian chemical weapons/civil war issue, and the renewal of Israel/Palestinian talks, how far off can Daniel 9:27 be?


  1. I saw this coming..vanity post from Don-0 to give more money in the upcoming griftathon..

    1. Pretty much every daily 'thon thread will exploiting "Jim's poor poor leg" to codge up the dimes this quarter.

  2. While on the subject of the griftathon..on this page rimjob said there was 600+ donors on each qtr but he only shows 250+ actual names for each qtr..does anyone really believe anymore FR is meeting it's quota?

    1. FR hasn't met it's freepathon goal in years now ...
      but its fun for the old dummies on there to make pretend they're actually doing something.

  3. Why doesn't RimJob buy some health insurance and stop mooching off these rubes he's been exploiting for over a decade? Why do they have to support his lifestyle? If he's such a captain of industry and individuality, why can't he pay for his own surgery? Good thing he's not a minority.

    1. Rimjob had his first leg cut off at the medical care..hypocritical moocher. Mos freepers are the same way their medicare and SS

  4. Freepers are titillated by the gory details of the Nairobi mall attack and then instantly recommend doing the same, for some reason.
