Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Via Anonymous.

There is some article in Salon claiming men can't be friends these days: "American men—specifically white heterosexuals—lack the intimate bonds necessary to lead fulfilling lives."

I find that kind of gender essentialism pretty silly myself. Not Freepers, though! They throw in with Salon.com, so long as it allows them to further their increasingly common complaint about the oppression of men.

GraceG explains the problem:
All the emphasis on the homosexual agenda in the media has ruined friendships between straight males.

Two straight guys now fear friendships with other straight males lest they be branded gay and other people see them and draw the wrong conclusions.
Popman has been forced to wonder about gayness all the time now:
One thing I despise about this current pop culture is whenever I see two young guys together: mall, theater, grocery store...

My first thought is: are they gay ?

I never thought that way before we were inundated with the homosexual propaganda 24/7...

There used to be a time two guys could just be buddies and nobody would think a moment about it...
Life imitates The Onion - MaxMax wonders what's with all these gay dudes sucking his dick:
The problem with friendships these days is you never know if it's just hanging out,
or if you were tricked into a date and will be the last to know.
MinuteGal thinks all the blondes on Fox are making the station less manly:
Has anyone noticed how the Fox News channel is become more and more chickified every day?
gusty knows drunk driving is vital to manly relationships:
I would look in a different direction over the lack of male relationships in today's world. A group more culpable than homosexuals is (or was, I do not know if they still exist) Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

Think back to our fathers time. Back in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s guys would stop in the local tavern and shoot the breeze with their friends before dinner. The pubs and bars have been the meeting place of guys for centuries. Today, anybody with any sense of responsibility doesn't want to take a chance that one beer might lead to their life being ruined. So instead we today head right home every day.

The only interaction guys have with each other outside of work is usually through their kids sports. I had one guy I know say that without his kids games he would have no social life at all, and I bet that is true for most of the other guys too.

Nobody wants to condone drunk driving, but the unintended consequences has been a complete shutting down of the traditional male’s social life. I speak from a middle age guys perspective, maybe those younger than me have made up the slack with their electronic do-dads. But I for one would have enjoyed stopping at the local tavern for a beer or two with my friends and neighbors.
3Fingas explains the three activities that are manly:
Feminists destroying masculinity.

I think some family men fall into this trap. They spend so much time being the family guy. They are so wrapped up in raising their children and being dressed and brow-beaten by their wives, they lose their own identity and have no time for male friends. To avoid this testosterone lowering entrapment, I recommend the following:

1. Get a motorcycle, join a motorcycle riding group. The MC world is male dominated. Women are allowed to attend, but they usually have to take a back seat — where they should be in the first place. LOL. Just kidding ladies.

2. Get a gun/guns, going to a shooting range with friends from work or get involved in shooting competitions. This is largely a male activity, although women have a presence. All around, this is a male dominated activity. Guys naturally like this activity and can often impress the few women that attend.

3. Car clubs — requires fixing and/or detailing cars. Mechanical skills are largely a masculine domain. Guys who like cars often talk about cars and freely talk about their women in their lives. They also do other manly sort of things.

There are many other things men can do in male groups: go fishing, go hunting, bowling, shooting pool, hiking, form a fight club (not for the feint of heart).
Talisker thinks Feminists are cartoonish villains:
Feminists are insane. They are literally psychopaths. They want their way to be the only way, and they want anyone who disagrees with them to be utterly destroyed - not only physically, but psychologically, emotionally, financially, socially and every other possible way.

Remember the Clones Wars in the Star Wars series? THESE are the REAL clone wars. These aren’t “feminists.” These are HILLARY CLONES. And as such, they are totally, murderously insane psychopaths pretending to be “women.”

But women are the one thing they are not, and will never be. If anything, they are anti-women - “anti” meaning the same thing as “anti-Christ.”

In short, they are evil, and bring only destruction.
sodpoodle knows the next generation sex will cease, and men will become caged animals:
****the solution is to track down men and destroy them ****

In just a few decades - there will be one nation of several million women and a few men for sperm donation.

A lesson from agri-business: bulls are expensive to feed and dangerous to keep among the cows - so just have one bull and share his semen around. Cheap and easy.

Unfortunately - this weakens the herd and young bulls have no idea how to mate -they are simply meat - you don’t milk ‘em...just eat’em.
Little Bill has a solution:
Be a Townie, my son is a Townie, married in to a family of Townies.

Townies all know each other through school or their trades, no metros here. They talk to each other and help each other, with in limits.

They all are very non PC and hate Obama.


  1. Life imitates the Onion! I had forgotten all about that story. I'm still laughing!

  2. Feminism is turning out to be a fail for many women..feminism was good for getting equal pay, rights in the workforce bu the rad fems said it was ok to be a slut but what did that get women? ..unmarried age 35 + and lonely, lifetime STD's, single moms, endless one night stands, coming home to an empty home..

    Too many women drank the rad fem kool aid only to find they drank piss.

    1. I'm doing just fine. I'm not unmarried or lonely and I've never had an STD. I think these broads exist only in your bitter mind.

    2. Oh..so you are married then...proves my point..I'm not talking about you but the women who think it is a demeaning to get married due to some rad fem reasoning or they are giving something up in life

    3. Actually, the real rad fems are against sex altogether, so are neither sluts nor STD-ridden.

      Yes, there are a few out there, just as there are a few neo-Nazis who consider themselves to be the "true" conservatives.

      The real feminists ... those who benefited the most from "women's lib" are the Phyllis Schlafleys and Sarah Palins and Ann Coulters of the world. However, Ann Coulter does fit your definition of 35+ (much older really), and slutty.

    4. So, the straw man feminists in your head, then? Feminists don't care if a woman gets married or not, only that it's the woman's choice to be married or not. You will not find any mainstream feminists arguing that women should not marry because it's "demeaning."

    5. But the first anon1 is right in his characterization of the three examples cited by the second anon1.

      Phyllis Schlafley, Sarah Palin, and Ann Coulter, as feminists, are all bitter and bitchy. So that part is true.

    6. My point is feminism as a whole has made women happy and accomplished in the job market but in terms of relationships women have the highest rate of unsatisfaction..record # of affairs, broken marriages..never married..hookups wondering what the next day they did/regret -i.e.e no emotional attachment, coming home alone-not sharing life's rewards.

      No matter what you libs spout you are wrong in terms of this..feminism has decimated male/female relationships. Men are going galt as they get screwed in the courts, popular media etc.

    7. *Women* have the highest rate of unsatisfaction? Have you ever heard the vile generalizations Freepers make about women? Talked to a bachelor lately? Everything's women's fault for them, from rejection in dating to workplace relations. Yes, there are plenty of lonely singles out there who waited too long to get married. And most of the ones I know are men, unfortunately. Nice guys, too. I'm of the opinion that the longer in life you wait, regardless of gender, the more set in your ways you get, and the more reluctant you are to merge your life with that of someone else. It's hardly just feminists or the result of feminism.

  3. I know a decent amount of feminists, and a commitment to remain unmarried is rather rare, from what I can tell.

    If you're just noting that feminism has some kooks on its fringes, then you are correct, though trivially so - all philosophies have their kooks.

    1. And I know ones that are committed to remain unmarried. That doesn't mean partner-less. They all have long term boyfriends.

      Believe it or not, most people's life choices have nothing to do with you, so don't worry about it.

  4. Back to the main subject, though ...
    this article does have some merit in that both the left-wing and right-wing blogosphere love to conjecture on who might be gay, based on friendships and/or who one associates with.

    The difference between how the left and right is affected by this gossip is ...
    righties are afraid to have same-sex friends anymore, while lefties don't care and aren't affected at all.

    By the way, as expected, freeper excitement for JimRob's ten-million-righty march fizzled out in in a day.

    1. Sounds like righties need to grow up, then. It's really their problem.

    2. Now you're getting it ...

  5. "while lefties don't care and aren't affected at all."

    Know plenty of lefties who won't hang with conservatives, Christians..the right does not have the franchise on hating other people.

    1. That's true, but only the right elevates it to the level of a religious duty. People they don't like aren't just people they don't like, they're evil and must be destroyed.

    2. Reading the post, the point was that righties are afraid to have same sex friends because someone may think (gasp) they are gay,
      whereas lefties don't care about if someone may think they are gay.

      Nothing to do with not hanging with conservatives and/or Christians, but even that is not true with lefties.
      It is the righties that will sever friendships and cut off blood relations over trivialities ... this has been shown again and again by freeper comments with a sense of smug pride over their "righteousness".

      Of course, all you righties that can't find a non-feminist American woman anymore can do what so many freeper men have already done ... go to the Philippines, Belarus, etc. and marry a slave.

  6. I can't cease to be amazed at the level of paranoia and cognitive dissonance required to turn every event on its head to blame something or somebody else.


    "85 mph + his photo = he was TRYING to get busted.
    He’s trying to infiltrate the prepper community so the feds can bust them for some stupid, made-up charge and it will all sound really dramatic.
    The objective is to justify their budgets and lobby for new Orwellian laws.
    His bust is supposed to get The Crazies interested in hanging out with him up in the gnarly treehouse and giving him a decoder ring."

    1. Just - dang.

      What sort of prepper communities does he (the poster, not the moron) hang out in, anyway, that a car full of explosives with remote detonating capability is an asset?

      The few communities I know of (personally) would send him packing as a dangerous jackass that brings nothing to the table.
