exit82 found out the name of the pajama guy in the Obama add:
Good little Nazi last name—Krupp.
Gen.Blather explains how liberals are actually dadaist terrorists.
Liberals empathize with evil. Governor Dukakis allowed men in prison for life to have weekend passes. (Until it was shown Willie Horton was busy killing people on his hours outside.) Obama has given billions to terrorist related organizations and some that are supporting active terrorism against Israel; Hamas. (Most recently, $440 million.)
I read an article that put forth the thesis that they do this because it’s not logical. For thousands of years, they “reason,” people have done the logical thing and we’re not living in utopia yet, therefore we must do the opposite of logic and reason and we’ll find utopia. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to live with (or die because of) the results.
snarkybob laments that there won't be a Civil War to save America:
At some point,real Americans will have to start dealing with the country’s internal domestic enemies in the same way we would deal with an invading army.That’s the cold truth,like it or not.
There aren’t enough real Americans left. It’s as good as it’s going to get right now.
The public is hypnotized by 900 channels, politics has been reduced to a spectator sport of “My Team vs Your Team” and the burning issue today was about a reality TV show.
The general public drank the Kool Aid years ago. Now we’re just squabbling about how to arrange the deck chairs as the boat sinks.
freeangel finds the situation in NYC dire:
Any wise , self sufficient person would be running as fast as his/her little feet could carry them out of nyc. The word “detroit” come to mind.
fabian has high standards for his Jesus:

That picture makes Jesus look like a sissy...
OldNewYork thinks Obama shouldn't have been elected, and also impeached:
He should never have even made it past the primaries. And his impeachment should have been already a fond memory by the 2012 election. But I expect you’ll still find people on here saying it’s a waste of time to talk about impeachment.
Farnsworth does not like women:
Women also continue to play the part of Eve, by leading men away from God and his commandments. Beware women baring gifts.....of apples.
Farnsworth does not get along with his daughter:
Modern feminism has turned the majority of women into insufferable b!+ches.
yep....I’ve got one as a daughter
DoughtyOne requires a President to
feel American:
If a person is born on foreign soil to U. S. Citizen parents, I consider the person a natural born U. S. Citizen. If we’re talking a short vacation trip, or perhaps someone serving overseas in some capacity, I don’t think the kid should be denied the natural born status. I will say that if this service and absense from U. S. soil is extended, then it does become quite problematic for me.
In a child’s formative years, they must be on U. S. soil, soaking up a devotion to our nation. If they are living in France for an extended period of their life, how do they have more loyalty to the U. S. than France?
Obama clearly doesn’t have an ounce of loyalty to the United States. He loathes it, admittedly or not. He is the exact model of what we try to avoid with the ‘Natural Born’ clause. At least in my opinion he is.
The strange thing you have going on here is this. Even if Obama was born on U. S. Soil, folks couldn’t convince me that Maggie Thatcher wouldn’t have made us a better president than him, her having been born in England and him here. (if it’s ever proven he was)
Count of Monte Fisto - if you don't hate Pajama Boy lots and lots you're an Aztec.
Americans have become so politically and culturally divided, for example, if you aren't revolted by Pajamaboy you are as foreign to me as a heart ripping Aztec, that we should consider ourselves separate and distinct peoples. Separate people that need separate governments and separate countries.
Norm Lenhart lays out all Obama's assassinations:
Airplanes falling out of the sky in his current vacation spot with potentially troublesome persons in them, supposed former homosexual sex toys mysteriously die of lead poisoning, right wing media barons dropping dead at strange times, left wing reporters going off the grid who plan to expose info die in fiery car crashes on the way to airports...
And thats all off the top of my head. Who knows how much we havent heard about. Personally, the one thing I believe that he ever said is “I’m getting really good at killing people."
If you are equating different political views to human sacrifice, then maybe you're the problem. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteIt must have been tough work at the Cluck Bucket tonight, anonymous. Catching the bus home in Obama's Polar Vortex must have been hell!
DeleteRegarding pajama boy - do you really not want to punch him? Don't even mind him being an Obama fan so much - it's just the look on his face.
ReplyDeleteWell, I want to punch you, EC.
DeleteI have never even seen Pajama Boy. For as much as people discuss him, I still don't know what they're talking about (and don't care to). What's really starting to nauseate me about the blogosphere is how people can take something fake that's that trivial and run it straight into the ground for a week or two. As if it really matters! The last thing was that cartoon girl, what's her face, who was vilified as an example of Obama's "freebie" society. Can't even remember her name, but they ran that into the ground, too.
DeleteNot really, EC.
DeleteAgreed, EC. He's probably Euphdick's life partner.
DeleteActually, we're more concerned with Oblahblah's fuck ups like Obamacare.
DeleteKnew I liked you. Bit of fun then a couple beers? Usual rules - first person to bleed buys the first round.
Awwww, your little feeeeeeeeelings have been butt hurt again. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
DeleteI am the real real anon1! You are the fake real anon1!
Farnsworth's daughter has my deepest sympathies.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, while others are blaming the death of male friendships on teh gayz and MADD, sodpoodle is imagining a dystopic future ruled by Feminazis where people are…cattle? http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3107139/posts?page=31#31
... Can anyone explain me who the hell is this pajama boy?
ReplyDeleteThe right wing made him up just to have something else to bitch about.
DeleteOzy featured him in a Saturday Pix post a couple of weeks ago: http://vikingkitties.blogspot.com/2013/12/saturday-pix_21.html
DeleteI'm looking him up in conservative blogs.
DeleteThey are enraged that someone in an Obama ad looks nerdy?
Damn they are really grasping for straws
Krupp is actually a Jewish name....
ReplyDeleteAre there any threads about how it's somehow Obama's fault that it's so cold?
ReplyDeleteNot blaming him so much as accusing him of killing America for acknowledging that there has been an increase in climate catastrophes and an average increase in global temperatures, accompanied by things like acidification of the oceans. Things that FreepTards eat as red meat in denial.
ReplyDeletewomen baring gifts.....of
Oh no not the women with the gifts of
And so it begins...
"And so it begins..." I actually miss reading Tales From The Derp Side because when I first caught on to it, the "and so it begins" thing was so amusing.
DeleteSeems that someone else has also noticed GeronL's obsession with kiddie porn and his ability to steer virtually any topic toward it.
"You are the one who brought up child molestation (and child prostitution, for that matter) and giving drugs to children. What does the de-criminalization of marijuana have to do with child molestation and drugging children? And why is that your immediate response? It’s like you’re fixated on kiddie porn. What gives?"
Yep, GeronL is one creepy dude.