Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Steve Stockman Mystery Deepens

Via Anonymous.

No one knows where Congressman Steve Stockman is, though he's still sending out e-mails. In these times of peak paranoia, Freepers speculate about what awesome birther thing he's going to come out with next.

Really, though, it's all about one Freeper's total enthusiatic disconnect from reality.

LyinLibs wants Obama to know the jig is up, and no assasination will help him this time!
Stockman knows Obama is a foreign plant.

He’s not going to stroll around Capitol hill waiting for them to Breitbart/Fuddy/Hastings him.

You hear that, Jihad John Brennan at CIA?

Everybody has figured it out.

You’re all going to prison. It’s time to make a run for it, back to China or Russia or the Middle East.

Hell, even I figured it out on my own after absorbing all the materials online. And if my lazy butt can figure it out independently, then LOTS of folks with greater resources figured it out in detail LONG before i did.
LyinLibs tells all Democrats to run away to China, or blow up America.
......they’re all going to jail UNLESS they EMP conus first and make a run for it back to China or NKorea.

If this was 1960-1970 (no internet) they would have pulled off the hoax bc nobody would have seen any detail (birth cert; background; photos; Indonesian cults, etc).

Watch Iron Man 3. The villain isn’t a villain. He’s a drug addict ACTOR hired as front man by the villain, to insulate the villain.

Given plastic surgery. Given drugs. Given his own boat. And told to read lines off a screen
. NOTE: THIS IS AMAZING. LyinLibs then explains why Obama's hair proves he had plastic surgery to look black:

Maybe Stockman is getting hairplugs.

Notice anything about the (orange) line? It traces the shape of what looks like a vein. The 'vein' by coincidence just happens to EXACTLY match the edge of Obama's hair patten in front.

But let's assume that's a VEIN along his temple hairline. Then why the hell is the REAR (purple line) scar perfectly tracing the back of the same section of obama's 'hair.'

He's an ARAB/INDONESIAN with the best hair implants money can buy, to create an 'afro' hairstyle.

The hair is real (transplanted), or fake (synthetic). Doesn't matter. They healed the scars with cremes, then add MAKEUP caked on top to smooth out the edges (especially in front).

Remember, he's 'never without his makeup.' He reportedly 'cakes it on' and is always chased by a makeup artist with a makeup bag at all times.

Go ahead -- do your own search for photos online and look at the SCARS down the side, and across the back, of his head.

His whole head is divided by LONG SCARS in PERFECT SECTIONS, as if the entire surface of his head was resurfaced in pre-planned sections.

Car-accident scars are chaotic. Catastrophic injuries don't put 'perfect/sectional' scars on every side of your head that look engineered by a stylist.

Conclusion? He's NOT black.

An ARAB, or INDONESIAN/ASIAN planted in the USA by a foreign intelligence service would stick out like a sore thumb.

How many 'indonesians' have you met? I've met ZERO in my entire life. I'll probably never meet an 'indonesian' in my lifetime, b/c the USA isn't 20% indonesian.

But a 'BLACK' man blends right in.

A 'Black' man can assimilate into the community and begin COMMUNITY ORGANIZING, KGB-style, as explained in those Yuri Bezmenov (KGB defector) videos.

Stay tuned. I think this guy is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to infiltrate the USA, you don't send 'one guy who might get lucky,' you send an array of plants, then soak them in anti-USA brainwashing/propaganda as they grow up with Frank Marshall Davis and Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, then you hope one ascends to power while the rest maybe stop at the 'Judge' or 'State Senator' level.

And you don't implant your agents thru NYC, you send them thru wide-open 'passport mill' Hawaii that's STILL handing a birth certifiate to any human being who walks in the door OR any human being who walks in the door to 'verbally report another human being (not in attendance) who needs a birth certificate.' 

iontheball senses something big, though he's unsure what:
My sense is that Steve is in to something very important. It is being reported he will be coming forward tomorrow with something. As we know, he is consumed with Obummer’s treason and multiple Constitutional violations. It could be Articles of Impeachment. It could be related to the Egyptian indictment of Obummer. It could have something to do with Joe Arpaio. Whatever it is, Steve would not have gone off the radar without a very good reason. It has to be important because he is putting his Hill responsibilities and his run for the Senate on hold while he prepares. As Drudge is famous for teasing: Developing . . . .
butterdezillion weighs in with her own particular logic about why Stockman will blow this case wide open:
Right now the Egyptians may be the people in the world who most understand what is at stake with the Obama communist-Islamist alliance taking over so much of the world. If Stockman, Bachman, etc are in dialog with the Egyptian leaders who are exposing Obama’s role in overthrowing moderate, non-Islamist Muslims all over the world and installing and arming the sharia terrorists, then I’ve got a good feeling about Stockman operating under stealth and will redouble my prayers for him and for the country, because the ride could get very, very bumpy very, very quickly.


  1. This is the only thing I can think of to describe these people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJNtInVktS4

    As for Steve Stockman, maybe he's hiking the old Appalachian trail.

  2. That conspiracy theory is UNBELIEVABLE! I feel honored to be able to read it.

  3. I thought the President was supposed to be the "Kenyan usurper". What happened to that? Did I miss the memo?

    No, wait, it's the Anti-Christ. No, wait, it the Manchurian Candidate.

    It's just hard to keep up.

    1. I, for one, welcome our insect overlords.

  4. You know, after five years of birfing, there are two things that astound me. One is that in spite of an 0-220 legal record and that even Steve Stockman hasn't said anything that would count as endorsing their conspiracy claims (though Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups repeatedly said for months that he was "on board" though by now, they are stating that he's unnecessary), the birthers have constantly for the past five years been on the cusp of victory. The other is how Rube Goldbergian the conspiracy is. I have yet to meet a birther who can explain in very concrete terms what the Grand Conspiracy gains say by surgically altering an Indonesian and faking his citizenship that they couldn't get through finding someone born in America to do so.

    1. "... the birthers have constantly for the past five years been on the cusp of victory ..."

      And they're about to break the case WIDE OPEN !
      ... but only if you can find in your heart to dig deep and send them some more money to fund their investigative efforts!

  5. Steve Stockman posted through his campaign site that he was on some State Department mission to Russia.

    Still waiting for that statement to be verified through other sources ... waiting ... waiting ...

    1. I am lifetime fan of the Dallas Morning News, let's see what they have to say about it -

      "News accounts from Cairo last weekend confirmed that he was among a half-dozen members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting with Egypt’s interim president and other top officials last weekend. But Stockman had been absent longer than other colleagues on the trip.
      His whereabouts the rest of the time remained shrouded in secrecy, despite repeated inquiries from news organizations in Texas and beyond. He or a ghost writer has kept up a steady patter on Twitter throughout his absence."


  6. Come on. Second oldest trick in the book.

    He's behind, badly, so disappears to get some buzz going.

  7. bz: "If Stockman, Bachman, etc are in dialog with the Egyptian leaders who are exposing Obama’s role in overthrowing moderate, non-Islamist Muslims all over the world and installing and arming the sharia terrorists, then I’ve got a good feeling about Stockman ..."

    hmm, that word "if" ... they keep using it but i do not think it means what freepers think it means.

    in their minds "if" must really mean "since" because it's the only way their sad fixation to these patent lunacies makes any sense.
