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I've posted this before, but I find it pretty amazing. Latinos bad! Tattoos bad! So, Obama has gotta be both! |
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There is no compassion, only selfishness and lying about it. |
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This is is how scientists think. |
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Except for blacks and women, natch. |
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Benghazi forever. |
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Waiting on the Obama as Smaug Photoshop. |
The crying women is hilarious and so true
ReplyDeleteYes, liberals only voted to give everyone health care so they could mooch! Compassion in those politically opposed is always a lie.
DeleteThe crying women is hilarious and so true
Dipshit Freeper amused by poorly made, incoherent agitprop on Free Republic.
Ozy - just curious. Your health insurance premiums gone up this year, or down this year? You got to keep the plan you were happy with?
DeleteLike it or not, Obamacare was sold as being cheaper, more convenient and universal. It is so far none of those things.
2 million people have enrolled and actually paid their first month's premium. (The range is huge - from 150k to 6 million, depending on your source, so I took 2 million as a slightly generous estimate.)
6 million people have had plans they were perfectly happy with cancelled (Again, reports vary between 4 and 14 million, so I took 6 as a low ball estimate).
That's more people lost insurance than gained it - never mind some of the joys tucked into the policies.
I am, for example, a 57 year old male. Anyone want to explain why mammograms and maternity coverage are included in my policy? I don't have tits and, barring a very bad movie, am highly unlikely to ever have a child myself. The contraceptive coverage is nice, sure - assuming I can't walk to the chemist and get a 12 pack and assuming I want to have sex with someone other than my post menopausal wife. Unlikely, that - she'd find out and the hospital bills would be huge.
To add insult to injury, I pay more. Not because I am unfit or obese. Not because I have any pre-existing condition, other than a need for anti inflammatory medication from time to time (bad leg, long story). I smoke. Not much - between 3 and 12 cigs a day, depending on traffic and boredom. Yet my premiums and co-pay are massively larger than a cancer patient.
It is irritating. You catch a lot of the right wing sites claiming the roll out was deliberately botched to force single payer on the nation.
Do it. I don't want the young and healthy being dinged for my costs in the future - those are my kids you are talking about. I don't want my costs going up to cover the triple bypass of the guy who eats 3 big Macs for breakfast.
At least single payer is sensible.
@Anon 10:41
DeleteCredit it right. Liberal Logic 101. Before then, no idea. Your google-fu is probably better than mine.
My premiums went up this year, just as they have for every year I've gotten insurance.
DeleteThe implementation is been rough, and we'll have to see what happens. The national health insurance market is huge, and unpredictable.
But the goal was to cover more people, and I think we're on the road to that (if we don't up and fail).
As for the mamograms, that's just the effect of risk pooling. It's efficient in the agrigate, even if it seems weird. It's been going on for a long time - women have been covering dude's Viagra for a decade now.
But yeah, single payer would be better. This inserts an artificial middle-man into everything. Good for the middle-man, bad for everyone else.
But I'm seeing half a loaf, so I'm not gonna turn it down too much.
Ozy, no problem with giving everyone healthcare but when some people pay huge premiums and some pay non at all ..well...people are pissed over this.
DeleteAnd I know 2 people who went on the exchanges and their choice of physical therapist went from 25+ to 5..you get what you pay for lol
Obamacare has been a disaster.
My premiums went up this year, but by a smaller % than previous years, and my coverage improved, keeping most of the same copayments but adding in a flexible spending account, wider coverage, improved vision and dental, and company conyributions to a HSA if I complete a physical assessment. There is a smoking premium, but I don't smoke, and our company has had that clause for several years now. They also offer $0 copays on blood pressure, cholesterol, and smoking cessation drugs if you sign up for a support group.
DeleteOverall, I am pleased with my insurance changes for the first time in many years.
Just my anecdotal $.02
Thank you for answering.
DeleteI've had the "joy" of private insurance, single payer (currently, as you can tell from my IP, though I also pay for a private policy) and some weird mix of both (politely called universal health care but in fact institutional bribery - you need medical treatment, you grease some palms to get it)
Single payer would be the way to go. I will support that - because, yes, there are people who can't afford private insurance, or who's job does not provide insurance.
And then I think this is a government that doesn't blink at paying $4000 for a toilet seat. $1000 for a hammer. (yeah, I know, they are tropes, but illustrate the point.) Are they really going to Walmart their clout into lower cost meds and beds?
I find this kinda funny, "Yeah I'm a smoker but they're raising my insurance fubo". Because insurance companies wouldn't already be raising premiums on smokers. Thanks to Obama the saintly insurance companies can't decline people due to smoking/chronic pain as pre-existing conditions.
DeleteI just find it annoying. Sure, it is a disgusting habit which will shorten my life span by giving me the fastest and most fatal form of cancer. There have been several reasonably successful pushes on both state and national level to reduce the number of smokers or persuade people to quit. Every time the number of smokers goes down, the tax on cigarettes goes up.
Where I live currently - the UK - smoking related illnesses cost the health service about £500 million per year. Tax on cigarettes brings in roughly £5 billion per year. That is one hell of a return on investment. I consider smoking to be my contribution to the welfare state :P
EC, Total BULLSHIT $500 million LMAO.. EC..Healthcare cost on tobacco use in the UK in 2005 was over 5billion per year and it cost over 14 billion when added in lost sick days etc.
DeleteIn the state smoking and tobacco are nearly the cause for all major health care cost..
Man you smokers really pull crap out of your butts to defend your habit.
Correction above should read:
DeleteIn the state smoking and tobacco AND OBESITY are nearly the cause for all major health care cost..
@anon1 1:21 p.m. - he said 500 million pounds, not dollars. Do the math. Still doesn't account for your discrepancy, but 500 million pounds is a lot more than 500 million dollars.
DeleteAnd now this word from outer space,
ReplyDeleteSteve Stockman Mystery Deepens
Man that "Obama hair restoration conspiracy" post is gold. (post 31)
DeleteI saw that hair thing! WTF? I still can't tell when some of these guys are for real, and when they might be pulling our leg.
DeleteEC...are you even American? I don't know many Americans who call a pharmacist a chemist.
ReplyDeleteGot a passport (expired now, should renew it) that says I am :)
DeleteI have lived in London for quite a few years now. The language sticks to you. :)
Originally Canadian (born there, English father, American mother), then a few years in up-state New York (Buffalo - fucking cold but the winters were wonderful for a kid), a few more in Texas (nice people but the climate? Give me cold, rain, and lack of freaking dust), a few tours abroad in various exotic locales (with exotic locals trying to shoot me), then Germany (a country that makes great beer and great sausages can't be ALL bad), then Botswana (more freaking dust), then Kenya (yet more freaking dust, but it smells nice), then Dubai (you guessed it - dust, and my wife disliked it intensely), then the UK (What's that glowing ball in the sky again?)
Get bored in one place after a bit. Got that itchy foot that always wants to see what is over the next hill. Wife put up with it, but when we landed here she said "enough" in that tone of voice that you don't argue with.
That was boring.
I might be biased, but you'd might like Wisconsin, especially Madison. Great local brewers and drinking culture (make sure you make our two drink minimum before entering!) not to mention of love of sausage (heh, heh)
DeleteDon't exactly drink any more - but I want to try this cheese I hear you guys boast about so much!
DeleteMy plan for retirement is to take two years or so, fly back to the States, probably into Chicago. Buy a decent RV and see EVERYTHING! Not just the big things in the guide books, but the little roadside attractions, produce stands, festivals, the places Guy Fieri hits up in tripleD. The works. Catch up with a whole bunch of friends, go fishing, get in a bit of hunting. May as well scratch that itchy foot one more time before we are too old, right? :)
And completely ignore politics for those two years. That will be bliss.
DeleteGet bored in one place after a bit. Got that itchy foot that always wants to see what is over the next hill. Wife put up with it, but when we landed here she said "enough" in that tone of voice that you don't argue with.
That was boring."
How about making your own decisions for once instead of taking orders from your wife?
You big pussy you.
Now roll over and play dead!
Good boy.
Freepers getting aroused at the thought that the Columbia Mall shooter is either Black, Hispanic, or both!!! The old refrain of why no pics?
What difference would it make. If the shooter was white, they'd simply call him a liberal and be done with it. There's an excuse for everything with FReepers.
DeleteFreepers' rules for posting on crime stories.
Delete1. If black then post story a minimum of 5 times within the hour. After 12 hours repeat to ensure the late night Freepers get their daily dose of rabble rousing.
2. If white prior to posting please determine the following.
a) Is the criminal gay. If so post story with a dash of homosexual - pedophilia and the homosexual agenda thrown in. All threads must have the obligatory "fecal matter" post.
b) If criminal is woman. Determine if she is attractive. If attractive blame the press and the liberals for corrupting her but never put blame on her. If unattractive . She is either gay, race mixer, white trash, or on psychotropic drugs.
c. If the shooter is a white male teen. Blame psychoptropic drugs are conspiracies.
d. Determine if the perpetrator is liberal. Easy because any anglo that commits a crime and does not fall into the aforementioned categories are liberals.
3. If the shooter/rapist/attacker/wrongdoer is a confirmed Republician/Conservative white anglo saxon male then it's obvious that he didn't do it and there's no need to be posting that Media Bias on the site. What are you a newbie?
Welcome to Freerepublic.
They have a whole thread on it now:
DeleteVanity.....Race of Mall Shooter??
Nice. Also, if a shooter is conservative, it's actually a false flag.
DeleteI noticed they wasted hardly any time on the copy who murdered the young dad in a movie theater because he was texting. Either that, or I missed it. (If they did cover it, I'll bet $100 at least one person asked what the race of the victim was.)
DeleteCOP, not copy.
DeleteThey did have a number of threads and it was pretty interesting. It was a battle between the cop haters (I need to add that to the list of what stories to post. If it's a white cop and white victim they will post due to the anti cop angle). The initially speculated that it was a "thug" that got shot and good riddance. Then when it was revealed the victim was white and a cop they jumped on the killer cop band wagon. Some Freepers even said the shooting was a good thing because it would keep people from texting in the theater. Lots of whining of how theaters were so civilized in the old days and how Freepers refuse to go the movies.
To: Balding_Eagle
And I’m guessing the race of the offending “texter.”
I would NOT be surprised if his name was Jamal.
I’ll get flamed for this fer shere.
But typically, if there is a nuisance in a movie house, its usually a wigger or a ......
23 posted on 1/13/2014 6:52:26 PM by ConradofMontferrat ( According to mudslimz, my handle is a HATE CRIME. And I HOPE they don't like it.)
Hahah........Knowing Freepers I would never make that bet with you.