Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Predictions

Via Anon.

A mix of pettiness, crazy hope, and pathological pessimism. The only thing you can count on is that Freepers are rarely predict what normal people do:

Toespi is too optimistic to even offer a reason:
Obama impeachment proceedings to begin in Spring.
Buckeye Battle Cry has a personal problem, and posts it on the Internet:
My soon to be ex-wife will continue to be miserable because my son’s martial arts instructor with whom she had an affair has dumped her because he doesn’t want to tell his second wife and kids about how he destroyed my family. Nor does he want to divorce his second wife and have to pay alimony and child support to two separate women. This will continue to make my soon-to-be ex-wife miserable.
Cheerio will declare it was because of Freeper vigilance when Obama leaves office peacefully:
Republicans take the House and Senate and nothing changes in the District of Corruption. Obamacare is too dug in to be repealed. Martial law to follow, and Obozo has no intention of leaving office voluntarily - the perks are the best of his spoiled short lifetime.
Doogle has been thinking for some years: I have thought about for two years....they get the goods on Odungo and he resigns and walks away from 22 billion in debt and the US Health Care system in a shambles.

He'll do his obligated mea culpa, and will say he tried so hard to accomplish his goal, but the people (citizens) hate black people and when things change he may return to public office.

Meanwhile he gets offered UN leadership and takes it. While the RAT party works on changing the Constitution to let previous Presidents return for a third term.
If Obama resigns, they won't even need to change the Constitution!

MaxMax thinks Obama's gayness will lead to war:
Obama will be found out by an outside MSM source that he's having a homosexual affair with an NBA or NFL player. No Divorce.

Obama will start a War to cover most likely with Iran but only on the borders and from the air. You know, Vietnam style beginning of a police action.
hattend is not optimistic:
Economy finally tanks right before elections, Pubs blamed, elections are a win for the left, Obama puts pedal to the metal... we are FUBARed for the next generation.
ez thinks Christmas BS will motivate the religious right, who have stayed out of politics until now:
Republicans run against the “ War on Christians” and evangelicals get off their butts and give the R’s both branches of Congress. R’s have no idea what to do and fold to the media like little girls.
William of Barsoom has it all worked out:
War in the Middle East, beginning on or about Tuesday,January 7th, 2014.

As soon as the war starts — which Iran will provoke — global blow-back from tens of thousands of terrorists already in place will occur. This will include attacks on malls, schools, government buildings, gas stations, airports, downtown areas, and major media facilities literally everywhere. Numerous different weapons and methods will be used. The object is thorough chaos and complete fear among the infidels.

It will begin around noon New York time. Why? The terrorists plan to use the idiot and hysterical media as an unwitting ally. The Media can be relied upon to whip up the story and sensationalize it even beyond its reality through their own ignorance, oversimplifications, and poor science and military knowledge.

Additionally, the terrorists are not dumb, and know something of the requirements for producing television, namely a noon start will assure many hours of daylight, which will allow tv news crews to move fast and not have to light everywhere they go.

The attack will be coordinated, and will start at the same moment in all times zones — noon in New York, and 9 am in California, and so forth. Additionally, the media will be deeply frightened themselves — this leads to poor editorial judgement and adds to the confusion.

I have no special contacts or information sources. I make this prediction based purely upon my own personal logical analysis.
Sequoyah101's secret war, excerpted for length:
6. Outright FRAUD in the fall elections is clearly evident. Not just irregularities but FRAUD. As a result, there are a few outbreaks similar to the Athens War (McMinn County War). All the perpetrators are rounded up quickly and essentially “disappear”. In fact, the outbreaks are not even acknowledged nationally and become an open secret only whispered.

7. As a result of Election FRAUD rats retain the Senate and the house majority is diminished. Instead of the obvious pubbie lawsuits there are rat lawsuits claiming fraud and demanding recounts for unwon house seats. pubbies refuse to file any charges citing the fragility of the republic.

catnipman is sure Republicans will win all the things in 2014:
Right now is just the lull before the Cat 5 hurricane called “BamaKare” hits the U.S. next year, because in early 2014, horror stories will start emerging about people with obama-cancelled insurance not being able to continue their chemotherapy or dialysis treatments, trauma patients being denied care at designated trauma centers, and hospital emergency departments being swamped with people unable to see their doctor.

This will start happening in January, become a deluge in February, and turn into a tsunami of death and suffering by March 2014, at which time voters will start hunting Democrats down in the streets with pitchforks and dogs. And a well-deserved hunt it will be too, because people are going to needlessly die as obamacare sends our existing health care system spiraling into complete and total chaos.

All the Republicans need to do is twiddle their fingers until the Democrats BEG them to fix obamacare, at which point the Republicans need to carry through on their promises to repeal and replace it. And if the Republicans betray us and don’t do that, it is the end of the Republican Party.


  1. The Republicans have had decades to either propose and enact their own health care solution or repeal and REPLACE the Affordable Care Act. The fact is that they have nothing to replace it with, because the model is and was essentially a Republican idea. And they're sure as shit not going to "repeal and replace" it with a single payer plan, like the rest of the modern world has (because that would be admitting that their whole worldview is completely wrong).

    1. Bingo. Republicans' worldview is completely wrong, because they run on a platform that is based on denying facts, and they've gotten their base to believe that facts are just liberal propaganda. This makes the occasional brush with reality (like the result of the 2012 presidential election) very hard for them to take.

  2. Why do i get the image that these same people will be disappointed when none of their doom and gloom predictions come to pass?

    1. Absolutely.

      Extremists on both sides have to predict the status quo will end horribly in order to justify whatever radical changes to it they insist upon.

  3. Slight delay in our first quarter FReepathon
    "... But there will be a slight delay in starting our fundraiser. Having a bit of technical difficulty with our secure server certificate. It expired over the weekend and I was hoping John would have it updated before today. No such luck. And I haven't been able to reach him yet this morning to get a status update."

    Translation: as usual, John is too drunk to respond to anything until mid-afternoon at least.

    1. Lol,

      I think they're waiting for either onyx, DJMacWoW, or trisham to volunteer to cut their leg off for this thon.

      JimRob is fresh out.

  4. All the Republicans need to do is twiddle their fingers until the Democrats BEG them to fix obamacare

    That would be a good start, but I don't think the Republicans should give in until and unless Democrats give them a magic pony. It doesn't matter how much finger-twiddling it takes; this is a matter of principle, like when Washington crossed Valley Forge at the Battle of New Orleans!

    I'm seriously starting to think they come up with these scenarios that will never, ever happen just so they'll always have something to be angry and despondent about later. "Unless all Democrats are sent to a detention camp on the moon by 6 p.m. PST on February 1, 2014, the GOP has sold us out and America is over!!!"

    Alternatively, I guess they could also just be really, really dumb and self-involved.

  5. The Freepers are always mad about the prophet getting married too young...but when Phil Robertson says it's OK, well, it's just good old American common sense! And here's almost 300 comments that say so!


    2. I wonder how long until HollyB gets banned. She had the nerve to tell Norm Lenhart that menses (often as early as the age of 9) doesn't mean you're ready to get married off, a la Phil Robertson:
      Norm's response? "Blame God, not me." How these people have the nerve to bash Muslims - not that I care for fundamentalist Muslims, I just have to laugh at hypocrites - is beyond me.

    3. Barf. Seriously.
      Mrs. "Abstinence only" with her fucked up daughters.
