Thursday, November 15, 2007

And Now This Word From Outer Space

From the previous Hillary thread:

The most breath-taking issue about all of the Dem candidates, is that Hillary is the most conservative of all the Dem candidates. It is utterly astounding to see what the Soros money machine has been able to accomplish in dragging the Dem party to the left. HRC tried, in vain, to defend her vote in favor of the Iraq war (remember, we actually did have a majority vote in congress to go to war, which was corroborated by the 2002 elections). It became apparent to HRC that the lurch leftward by the democratic party made her position on Iraq, an utter kiss of death in the Dem primaries. I have never, in all my life, seen such a traitor (Soros) being allowed to run rampant throughout American politics. People, Soros has only one major ambition: to create a one world government, and America is his largest obstacle. Though I can’t prove it, I strongly suspect Soros, in collusion with other countries which hate the U.S. are manipulating the dollar trade as well as oil speculation, in the hope of bringing America to heel. In the damaging the U.S. economy Soros shows himself to be no greater friend of America than al Queda. It is utterly astounding to me, to see how easy the Dems can fool so many Americans into believing that they would be the best choice for America. This country will deserve the tremendous social upheaval that will shortly be upon us, mainly as we have collectively lost the ability to see through the Dem charlatans. They advocate for our loss in Iraq, while proclaiming they are the “true” patriots” and that they “support the troops”. The mere fact that there is little outrage, simply speaks to how naive many Americans have become. In decades past, the behavior the dems are now displaying, in attempting to short circuit our victory in Iraq would have led to them a) being rounded up as subversives and b) the party would essentially be run out of town on a rail. Unfortunately, the shame belongs to all the Americans who intend to vote for these traitors, instead of tarring and feathering them
For the tl;dr crowd:
1. Hillary is the least crazy liberal dem presidential candidate
2. The above fact is because Soros has dragged the party to the left.
3. Soro's agenda is one world government.
4. He is responsible for America's economic woes, as he has near unlimited economic power.
5. There will be a revolution if we don't kill the traitor.

Paranoia, thy name is kroger58

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