Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Maybe once a week there is a story on Free Republic about man's inhumanity to man. We're talking seriously monstrous stuff here: pedophilia, rape, killing young mothers, etc.

Free Republic is sure to meet this inhumanity with some of its own. What do you do with a man accused of using shock collars to keep his daughters nearby so he could abuse him? Well, a court of justice doesn't enter into the equation:

They should name this horrible monster so the whole town knows who he is and what he’s been doing to his daughters.

Then do to him what needs to be done.

Vigilante justice! It's the way to ensure things are civilized!

This man is just misguided. Can I chat alon [sic] with him for a few minutes. About 2 will do....


Actually he’ll look pretty good hanging from the scaffold! I do like a happy ending!!
But the best are the advocates for biblical "eye-for-an -eye" TortureJustice(tm)
I suggest a slow strangulation style hanging (as opposed to snap hanging a-la Saddam) - while a shock collar is attached to the appropriately sensitive areas.
NO, I was more inclined to bleed him out over several days.
When Freepers crow about how much more civilized they are than other message boards cause they don't curse, I think of this.

Bloodthirsty Internet tough guys. They'll know how to save civilization.

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