Friday, November 2, 2007

Those racist democrats!

I find Freeper's reaction to race interesting. If you are a black conservative, they love you. If you are a black liberal, they blame your race. If you are a Hispanic or Arab conservative, you are suspect.

And, of course, the sins of Jim Crowe continue to be visited on the Democrats.

Slavery? Democrats
Black Freedom? Republican
Segregation? Democrats
Desegregation? Republican
Ghettos? Democrat
Escape them? Republican!

If Democrats had any brains they’d be Republicans - Ann Coulter

Indeed, if one looks at history only up through about 1964, the Democrats do look pretty bad. And since then, of course, there's the huge Republican crusade against the ghettos, which I'm sure I'd heard of if it wasn't for the liberal media!

L98Fiero agrees, though he seeks to understand why the blacks vote for slavery.

It’s a good article but but it seems like blacks are considered mindless pawns who have no capacity to make their own political decisions. They are “forced to suffer” and all that.

There are only two real possibilities here:

1.) Blacks are largely so dumb they vote for the party that did all it could to keep them enslaved.

2.) Blacks are largely Socialist Democrats by choice.

Of course, #2 is the correct answer.

Of course, the black race tends towards socialism. Good thing the Republicans are so evolved they don't judge them, and continue to try to help them.

Oh noes, the liberal school system is getting into the act!

I think it goes to the core of why public schools no longer focus on American History.

If they did, the students would learn which political party was heavily invested in maintaining slavery. They’d know which party nominated a candidate in the 1864 election against Lincoln, on a ‘peace platform’ that allowed for slavery to continue in the South, and would negotiate a settlement to the war that would allow the Confederacy to break away from the Union.

Indeed, all those "South will rise again!" neo-Confederates are total democrats nowadays. The public school democrat slavery cover-up is the reason why no one teaches American History. And by American History in Capital Letters, I mean History Of America Doing No Wrong Except For Slavery, and That was Just the Democrats.

And finally, we weave the tapestry together:
How can I be a racist when I am against the genocide of black babies (abortion)?
Good point. It's a desire for racial equality that drives the pro life lobby. Wow, some people can really make everythign about abortion. I'm sure they're a riot at cocktail parties.

"You know who else would like crab dip? MURDERED BABIES!"

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