Mexican spring isn't just similar to muslim spring, its connected. On the same day Obama started the mess with Israel, palestinians were speaking in Tucson.Graneros knows one trick ponies:
The Dems are nothing but a one trick pony. Raise taxes is all they know. How bout this: CUT SPENDING, CUT SPENDING, CUT SPENDING, CUT SPENDING. And if that doesn’t work CUT SPENDING.Buckeye McFrog is sure Dems will dump Obama, cause Freepers know what a disaster he's secretly been:
I think Hillary and key Dem insiders got a taste of just how dangerously indecisive this guy is in the whole lead-up to the Libya and Bin Laden decisions. I am sure that deep within the bowels of the Democrat Party a plan is hatching to eject Barry before he leads their entire party over the cliff and into a half-century of oblivion.jerseyrocks has an interesting choice of insults:
Obama ain’t no Cowboy he is more like a Pigman.Da Coyote has a new nickname for Obama. These are usually a dime a dozen, but this one is special:
DrC knows why John Edwards is facing indictment:I’d gladly vote for Cain.
I’d gladly p*ss in the general direction of Obamabutt.
Obama just wishes he could indict all white people!“Edwards must have really pissed off someone in Barry’s administration. What did he do?”
He’s not a Black Panther...
Moby Grape has discovered something:
Am I the only one who believes that Rham Emmauel looks just like Goebbels?Moby Grape again!
And Alexrod with a small mustache IS HITLER.something ruined Netanyahu's speech for GRRRRR
grobdriver games out the Presidential debates:When they show a camera view of BiBi from the left side, see if you can see AL FRANKEN...sitting there in a slouch with his big fat lips all pouting, what a piece of disgraceful crap he is..
Al Franken - evidence that the DemonRats ARE a joke!
What would y’all give to see Cain and ‘bammers in a debate? Nothing - it would be a foregone conclusion.RoadTest knows who to blame for the tornadoes:
1. Cain wipes the floor with the snot-nosed one.
2. The media spins it as the evil Cain disses The One, and lies about everything.
3. O'Barry issues a statement, "I won!".
4. The media regurgitates said statement.
5. We are all left knowing Cain is head and shoulders above Barry, but the MSM brainwashes the masses to think the opposite, and we're back to where we started.
max americana soudns like a winner!I said three days ago when Barack the Magic Negro told Israel to give away more of the land God gave them that America would be hit again, because it hasn’t learned from the last time this sequence of events happened.
Two thirds of Joplin, MO is gone and at least 89 people perished.
Land for land. The goodness and the severity of a just and loving God. He will not be mocked.
I use BT to get Game of Thrones because I dont want to give HBO a ratings point. GD obama commie bastards.Bittorrenting - for FREEDOM!