Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can't win for losing

Obama sends home the Venezuelan ambassador to the US when Chavez rejects Obama's new US ambassador to Venezuela. But Freepers think Obama and Chavez are best friends! Luckily, they have developed amazing denial technology that lets them keep the narrative:

EternalVigilance thinks Obama can hate Chavez and still be evil.
Some of the nastiest fights in history have been between competing socialist factions.

usconservative points out this can in fact be evidence Obama's a socialist:
It's called eliminating one's competition. Obama did it for his own nefarious purposes. Just keep watching, he'll out himself soon enough.

Scanian can't let the idea that Obama is friends with everyone evil go:
Obama is doing some political posturing as a follow-up to his “bipartisan” tax compromise.
There is no political figure in the Western Hemisphere that is loved and admired more by Obama and his WH czars than Hugo Chavez.

. . . because of the tax compromise?

I don't buy this for a moment. This has the feeling of being staged to give Obama some "State Cred". We all know he loves Chavez and his ways.
I would like to see the internal documents from State on this.

But I thought the wikileaks guys was a traitor!

Scanian is pissed Obama doesn't piss off people who can retaliate against America:

Did you notice him doing that for any leader who 1)is a major oil producer or 2)we owe big money to?
I can’t think of any.

Unlike Bush, who was all about pissing off Saudi Arabia!

usconservative has found a new Axis of Evil!

by the way which enemy of America is supplying Venezuela with missiles capable of reaching our southern-most states? I think that was IRAN, who also has an un-holy alliance with Russia, along with Venezuela.

So now that we have this new triangle of terror that some shlub like me was able to identify from his computer terminal using nothing more than a few google searches to connect those dots, when will the State Department get smart and order the Russian's to abandon their embassy here in the U.S. too?

Russia-Iran-Venezuela! We should invade immediately!

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