Hell, we may need some “human shields” in coming wars. I suggest using fags. Let the enemy get spattered with AIDS infected blood when they blast ‘em. Other than that,I see no real use in fags in fags in the military.
Are they going to teach hand to hand bitch slapping in the marines now? Sick crap...
There's those trademark "well-toned arms" again, aack.
They reminded me that I forgot to watch the Bears game today.
The way she's dressed is very apropos for a visit to the appropriately-named "mess" hall.
Her lumpen straps holding up those protruding chads is very ghetto-chic and should keep her at the top of the list of well-dressed American ho's...er, women.
I hope she didn't wear that outfit to church, but I wouldn't make book that she didn't.

The pic in question
Michael Barnes knows a law:Quinn's first law; Liberalism ALWAYS generates the exact opposite of it's stated intent.Benchim thinks Don't Ask Don't Tell's end is the darkest day in our history:
They are devoid of character; hence will never admit defeat.
MinuteGal again, on Obama's Alinsky Terrorist Tyrannical plans:This is the darkest day in our history. This is truly a disaster. My heart goes out to the service men who will defend themselves from gang rape and go to prison for doing so.
Fragging will be known as “fagging” . These sick perverts should be in jail not in the barracks. I am so sad for America.It will not be pretty.
jrg on the genitals of world leaders:If Barry clashes head on with Congress on this issue when he returns it could signal the beginning of his rule by fiat and executive orders for the remainder of his term. Doing so will not faze him a bit.....it's part of his Alinsky playbook.
It's curious, even strange, how adamant he is about terrorists being tried in civilian courts in this country and incarcerated in local federal prisons. Even to the point of pouring millions and millions into rehabilitating an empty Illinois facility.
Could it be that ole Barry is philosophically and emotionally on the side of the terrorists....to the point of pushing his weight around to insure the best trial and imprisonment deals for them even to the detriment of our own country?
For red-baiters, Freepers sure do love them some Putin!Putin has balls. Really big, brass balls
Obama has a vagina
Liberty Ship on why Obama's destructionhas got to come before passing any laws, even good ones:
Obama needs to be obstructed at EVERY juncture. He needs to be stymied and
frustrated and broken. His administration needs to be dismantled and destroyed
in detail. Handing him any kind of victory, real or imagined, only empowers him
and his cronies.
DontTreadOnMe2009 has found evidence Obama was a Marxist revolutionary at 19 years of age:
Mr. K thinks black folks will never be scientists, cause black steriotypes won't let them:Obama will always support the leftist dictator, the Marxist,as he will be so like Obama himself ...
Read what he told Dr John C Drew at Occidental
19 yrs old and already a fully developed Marxist revolutionary.
And bragging about it.
But ain’t that be “actin’ white”?devistate one four is gonna solve America's problems, one beating at a time!
Nex they be goin’ to college an’ all and be thinking they bad ‘n shit
Holder and his staff are homegrown terrorists.
I still want to talk about race with him, face to face, alone in a non padded room!
why do freepers love the ex-kgb Putin ?