Tuesday, December 21, 2010

START Treaty will pass, destroy America.

Freepers are suddenly very exercised about START 2 passing. Not that the fact that they've gone from zero to fury-and-despair is lessening their overdramatic doomsaying:

MrB thinks START is Obama's revenge on America.

It’s “personal” to 0bama, the anti-colonialist, because America has taken the place of those historical empires in Europe that colonized African countries.
It’s payback time.

Time to take America down

combat_boots really hopes God does some petty shit:

I call down, in Jesus name, electricity going out for some reason at
Congress, trees to blow over, pictures to fall off the walls, Michael, Gabriel
and the Heavenly Host, to cause the gavel to break and fly off the podium, the
flags to flutter, and a wind to sweep through the Senate and its offices, as a
warning to Senators and Representatives who are traitors to America. I ask God
Almighty Himself for vengeance, which is His alone.

Steelfish somehow thinks this ensures Obama's reelection:
This marks the beginning of the Obama 2012 re-election. The 11 traitors
all- must have a scarlet letter T around their necks. Where was the Rebublican
base? The Tea Partiers? Shame on us all. Make no mistake. These filthy traitors
just insured an Obama re-election.

LibLieSlayer thinks Republican Thad Cochran coted for START because he loves Stalin:

I had 10 Mississippi voters at work today... we all reamed thad cochran’s office... they do not care... they want America to die... they want to sleep at the feet of stalin... thad has to retire here... he will not be happy because he will be shunned as a leper.

HE is a deeply hated man in Mississippi these days.

montag813 is pissed anyone would attempt to control Nuclear materials when that might help Obama:
Why would ANY Republican want to boost Barack Obama’s 2012 election
campaign by burnishing his foreign policy credentials? It makes no sense at all.
Sheer lunacy.
DoughtyOne knows this is the end:

Good-bye republic. It was nice knowing you.
The United States will be the only entity on the planet that will abide by it’s promises under this treaty.
One of these days we’re going to wake up to a China with an invincible nuclear shield demanding we kiss it’s ass.
Obama has accomplished the possible...

And by the Impossible, I'm sure Doughty means Obama has destroyed America.


  1. How many times has Obama destroyed America now? You'd think there would be nothing left of us by now.

  2. Yep. Course, when a Republican again becomes President, he'll only nearly have destroyed America.
