Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Confusion sets in

Newt continues his rise, Cain continues to lose support and Freepers are torn between their nascent Cain cult of personality and political practicalities. I'm sure they will settle on some kind of plan soon, but for now they are all over the map:

Danae will only vote for a true rogue:

Flavor of the week. Now that we have had all of them thrown in our faces, lets get behind the only non-establishment candidate in the race, HERMAN CAIN!!!

maineman can only imagine one candidate:
Imagine Romney or Cain?...UGH! Newt 100%
GeronL focuses on what he doesn't want:
I’d rather stay home than vote for Romney, Paul or Newt
Lazlo in PA is right, this guy is due for a turn on top...

The only question left is who is going to be left to win. My bet? Rick Santorum.

WhistlingPastTheGraveyard focuses on an outside the box conservative luminary:

Herman needs to spend a week with John Bolton learning foreign policy. He has to be able to talk about these things with authority and tell voters exactly why what Obama is doing around the world is such a complete disaster.

PapaNew knows how to solve this:
This too, will pass.

Earth to Palin. Earth to Palin. Come in Sarah. Do you read me? Come in Sarah......
TexasFreeper2009 also yearns for the simpler days of yore:

Seriously I wish Palin would reconsider, I know it’s past the filing deadline in some of the early states, but who cares, she should just go for it.


  1. "Confusion sets in" was perfect. I heard a few minutes of Rush this morning. He's defending Newt.

    Will our wacky racist, violent friends at Free Republic follow or will they "go rouge"? It's hard to say but this is a fun election year.

  2. mmanager writes in this thread, with rhetorical flourish, I might add,

    "I believe that Newt understands the complexity of these times. Yes, many say he is nothing but a history teacher. I believe we need those traights more than ever so that we don’t repeat our past.

    It is time to except reality."

    We all make mistakes so it's just mean to make fun of "traights" but "It is time to except reality" might be the truest description of Free Republic's mission I've ever seen.

  3. Since I've become detached from the whole 2 party system and realize nothing will fundamentally change regardless of which party ends up in the White House (disclosure: I'm a Ron Paul libertarian, former GOP reich-winger), the main interest for me is watching the Freeper antics.

    To me, the ideal candidate would be either Romney or Paul. I think Freeper heads would actually explode more if Paul got the nomination.

    But oh man would it be great! JimRob having to backpedal and support the anti-Christ Mormon or having to hold their noses and vote for the "pothead Jew hater" Paul. One can hope.

  4. I think it would be great if Santorum ended up as the Republican candidate. I'm sure he's about due to be. Or he may be due by the time January comes around. Of course, I feel the same way about Cain, Palin, and Paul (sorry, FG, he's unelectable).

  5. It amazes me they're still hung up on Palin. It's been two months!
