Next in one-sided fights: Straw man versus idealization!

Hit Obama in the head enough, and he becomes a 19th century philosopher!!

As long as Americans are doing better than starving Africans, let the corporations take what they like!

Old man, looks like turkey! LOL!

Total Astroturf! The Oxxupy movement is a a put-on by The NEA and Nazis and Peace and China!

Freepers are pushing this meme hard, though I doubt the parallels between protesters and barely-remembered homeless in a depression will stick.

How quickly the Freepers turn.

The rare funny Freeper pic.

This primary is so awesome. Will Freepers explode when Romney is the nominee, or when Obama beats Cain? I dunno, but I can't wait to find out!

Rainbow arrows? Hmmmmm.

See? Lincoln loves the black guy!
Oh good grief.
I saw a political cartoon with the "GROPE" poster, but with Herman Cain instead of Clinton. Wonder if that inspired the one shown here.