Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gingritch's fall

Newt Gingritch said we need some kind of humane enforcement of immigration law in last night's debates. Like Rick Perry before him, Freepers xenophobia boils over and now they hate him where once they loved him:

Mr Rogers makes a dire comparison:

IOW, only enforce laws Newt feels good about. Ignore the rest.

That is why I rank Newt with Mitt. Newt talks better than Mitt, but neither has a conservative heart. If either wins the nomination, you’ll see them shift left with blazing speed. They are politicians at heart. Period.

mas cerveza por favor blaems an ill-defined conspiracy:

Gingrich does not care about being “humane.” He is just obeying his masters.

safetysign is done:

F Gingrich. I would NEVER vote for him now.

I refuse to vote for any illegal lover,
illegal lover? I do hope that catches on.

Michael Barnes has carefully considered the cost-benefit and has reached a conclusion - shouting all the time is awesome!
Aannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd once again, Newt self-destructs.

So long, thanks for playing...Have a seat over there with La Raza Rick after trying the reverse of heartless; dick.

What part of ILLEGAL don't these assholes UNDERSTAND?
GET.RID.OF.THEM! Its not my or any other LEGAL citizen's fault they made the decisions they did in breaking our laws. I have no sympathy and only wish them GONE so LEGAL Americans can get some work and tax dollars are no longer spent on this insanity.

Head Freeper Jim Robinson:


Can purges be far behind?

Southnsoul doesn't knwo what compassion means:

I am sick and tired of being accused of not having compassion, because I don’t believe in rewarding illegal activity.

Electric Graffiti knows real AMERICANS are all racist men:

The majority of real AMERICANS, who don’t sit down to pee, want ALL ILLEGAL ALIEN BEANERS DEPORTED and the BORDER SEALED. PERIOD.

Friendofgeorge continues with the Freeper tradition in every thread about the primaries:



  1. I love Jimrob's posts, they're always so eloquent and insightful.

  2. But what does "FUNG!" even mean?

  3. Fuck You Newt Gingritch, of course!

    Though I gotta say it sounds like a pretty awesome sound effect too.

  4. Thank you, Ozy. I really did laugh until my swivel chair turned around.

  5. And down goes Gringritch, after one and a half weeks. That leaves Santorum for the freepers to support. After they turn on him, what will they do?

  6. In the words of Friendofgeorge:

    PALIN 2012 OR BUST

  7. If you Google Santorum you'll know why no one wants that to be the flavor of the week.

  8. I'm really surprised that freepers aren't getting behind Bachman more, her unique flavour of crazy seems to be most in line with the freeper beliefs.

  9. Yeah, she has her contingent, but on the whole Freepers seem to prefer Cain for some reason.

    Probably because he's more combative.

  10. The kiss of death for a Republican is when he (or she) starts to sound reasonable to the majority of Americans. The 2012 election is going to be a lot of fun.

  11. I just figured it was because she was a woman who wasn't Sarah Palin, Ozy.
