Sarah! Come back! We need you! Sarah...! We've got things for you to do! ......SAARRRAAAAH!E. Pluribus Unum thinks windmills are part of the UN's secret plan to kill the vast majority of people:
The purpose of "green energy" is to make energy costs so high that we are driven back to stone age methods of food production, in which case billions of people will starve.Cicero thinks Allah is a false god who nevertheless gives orders:
Which fits right into UN Agenda 21's goal of reducing the human population of Mother Earth to 500,000,000 global elite and their servants.
If Allah isn’t a false god, I don’t know who is. Sure, Islam is Monotheistic, but just take a look at some of the things that Allah orders, and then tell me that he is the same as the God of the Bible. Much of what Allah orders his followers to do is devilish, unfortunately.Well, at least it's monotheistic.
RayChuang88 prophesies doom:
We will have economic growth again after 2020, but only after the human race is decimated by the effects of the general world war with as high as 2.5 billion dead, in my humble opinion.sergeantdave knows All Real Indians want to shoot Obama with arrows:![]()
I know a ton of Indians in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The Anishinabe hate his guts. The only “Indians” who like obuma are stupid wanna-be white hippies who cruise the pow-wows looking for free fried bread and an “Indian” name from the midewiwin.sternup may be a bit racist:The only reason obuma isn’t wearing an Arrow shirt is because he doesn’t get out enough into Indian territory.
AF 1 will be on a final approach into Nairobi in the next 12 months...gotta show off some bling to the homefolk dontcha know.....I have no idea what devolve is saying but I like the image:
Clinton ran down our Founding Fathers to get votesGonzoGOP knows Obama and Clinton love to burn protesters:
Thugs like Clinton and Obama have always loved fire as a way to dispose of protesters as it also destroys most of the evidence. And what it doesn't destroy can be hidden in the process of "fighting the fire".hosepipe is pro the Egyption government gassing it's own civilians.
Why not!.... Egyptians are pretty much scum...angcat struggles to keep her eight-year-old hating the President:
as are the Greeks and the Turks..
My 8 year old advised me this week that her class wrote a letter to Obama. Well I flipped out.
We always discuss politics so she is aware of Obama.
I wrote a small letter to her lovely teacher asking her if there were anymore Obama related activities planned and that Obama and his wife are not the people we want our children to look up to that we hate them both.
I felt bad because her teacher wrote back a nice note that she does not preach politics in class but she thought the exercise would be nice to ask Obama how he enjoys living in the White Hut and what he would do to help America.
She said the children would get a reply back from the fool who takes the letters for Obama. Anyway I felt bad but not for long.
If Freepers can't rule the world, I guess they just want to see everyone dead.
ReplyDeleteAngcat's daughter will probably grow up to be a liberal.
ReplyDeleteNot so much. My take on the freepers is that they want everyone who disagrees with them dead, but would rather have some random idiot they like lead them in an authoritarian manner than actually lead anything themselves.