Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sandusky is a typical lyberal homosexual

Freepers are coming on strong in their equating of all homosexuals with pedophiles after the Penn State affair. Some of the more advanced Freepers manage to tie it to the Obama administration:

Neoliberalnot can authoritatively say homosexuals all have sex with kids. He even reports on the terminology!
The incident to which you refer to has been rampant in the bay area of San Fran since the 60s and it is only getting worse. The act of raping little boys is the lifestyle portion yet hidden in the closet of male queers. They refer to little boys as “their twinks.” Don’t expect Homowood to write it into the script—yet. Ancient Roman homos were allowed to own, sell, and use little boys for whatever perverted purpose they were so inclined. These boys were called catamites.
Amazing what late night obsessive googling about sex with boys will teach you!

NFHale knows why NBC is protecting this guy by interviewing him:

“... know Costas is a left winger , but why would he give this creep a platform to lie ?...”

Because Sandusky is one of their Protected Victim Classes - first and foremost homo, then a child molester.

Not good for the agenda, you see....must protect the agenda and the gains they’ve made.

Jumper knows pedophilia naturally follows when you prevent discrimination against lesbians.

Penn State FIRED its 27 yr National Championship winning Women’s basketball coach, Rene Portland,in 2006, for telling a parent she would not tolerate homosexuality on her team, claiming she created a “Hostile, discriminative environment”.

In this kind of an atmosphere, can you hardly be surprised that sexual abuse of children would go on, and be covered up, with no regrets?

pops88 knows the Obama administration is pro-pedophile.
We’re quite the schizophrenic nation when Sandusky is called a pedophile while Arne Duncan is Secretary of Education.

I would have thought the Obama administration would have been stepping up to the plate to educate everyone on fisting, tea bagging (an only recently learned term) and having safe anal sex with with minors/ adults.

Rather hypocritical if we’re teaching this stuff in public schools then vilifying offenders.
Outlaw Woman is ready for the Homosex War:
My brother said it well the other day: The perverted, the libs, the homosexuals will keep pushing and they will push us into a corner and when that happens...we are going to annihilate them.

Frankly, I'm ready. One way or the other. I'm so disgusted at what is coming out and how our elected officials & laws have sold us down the drain, in my mind there is only ONE solution


  1. Interesting that they equate homosexuality with pedophilia. How do they explain it when a man rapes a little girl? Is that typical heterosexuality, or just plain pedophilia to them? Never mind, I already know the answer.

  2. Silly euphgeek. You should know by now that freepers don't consider women to be real people!

  3. That is a strong prediction, I gotta say, Anon.
