Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The infiltration of the military

Freepers are worried the military has been infiltrated by liberals, and therefore will never remove Obama from office! Instead, it will totally hunt down Tea Partiers, because those are the only two choices.

wintertime has given up hope:

Did the highest military officers consult with congress or the courts about Obama? When did **IGNORING** the following become part of the military code of honor and oath to defend the Constitution?

** A likely usurper in the White House with multiple forgeries
** multiple social security numbers
** hidden passport records
** ignoring polite requests from lower level officers to prove his natural born citizenship and making life miserable for those who did
** no record of Obama being a student at Columbia
** cloudy record of adoption and foreign residence
** likely campaign fund fraud of millions of dollars and election fraud by posing as eligible when he was not.
** multiple citizenships when born

Either our highest military is stupid or they are aiding an abetting a usurper in the Red House who has issued insane rules of engagement that has resulted in deaths of our soldiers. Is this how they look out for the men and women serving under them?

Is this what they not teach at our military academies? Lying, fraud, forgeries, usurpation of the position of Commander in Chief is now OK to ignore? This is what they are teaching now about uphold the oath to defend the Constitution? This is what they consider to be “honor”? ( Just wondering)

Any one who thinks these shiny buttoned weenies will stand up to tyranny is a fool.
SaraJohnson knows the left loves that ripping success story, Stalin:

The Left is itching to Stalinize middle America. They have so debased white people who live outside the cities and inland from the West and East coast. They want their own 100 million slaughtered so they can kick off Utopia.

Why do people embrace the poverty, murder and oppression ideology of Marxism over and over again?

Because the vast majority of people who embrace Marxism exist only in your imagination.

Absolutely Nobama realizes the military is just letting in anyone these days! Even if they're liberal!

I don’t know how successful OWS would be in infiltrating the military, but it can be done. al-Qaeda did it with Nidal Hassan.

yefragetuwrabrumuy pontificates about how the military is good socialism.

The big problem with “infiltrating the military” is that just about everything the military does, in training and practice, goes against leftist theory.

The reason for this is an odd one. Leftists have long known that the military is actually a more “socialist” organization than society as a whole, because it has to be. It *has* to have conformity in appearance, behavior, logistics, and purpose. Everything in the military is in shortage, so everything must be rationed.

But this is terribly confusing to leftists, because the military is like a socialist “state”. It is not “revolutionary”, it is “counterrevolutionary”. For someone to be a radical in the military means that they are *not* elevated, but are insubordinate and rejected. True socialism does not tolerate what leftists sell.


But seriously, leftists infiltrating the military probably peaked with PFC Bradley Manning, who is now likely to spend the rest of his natural life either in Fort Leavenworth, or ADX Florence.

Winstons Julia heard some stuff on the internet:

This is nothing new.

Last night on Facebook some “progressives” who were telling me that Fox isn’t informing me about the movement and I’m clearly blind to the superiority of the progressive ideology said that there WILL be a revolution and the progressives WILL WIN.

Among the things they discussed were Govt takeover of all healthcare and all education. Open borders and thank God for the commerce clause because it stops “rubes in the middle of the country” from ruining the economy.

Either she has some crazy friends, or she just got trolled, hard.

Noumenon has a plan:

Every one of these vile animals needs to die badly.

The military? The Occupy protesters? Liberals? Who knows, the point is death death death!


  1. It really does seem that the Freepers want everyone else dead.

  2. I love how Free Republic welcomes the crazy conspiracy theorists. It started with Whitewater and Vince Foster and now the birthers. There's endless entertainment in all these conspiracy theories.

  3. is it only my impression, or is free republic year by year getting more and more insane. Even last year I don't think a thread this insane would have appeared !
