Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An all-female sub?

An apocryphal tale of Michelle Obama sponsoring an all female sub lets Freepers get the sexism ball rolling once again!

 ImJustAnotherOkie with the tampon joke plus Michelle Obama is fat, lol!
 Isn’t cotton a fire hazard. It will need to be treated with some chemical. Could be a bit itchy.
Just imagine of the uh...Cotton Storage was flooded. It would blow the sides of the boat out.
Advisor: “Uh, Michelle this may need a tad more thought”?
Michelle: “Shut up honky and brings me mo Ribs”!!!
 ElkGroveDan makes with the PMS humor:
“Coming up on tonight’s 10 O’clock News, military leaders in Moscow are on high alert due to intelligence reports indicating it’s ‘that time of the month’ aboard the American Navy submarine Illinois. ...”
 rbg81 knows most women secretly need a man:
Women are intellectually capable of handling a nuclear sub.
Perhaps. But its been my observation that the first reaction of many women is to look around for a man to help them out. Its on page #1 of the Female handbook (in bold print).
  rottndog is concerned about massive pregnancies:
 EVERY US Navy seagoing platform that has allowed women to serve has had a 30%-50% pregnancy rate—pregnancies occurring both on and off ship. Pregnant women can NOT serve on submarine, or any other combatant vessel for that matter. The instant a medical determination of pregnancy exists, that woman has to be transferred to a shore billet. What you will have is a boat that is insufficiently manned to deploy. Ain’t gonna happen.
And, BTW, have served on a submarine, I will state as fact that MOST women simply don’t have the physical stamina to do the job.
LibWhacker doesn't like women's priorities
 If I’m wounded in battle and Justin Bieber is wounded in battle, whether it’s on a sub or on a battlefield on the surface, and a choice had to be made by all those pro-choice ladies, which one of us would the wenches save? Sorry, the answer to that question just doesn’t sit well with me and I would never in a million years join such a fighting force.
Pro Choice equals pro-Beiber somehow?

 Robwin asks this out of left field:
I wonder if Obama’s daughters will be allowed to take command as a class project.
rottndog knows women engineers just aren't as good:
I just don't see Naval Reactors giving the key to the reactor plant to such a woman. And I don't see any way an all female engineering department could pass ORSE.

This is an insane PC idea that will only end up with dead sailors.
nvscanman thinks women can't nuke people:
Can they be trusted to launch if such an order
was given or if other circumstances required that they do
so. The psychological differences between women would make
such one wonder if women have what it takes to perform an
action that they know could kill millions.
But what about Mamma Grizzlies?

 shalom aleichem is concerned about all the lesbians:
No one yet mentioned the Gay thing. That sort of makes the sub target rich for the L-gals. I guess they did not see A Few Good Men.
 Desron13 hates the military now:
OK, we now have the first all female sub crew. Anyone want to make a prediction how long it will take to have the first all gay sub crew? My guess is not long. I'm third generation Navy and fifth generation military. I wont be encouraging my son to continue the tradition. By the time he's old enough it would be like encouraging him to join a San Francisco bath house. Time to start keeping the powder dry at home. Makes me sick to my stomach!
Secret Agent Man knows what this is like!
Utterly stupid. It will appear like Obama has his equivalent of Kadafi’s female guards.


  1. I get the feeling this sort of reaction is less about sexism and more about hating anyone who is different from the freepers in any way.

  2. Gotta thank rottndog for demonstrating why we need better sex education in schools: so people don't end up thinking pregnancy is a potential problem on all-female ships.

  3. ain't about hatin' on folks that are different is it ?
    Isn't it just hatin' cuz hate is what drives the freepoids ? Nothing seems to fuel conversation at Jim Rob's place quite like hate right ?
