Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Potpouri

WoofDog123 knows it's Nazi time:
“I wake up in the night with my heart pounding: “Is this Germany in the 1930’s? Should I stand and fight, or take my family and get the hell out?””

There was only one right answer for the family in the 1930’s, though it doubtless would have entailed considerable hardship as well.

If the US didn’t reach the point of no return in 2008, an obama win in 2012 would be the tipping point for certain. Fiscally, the point of no return was reached in 2009/2010.

sagar really hates the government caring for the poor and sick:
This pre existing condition is ridiculous. The insurance companies exist to make money and maximize shareholder wealth. Being stupid and throwing money at the already diseased and dying isn’t doing any of that.
JLAGRAYFOX advises more advertisements attacking Obama's main weakness - being evil:
Obama and his evil wife Michelle are not nice people. They are actually, evil enemies of the state. They purposely are working to weaken our country, across the board, period. My input: Attack, Attack, Attack!!! I am not advocating personal attacks. I am saying, that every response from the Romney team and Romney, himself, needs to frame Obama and the Democrat Party as they really are, destructive to the USA, and more importantly, destructive to the freedom, liberty, education and opportunities for all of us, our children, grandchildren and children yet to come.

Soft balling it with these Obama and Democrat thugs and America haters ain’t gonna cut the mustard!!! Get with it Romney, time is running out!!! Being nice will get you beaten.
dfwgator likes Romney now cause of the gays:
My stance on Romney was in the past driven by the belief that he couldn’t win....but I did not think that Obama would implode like he has by going overboard with the gays. A mindbogglingly stupid move, which has now made it Mitt’s to lose.
17th Miss Regt on Obama's reaction to Arizona's going birther:
And a bucket containing the head of Ken Bennett's dog will be delivered to his office. A few minutes later he will recieve a phone call telling him the next bucket will contain his wife's head unless Obama is on the ballot. It's the Chicago way.
Califelephant blames Obama for driving Freepers crazy:
Obama’s a Muslim. Obama’s a Christian. Obama’s an Atheist. Obama’s a Secularist. Obama’s White. Obama’s Black. Obama’s Indonesian. Obama’s a Hard Left Socialist. Obama’s a Wilsonian Progressive. Obama’s a New Deal Democrat. Obama’s a Moderate. Obama’s a “nice guy”. Obama’s a great family man. Obama’s gay. Obama’s the Antichrist. You can make a case for any or all of the above. That’s because Obama is the most Chameleon-like politician this country (and maybe ANY country) has ever seen. He’s constantly morphing himself into whatever ‘persona’ he thinks will achieve his objectives at that particular point in time. It’s his #1 political skill.
"I had to punch him officer - he just had such a punchable face!"

MtnClimber hates unions for causing him unfair working conditions. I also wants to beat them up, of course:
I only worked for one company that had union workers. They SUCKED. Every thing everyone one else did was subject to a possible union grievance: things like moving your trash can or desk. The work they did really, really sucked.

It took the BASTURD UAW workers over 6 months to deliver equipment and when we finally got it we found some did not work, but the warranty had expired. I had very hard work hours, 80-90 hours a week for over 6 months to make up the schedule loss. I had to do this to make up the schedule these BASTURDS cost me when we could go over to shipping and recieving and see the equipment, but could not pick it up. How I would like to meet them today in private!
haircutter is taunting Obama on the internets:

Pennsylvania's New VOTER ID LAW have you worried???

I certainly hope so...for we plan to send you back to Chicago, maybe Michelle can get a job checking into why the high death count among the youth occurs there...
Ann Archy doesn't know anything about political campaigns:
WHY the HELL do Democrats have to BUS in people??? Republicans wouldn;t THINK of doing it, and NO self respecting Republican would get ON the bus!
Innovative knows Obama's waiting till reelection to do most of his evil:
In a second term there is nothing to stop Obama from dismanteling freedom and all that’s good about the US and turn us in USSA.
ncfool loves being a Jew:
Axelrod is evil and is the Jewish Hitler. I can say that as I am a Jew....


  1. Not sure if "safari" is being willfully ignorant or is making an argument for universal healthcare. Seems to me like part of his post is about understanding how rediculous for-profit healthcare is. Either that, or he's for corporate death panels :p

  2. Freepers react in the only way they can to the Rutger's Spycam ruling:

    I mostly laugh at freepers for their overly simplified view of the universe, but in threads like this I'm reminded how vile and hateful they can be.

    1. Some of the people in that thread deserve to die, for the good of the world.

  3. isn't the rePublican problem really one of confusion and disarray within the party ?
    that being the case then why do freeps chase phoney issues, gossip and shadows ?
    what a waste of effort.

    1. I think the republican's biggest problem is that they like to cherry-pick the constitution. 2000 year old book says homosexuality is a sin? No marriage for them, fuck the 1st amendment. But even a hint that someone doesn't like the 2nd amendment and they go off on a tear about treason and what the founders intended, etc.

      And it's that kind of thinking that alienates more moderate, secular right wing people, such as myself.

  4. Newt Gingrinch campaign went bankrupt. Howzat for #$¢£% fiscal re$ponsibility ?

  5. Freepers are armchair rocket scientist too! We'd all be walking on Mars if NASA would only listen to FR:

    "Whether they fly or not is irrelevant....the design with nine motors is atrocious.

    Their sequencing of said motors is a nightmare.

    They should have bit the bullet and designed another engine to reduce it to three instead of multiplying the possibility of failure.

    I think NASA has to look elsewhere....probably the Atlas." by Puckster
