Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A near Formulaic response

Freepers feel like the GOP got rolled in this fiscal cliff bill. Progressives feel like Obama did. Freepers whine about like they have been since November:

tennmountainman thinks Obama is Reaganesque:
The last time I saw a rout of this magnitude over the majority in the
House was when Reagan steamrolled Tip O’Neil and the Rats who
had the majority in the house.
Reagan did it by going directly to the people.
This time, it was a total collapse in leadership.
What a rout.
Yosemitest plans to use Freeper Power which has proved so effective in the past:
WHO are the 85 Republicans we need to PRIMARY OUT of office?
yldstrk Is taking decisive action! i just called the RNC and let a message of complete disgust with their ineptitude and told them they should be ashamed of themselves for caving.
sickoflibs scornfully points out the actual battle:
Long past due, what a stupid fight over nothing.

Time to move to the debt limit fight.
Memphis Moe hates Paul Ryan. For now.
Ryan is so stupid or so corrupted that he doesn't have enough sense to vote NO if just to keep up his image.

He sold out to his pal Boehner and the Washington establishment.

Sad. He is not even a caricature of his old self. He now is happy to dwell in the cess pool. Ryan's clock was cleaned by Biden. Guess now he thinks, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
cherry wishes Freepers would stop caring about their own party:
for once on FR I'd like to see the hate directed at the ones responsible....THE DEMOCRAT PARTY...

but no......we ll go after the party which controls 1/3 of the govt and virtually none of the media....

go after the rats for once........destroy them....
JRandomFreeper is going Galt. For Reals this time!
I've already let one staffer know to not come in tomorrow.

S' over. So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen.

I'm also not buying fresh ammo for the grand-kid's nanny to practice with.

Jim got a Jackson out of me today, but from here on out, figure on using a crowbar to remove pennies from my...
So much for faith and secession.

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