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He's coming right for us! |
Was this just an easy path for Freepers to go, with just the most minor of triggers? Was it the right-wing media, which pretty quickly settled into the blacks-vs-whites narrative to rile up the base?
I can't tell, but Freepers do excel at taking the individual at the center of a story and demonizing them.
Don Corleone is more right than he knows.
Another Trayvon Martin moment.Red Badger jumps from suspect to guilty.
But at the end of the day, they will have no St. Michael Brown to haul around like Trayvon. He robbed a convenience store. Now everybody knows. Even the Dumb Masses can recognize that...................DJ MacWoW has the whole story figured out:
Committing a robbery, being a gang member and when caught beating a cop isn’t the thing to do eitherUCANSEE2 knows the Freeper youtube gumshoes have the real story:
Notice where the dead Perp’s arms are located. At his sides, not up in a surrender position. All is lies. And the best eyewitness, the guy who was with him, was actually his sidekick in crime at the convenience store. Lies, lies everywhere.House Atreides laments the lack of objective people like Freepers.
I’m glad to see everyone is now catching up on this.
ALL information that does not fit the pre-existing narrative of a pure, decent, innocent and virtuous young man looking forward to his first day in college WILL BE IGNORED.What has happened to the bemused and happy Lazamataz?
Look. You racist bastards have NO RIGHT to stop black men from committing assaults on store owners. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! You are RACISTS!Fred911 is one of dozens of Freepers to hone in on this detail:
No justice, no peace no matter what you do.
He died like a true thug....wit his pantz down.Low pants = death, I guess.
MaxMax is pretty sure being large means you get shot six times.
Did the MSM happen to hide the fact that this guy was a freaking Giant?LeonardFMason has decided that the guy probably committed all sorts of crimes he wasn't caught for.
Someone like that attacked me I wouldn't hesitate to shoot ten times either.
Oh yes....Please remember the “Iceberg” analogy. You only see 10% of the iceberg above the water with 90% below. The chances that this was the FIRST time he committed this type of crime are slim and none.LeonardFMason heard (wrongly) that the shooter was black, and is pretty excited about it.
I am not saying he deserved to die. I am just saying he was not some law abiding, innocent, young man. He was at the least a thug and a bully.
Has anyone heard the story from the BLACK Cop that shot him?
You can’t make this stuff up.kinsman redeemer reflects on how God killed Michael Brown for his sins.
MSM: Innocent BLACK shot by RACIST COP
REALITY: Criminal BLACK caught on video robbing and assaulting shop owner shot by BLACK Cop
My thoughts: What a contrast! Alive one minute - making a huge mistake... dead the next. Justifiably or not, dead is dead.What are the protesters angry about? tcrlaf has never had a problem with the police!
The contrast impresses me.
I’ve made mistakes in the past. How close was I to the second set of pictures? I don’t know.
I believe God protected me from my sin - over and over again - and He still does.
Whether it seems good to you or not: God loved “Big Mike” and did not want him to die without Christ. I don’t know where Mike is today... but it is clear that his sin led to his physical death. “You plant beans, you get beans.”
I have never had a bad experience with a cop.cripplecreek blames communities for deserving violent police.
I say ‘yes sir, no sir’... the cops say ‘thank you have a nice day’.
Last time I got pulled over, in a known speed-trap suburb, late a t night, the cop got a little gruffed because I wasn’t taking him to seriously. I know why he pulled me over, my license plate light was out, and I was saying “sure”, in my usual, laid back manner.
He said, “You’re a smart-ass, aren’t you?”, to which I replied, “I have been told that...”.
Then he asked why I had a bank of three radios in my truck, and I handed him my Airport SIDA badge. He kind of grunted, then handed me back my license, and left.
Guess I wasn’t worth the time, he didn’t even give me a warning.
Yup, aggressive cops are created by their environment not the other way around.a fool in paradise blames Obama somehow.
There’s a former Detroit cop living in my little town who came here as a cop about 6 months before we voted to eliminate our police force. In that 6 months he changed dramatically and says his stress levels plummeted. When we closed our police department, he decided to stay and went to school for some kind of computer related training and that’s what he does today.
Brack Obama acted stupidly.Da Coyote agrees - the Federal black people's ninjas are on the case.
Guess Holder’s jerks didn’t get enough time to get hold of those tapes and either “loose” are find that they were “damaged”.cripplecreek's paranoia means he can't trust the evidence, only his gut!
Hey, IRS, better get out some better training films on how to destroy evidence.
The cold steel of a federal gun barrel at the base of the coroner’s skull will ensure that he gets a second autopsy “correct”.Cats Pajamas is pretty sure it's PCP or crack.
Was he on PCP or crack and outta mind like he was outta hand?Beagle8U has decided everyone knows what Freepers decided.
I’ll bet the rioting thugs knew from the start that everything the cop said was true. They likely knew thug Brown’s reputation and knew it was SOP for him.Good question, tatown!
Where are all the Michael apologists that were infesting every thread a couple of days ago??How things have turned. Dagnabitt runs off a cop skeptic as probably a girl.
Cops shooting unarmed people should make us all scared.
But he was black, so that’s ok then.
I cannot wait to hear of your shooting by the cops. Oh...unless you are a cop.
I'm sorry you're scared.
Ask your husband for a hug.
Notice where the dead Perp’s arms are located. At his sides, not up in a surrender position.
ReplyDeleteYes, because everybody knows that rigor mortis sets in before your body hits the ground.
I'm sorry you're scared.
Ask your husband for a hug.
Please! Freepers are scared shitless every day. Their default position is curled up in a fetal ball, as evidenced by their constant whining about things like Muslims, Obama's brown shirts and blacks doing anything, as well as their need to keep their guns around them at all times. This is going to be my response from now on to all racist Freeper-types.