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Obama is ashamed of his giant wife. |
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The anti-Fed folks are their own brand of Freeper-adjacent crazy. |
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Tolerance is surrender! |
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By this standard, we'd better stop masturbating as well... |
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Jim Robinson and humblegunner protesting at the TX border. Feel the activism! |
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Lazy. |
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PROOF! Of something? |
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Noted Nazi supporter and antisemite, NY Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger. |
Freepers consider themselves experts on everything, yet never seem to solve any problems. Did you know that drought in California is caused by liberals, smelt, and Mexicans, and not by 30 million people living in a desert that can't support 30 million people?
People who cannot connect their problems to reality are going to live and die in a state of permanent frustration.
Oh, the problem is probably solvable, but probably not in terms of mindless regulation with enormous bureaucratic superstructures. Saltwater conversion and groundwater protection should be the priority.
DeleteFine, keep dumping phosphates and farm runoff into the Great Lakes and see what happens. Then we can "build desalinization plants" and everything will be just fine. Stupid idea. Why not not pollute the water in the first place.
DeleteOf course you can't keep dumping phosphates willynilly, it destroys both the seas and the groundwater if there's enough of it. But regulations have a knack of being more overhead than actual use.
DeleteGroundwater supplies are low enough from simple human use, so desalination needs to be a consideration. Although the planet has quite a few points of resilience not commonly cared about by the the "Green Programmers" :).
But regulations have a knack of being more overhead than actual use.
DeleteThere may be a few examples where that's true, but getting rid of regulations causes a lot more problems than they solve, if getting rid of them even solves anything.
Actually, I think it's mostly a question of scale. Welcome to Hahyrningur's law of organizations.
DeleteIf any agency, corporation, union, party or other collection of humans gets big enough, it will be infested with parasites, skimming. Followed by nepotism. So what used to be an orderly pyramid tends to become an upside down pyramid, with less and less capacity for commonsense and more and more capacity for feathering ones own nest.
I've found that to be true in large corporations, as well as unions where I served as fulltime union secretary for a few years. Not a notetaking secretary, more like a comintern secretary :).
Anyway, a large papermill allows organizations to grow even when the growth is unwanted.
I think we're talking about two different things. I'm talking about government regulations over businesses and industries. As long as they are not able to pay to get the laws written exactly the way they want, regulations do quite well. The problem is that over the years, large corporations have spent money to buy politicians and media outlets that convince 50%+ of the population that less regulation is good for the economy using very convincing-sounding arguments. Then when something inevitably goes wrong, they conveniently blame it on people who want more regulation and the cycle continues.
DeleteIn other words, if you're trying to convince me that there are too many regulations in the U.S., you'd have better luck convincing me that the sky is green. :)
Well, what you're telling me is that politicians are criminal. But that you want Government to run the country. In short, you want Cuba. Or China or Venezuela. But that is a model that can only come about through violence. You open that Pandora's box, and there will be no way back for you or the counry. There are some very good models of what a conflict like that would look like, and I'm afraid your side has an outrageously low survival chance.
DeleteWell, since your first sentence is completely wrong, it's not surprising that your conclusion is, too. More regulations means that the U.S. becomes like Cuba, China or Venezuela? That's pretty rich.
DeleteAgain, you're doing a pretty poor job of convincing me that more regulations are a bad thing. You're just proving that you don't know what you're talking about.
Really? You're telling me that your politicians have been bought, to a large degree. That would seem to imply that you have a criminal political class. Do you mean you have politicians who are just corrupt, not criminal?
DeleteTo be a criminal, one must break the law. In order to break the law, there must be a law against what they're doing. There is not. The politicians are simply doing what the real rulers of this country (the corporations) want.
DeleteThere are no laws against corruption in the US? So why is it that people get indicted and sentenced for corruption up and down the walls? It *is* of course a point that sometimes the indictment seems to be predicated on the indictee not being a Democrat party member, but still - corruption does not seem to be legal.
DeleteSure there are laws against corruption. But simply making laws that favor corporations, especially when the people who believe the propaganda tell their elected politicians that's what they want, is not corruption. And simply not being a Democrat is not enough. It's not the Democrats' fault that actual corruption happens more often in the Republican party, due to their belief that they can do no wrong.
Delete"But that you want Government to run the country. "
DeleteWell, sure, I do. Why don't you? Why do you hate the us constitution?
Hahyrningur, your blog borders territory too extreme for even Free Republic
ReplyDelete"Pardon me if I think that Israel should drop a nuclear device on a few large European cities, just to get the roaches back under their rocks again."
And who are you, pray tell? One of the roaches?
DeleteActually, a credible threat would probably be enough. A few years ago, when China threatened to nuke LA, the us RAN, not walked, backwards almost falling on its butt. Anyway, read the Russian nuclear doctrine - it should still be available - and Ettinger et al.
Nukes are quite nasty stuff, but not as nasty as having Nazists running countries.
So your solution (shall we call it "final"?) is to drop a nuclear weapon, or even just threaten to, on a major city, killing millions of people just because there are a few people living in them that you happen to not like? And the ironic part is that you think "Nazists" are somehow worse?
DeleteNo, even a hefty nuke would hardly be a "final" solution. That is just a myth that was carefully cultivated by the MAD doctrine followers. To get an impression of how cockeyed it is, take a look at Hiroshima today - a model city, compared to Detroit (or many other US Democrat run cities) looking like Hiroshima after the bomb.
DeleteI'm quite amused that someone who writes things like "Things are heating up again in the Middle East, as they will as long as muslims exist." has the chutzpah to accuse other people of being nazis.
DeleteNo, Euph. Again, a little bit depending on yield and ground zero, more than ten thousand and considerably less than a million. Here is a projection of what the Hiroshima bomb would do to Detroit:
So your opinion, that a nuclear bomb is, shall we say, mostly harmless (and for the moment we'll assume that's true), means that we should bomb our allies in Europe just because there are a few people there you don't like?
Oh, and yes - I certainly think those cities are the way they are because of Democrat government.
Then why aren't other Democratic run cities the same way? Why isn't San Francisco or Los Angeles the same as Detroit? The city I live in is also run by a Democrat. Why doesn't my city resemble Detroit?
Keep digging.
No, not mostly harmless. But there's nothing warranting the superstitious fear of nukes. The example was 15KT, and the casualty count was less than 50K - that is, less than Hiroshima. Other tac nukes can be smaller (much), or larger.
DeleteNow, as for why your city (Folsom, I sorta guess) looks better, I can only guess. No industrial base giving up the ghost? More hairdressers than gangbangers? Low population density and low unemployment?
All subject to change over time of course.
Dresden and the firebombing of tokyo were worse than what we did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in terms of raw deaths.
DeleteBut advocating any sort of bombing of cities outside of an actual war is pretty out there. We don't generally roll blood libel in the US, so there are a lot of innocent Muslims you're killing.
Plus, the history of religeous war is not one where desecrating holy sites cows anyone into submission.
And then there's the roaches analogy, which is down-the-line Freep
In other news, I just got back from a wedding in Toledo. Should make for a good post.
Sure, after all, 50,000 people is just a drop in the bucket. What do their lives mean, anyway? You still haven't answered why we should nuke our European allies just because there are some people there you disapprove of, though.
DeleteYou're not even close on the city I live in, but reading between the lines, I notice that you're able to come up with other reasons for Detroit being the way it is, other than a Democratic mayor. Perhaps it's not the political party of the leadership, but other reasons? Nah, that would be too sane. It must be the Democrats, right?
Compared to the millions you were flapping around with, it is. And I'm not saying you should nuke your european allies. I'm saying Israel should, if it comes down to the wire of an existential question - which it is pretty close to. And, Oz - I certainly regard HAMAS and their helpers as roaches. There is no reason for Israel leaving a single HAMAS member alive.
DeleteOh, yes, because they'll be less dead because Israel nuked them rather than us. And how does nuking Europe get rid of Hamas?
DeleteOh, some coercion may be necessary simply to convince EU to expel its brother jewkillers.
DeleteAs for Detroit, it's pretty much known what killed that city. In a word, Unions. In two words, Democrat Unions.
However, it's not just Democrats to blame for the ME morass. It should be remembered that when Arafat and his forces faced extinction within hours, it was Reagan who sent a warship that saved them and whisked them off to Cyprus. The HAMAS and PLO mess could have ended there.
Oh, some coercion may be necessary simply to convince EU to expel its brother jewkillers.
DeleteSo again, how does nuking Europe get rid of Hamas? And what will EU expelling its "brother jewkillers" accomplish?
As for Detroit, it's pretty much known what killed that city. In a word, Unions. In two words, Democrat Unions.
Those unions exist all over the place, yet Detroit is the only one so affected. Try again.
However, it's not just Democrats to blame for the ME morass.
So you're implying that Democrats are at least partially to blame for something that's been going on for thousands of years? Do Democrats have the power of time travel?
...The HAMAS and PLO mess could have ended there.
So again, you're advocating genocide, yet you're against so-called "Nazists"?
Hahyrningur - nukes are for what they do best. Defense. Israel has a potent nuclear capability, which stopped it being pounded into the ground (the various arab states have certainly not forgotten or forgiven the reaming they got during the 6 Days War.
DeleteThe US and the USSR postured at each other like hell during the Cold War, but never thought of using their nukes in a first strike capacity. The affirmed doctrine of MAD made that unpalatable.
Ditto Pakistan and India. They hate each other with a passion, both sides have nukes, yet they are not used. Why not? Because they are last resort weapons.
Saudi Arabia is reported to be quietly buying the odd nuke and delivery system in response to Iran, as you well know. Japan is a couple of screwdriver twists from it's own arsenal (which likely means it has several warheads able to be mounted on proven, accurate launch vehicles in a matter of hours), and China knows it. It's a deterrent.
I don't know about Pakistan or India, but Broken Arrows (lost nukes, for those who don't know the term) were routinely reported by France, the UK, the USA and the USSR to each other at every incident.
No one wants their cities to go boom.
Read up on your history, Euph. Arafat and his forces was trapped and about to be annihilated. If you equate taking out Arafat and his forces with "genocide" it may really explain why the Democrats hold crazy antisemitic rituals at their conventions :).
DeleteBut the fact is that the US has always stoked the fire in the ME, as has Britain - who actually *started* the first israel/Arab war by leafletting the whole territory with hysterical warnings about "The Jews are coming!!". And of course the other EU colonials have blood up to their elbows.
EC: Of course no one wants their cities to go boom. That is sort of why it may be important to establish that there is a real possibility that it will happen. Because as things stand now, deterrence has failed. In the early nineties I was involved in looking for missing russian suitcase nukes; they were old news even back then. Of course maintenance is next to impossible, but containment is out the window. One of the US arrow sites, which had not been properly cleaned last I checked, is rural -fenced in and the feds bought the land. But it has an Al Fuqra compound sitting within convenient distance.
And no, the Russians never fully bought into MAD. They did because the US was willing the up the ante when needed. but the shoe is on the other foot now.
There is always going to be the possibility. Lot of warheads out there and they do go missing. But I don't think a state would do it. You know that every nuke has a unique signature, which is like a fingerprint saying where it was made. Different enrichment processes, different base ores, even different casing materials.
DeleteI'm not saying that some nutter group couldn't grab one and set it off - if they can get through the safely locks (hard on most warheads, but backpack / suitcase nukes have a manual trigger - always found that slightly ironic) they could do it fairly easily.
Not really mainstream, Euph - having a convention turned into a Jummah with all the jihad trimmings may be the mainstream some of you kids are aiming for, but you're not there yet :).
DeleteNah - Euph want's that as little as you do.
DeleteHe's a solid guy. We agree on almost nothing - except some really awesome music - but he keeps it real.
A Jummah? What in your delusional little world are you talking about? Actually, never mind. I think I just answered my own question.
DeleteI know what a Jummah is, I just have no idea what Hahyrningur means when he says that a Democratic convention turned into one.
DeleteDidn't you watch the dem convention when they shouted down G-d and Israel three times and booed? It was quite an amazing sight to behold.
DeleteNo, I didn't. I saw the one where they were deciding whether or not to put God in the platform, but there was a lot of booing on both sides.
DeleteBending over backwards, you are :).
DeleteBefore the booing and shouting session the convention was advertised as a Jummah, and it also featured the the muslims demanding (and claiming to have received) American Indigenous Peoples status. Lots of tax dollars going to madrassas, which there are a huge number of in the US.
Before the booing and shouting session the convention was advertised as a Jummah
Delete[citation needed]
and it also featured the the muslims demanding (and claiming to have received) American Indigenous Peoples status.
Muslims being treated as equals? The horror!
Lots of tax dollars going to madrassas, which there are a huge number of in the US.
Wake me up when you protest tax dollars going to Catholic schools.
Oh, here:
There's a lot more around, the play brought quite a bit of attention and after a few days the convention scrubbed the muslim part from its site.
As for the claim of indigenous people, that is really, really idiotic. I didn't take you for a moron. Suffice to say that muslims didn't exist when the Native Americans became indigenous people.
Somewhere here I have the whole convention site, over time. Telll me if you have a problem finding the stuff, and I'll see if I can't dig it up.
oh, and catholic schools? Far as i Know they don't keep armed training camps or weapons caches.
So you point to your own blog with some vague video as proof? You're going to have to do better than that.
DeleteSo what's the problem with getting this indigenous people status, if they even have?
Show me proof that the Democrats themselves officially advertised their own convention as a Jummah, which was your original claim.
And show me proof that madrassas in the U.S. keep armed training camps and weapons caches.
My goodness, euph. Do you have a problem with utilizing search engines? Why should we do all the work for you when a plethora of information is readuly available at your fingertips? I don't think you are really interested in the truth if it upsets your isolated world. Reality bites.
DeleteYou see what you want to see, hear what you want to hear, and woe unto anyone who tries to interfere in this liberal fantasy world you have built for yourself.
It's like banging your head against a brick wall.
No, see, it doesn't work that way. I'm not going to search for information to prove your point for you. You make the claim, you back it up.
DeleteLet me know of you invent a Hamas-seeking nuke.
ReplyDeleteLol. As I said, the whole site is tucked away here, and if that's not enough there are some good links on FR (yes ;), pointing straight on if I remember. It was the Democrat Convention that announced the Jummah. There are too many armed camps to count, really - Fuqra, which branches out from Pakistan has at least 30, and then there is a whole ring run by a Turk sheik centered in Arizona. And there is a madrassa - all of which has a militant component - in every US town large enough to warrant a post office and an outhouse. Some of the armed camps are currently in caretaker mode, but with their roadnets, fortifications and airstrips well enough kept. One is active and sitting right beside a Broken Arrow which was never really recovered because the warhead burrowed into marshland. Others are *very* active and in transition.
ReplyDeleteAs for the indigenous people thing, if you even have to ask, you simply haven't understood anything at all.
But you know, you can miss a lot just by not watching :).
In other words, you have nothing. I thought so.
DeleteIn other words, you really are retarded. And no, you didn't *think*. You don't have the equipment ;).
DeleteInsults are also not evidence. Or rather they are, but not of anything that would compliment your intelligence.
DeleteHere: Feed Google with this:
ReplyDeletejummah charlotte 2012
I dug up the pages, but google gives you more.
And that wasn't an insult, kid. Just an insensitive statement of fact-
Ah, so you're of the belief that anyone who allows Muslims to get near them and doesn't shudder with revulsion obviously loves terrorists. And call them whatever helps you sleep at night, but insults are still not evidence.