Some forward looking conservatives need to pool their talents to forecast a detailed scenario of how administration will destroy the kind of lifestyles obama supporters have grown comfortable with and it has to be presented in a manner that they are accustomed to. There must be plenty of images of early communist rationing in China or Russia or from the great depression that can be given a modern or futuristic look.As Freepers have since their inception, fivecatsandadog decodes Obama's seemingly ordinary political pablum:
The democrats need to evolve their thinking to realize that obama impeachment is in their their best interests, a good idea, and that they thought of it first.
"....we’re not quite yet to where we need to be in terms of a new order that’s based on a different set of principles, that’s based on a sense of common humanity, that’s based on economies that work for all people."Dr. Thorne is reveling in Israel killing Muslims:
The imperial bastard revealed his agenda: communism.
It’s the Muslim holy day Hyd yu-Fukr. Time to eat some ribs, drink some beer and play with the dog.Welp, it happened. SpaceBar thinks the Nazis had good ideas, if only they applied to Muslims.
We frequently read articles where Israel's enemies accuse them of behaving like Nazi's and other rediculous claims, which end up making me laugh since I wish Israel actually would go full nazi on these vermin, however they never do, and largely play softball with them.DCBryan1 prefers his approval of atrocities against Muslims to be of the WW-I vintage.
If the Jews weren’t so adverse to the effects of chemical/biological warfare, that would be a great way of depopulating Gaza. Pump the tunnels full of sarin/vx to kill terrorist scum, and shell in CS/non lethal irritant into the population areas....keep it up north to south until the population is in Egypt or the sea.jsanders2001 proves Obama's Presidency must be a huge conspiracy since his birth:
Anybody that has studied his background, the background of his relatives, his relationships, his history, and his actions have to come to the same conclusion - the boy was groomed for this from birth. This was all premeditated. No senator with only 3 short terms under his belt and a non-practicing lawyer at that becomes president especially if he’s black. This was all setup. Why would anyone to to law school then become an activist? You’ could even go on and on about how his education was paid for and his identity poblems but it does no good.Amazing it does no good when you have such amazing evidence as that!
freedomfiter2 has no idea what Capitalism and Communism mean:
The US Chamber of Commies shows their true colors once again.As I recall, SkyPilot has been predicting this since at least 2008, probably earlier.
When the Ponzi scheme collapses (and it will), the fall of the financial system will be epic, and swift.Pilgrim's Progress loves 24 too much to believe Kiefer Sutherland could be liberal.
That is when our new "Federal Civilian Police Force - just as well funded as the US military" will be used to back up the new Executive Orders issued by Obama.
Remember, Executive Order 6102, issued by FDR making private ownership of gold illegal, was issued by a stroke of the pen in one day (April 5th, 1933).
"forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States".
Local police all over the nation now have MRAPs, SWAT gear, and are trained in military tactics.
They were issued the MRAPs by Obama for only $2,000 each, so of course they took them.
Obama will most likely make ownership of gold and weapons illegal in the same Executive Order.
This used to be Black Helicopter wackiness - soon it will be reality.
The Gibsmedat crowd will riot when their EBTs don't work. America will be in collective shock. Congress will appear even more castrated and frozen with ineptitude than they do now.
The "action" taken will be completely suspend elections, liberties, and rights.
That's my prediction.
Paper certificates telling you that you own gold will be worth nothing, and even those who own physical gold will be at risk because they will be the targets.
Trust in God, and Him alone.
I have a really hard time believing that a socialist would take a role playing a pro-government counter-terrorism agent.unixfox is ready to lynch judges who support gay marriage:
That’s why, as a first step to try and correct this tyranny, those judges should be impeached.CatherineofAragon's Jesus died only for a few people's sins.
Tyrants should be hanged from the neck until they are dead.
He is not an animal. He is a man, a child of God, whom God loves very much, who has sinned horrifically, and whom God earnestly wants to repent so he can be forgiven and eventually spend eternity with him in heaven. I don't presume to tell a Jew what his faith teaches, but as a Christian, that is what our faith teaches us.
No, it doesn't. The Bible says that only those who accept Christ are children of God.
The man who committed those crimes is an animal, a piece of refuse. CGASMIA68 blames Africans for being too uneducated to stop diseases like Ebola and AIDS.
Just like AIDS these ignorant and uneducated natives,villagers,tribesmen are the root of this soon to be if not already epidemic.Behind the latest Freeper anti-war, anti-Romney zeitgeist in many ways, Thunder90 reviews all the awesome wars we would be in if Romney were in power.
If Romney were in power, we would have declared Russia a terrorist state and slapped sanctions similar to what Iran and North Korea have on it right now. We would have also engaged in a massive arms buildup in Eastern Europe and sent in special forces to help the Ukrainians. We would also have given the Israelis a free hand in dealing with Hamas. And, finally, we would be building up our forces in the Eastern Pacific to hold China at bay.Poor metmom fears even her Islamic friends:
Yes, I have met some individuals who, as people in casual social settings, come across as very nice. But sad to say, I don’t really trust them, knowing what little I do about the teachings of islam.
They are in the US and I can only imagine that they are biding their time and if they ever had the upper hand, I might find out what they are really like.
That’s an awful thought to carry around in the back of my mind about someone of a different religion, but islam is more than a different religion and when I see what muslims are capable of, I just can’t get my guard to come down.
Waggle is on the warpath again.. notice 1/2 the people on his ping list have not posted on FR since 2006-2007
ReplyDeleteYet another House panel finds no wrongdoing in the 2012 Benghazi attack. Freepers respond as you'd expect.
ReplyDeleteFox News has made this country worse. Our Republican friends, family and neighbors will go to their graves thinking that it was all some nefarious plot.
DeleteThe folks at Fox News don't care a whit, they will go on the next pseudo-scandal. Their viewers will be outraged about whatever it is Fox tells them to be upset about.
But the thing is that reality really does matter.
For your typical conservative - those outside of the FReepersphere - have probably moved on. FReepers will remember - and keep track of - every fault or conspiracy those who they feel are enemies of the Free Republic.
DeleteOr zotted. Few days ago was looking at an old 2005 thread..saw many names I remembered like Areafiftyone, Robroy etc at least 35-40% were zotted and that is no exaggeration
DeleteToward the end of that Beghazi thread, eleutheria5 lets us know that:
Deletecunnilingus is kind of gross
Yeah, I saw that. It's so out of context, I presume it was some inside joke I missed or something.
DeleteThe beliefs are no more wacky than beliefs such as AGW isn't real, abstinence only education works, and taxing the rich will ruin the economy.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how having more modern beliefs would stop those diseases.
ReplyDeleteIt's probably more a warmer climate/more varieties of animals thing.
Ozzie - partially.
ReplyDeleteYou are looking at countries where cattle are visible signs of wealth and status, so killing one to eat is a serious business.
That leads to a demand for bushmeat. Fruit bats, small herbivores, and most especially primates, which are considered pests. All of which are known to carry the Ebola virus - and it doesn't really degrade with cooking. It doesn't help that many (not all) people in the region enjoy their meat so rare you would call it raw.
So catching it is one thing. Then you do enter the realm of beliefs. Most people prefer to attempt to treat the infected at home. They don't really trust doctors/medicine other than the traditional, and they have a fairly deeply held belief that disease is a curse. That opens up the chain of infection further, since there is more contact between the infected and uninfected.
EC, know about Africa. You should listen to him.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, he has seen it out the window of his invisible plane many times. As a Freeper and a secret agent and a 10th generation Amazon Princess, he knows things you do not. Heed his words!
He is a hero, just ask him, he's a hero, that's what he says.
Matt Damon puts his Miami Beach house up for sale ...
ReplyDeleteFreeper jealousy ensues!
EC, I've seen your FR commenting history, and damn straight you're no hero. Either you're shining us on, or you're shining them on. Or maybe both.
ReplyDeleteSo you're something between a hypocrite and a bullshitter, the way I see it. Quit the false modesty - I don't think anyone buys it, even Ozy - he's just too polite to say so.