Free Republic has it's racists, that's for sure. You've got your Sociological racists, your nonwhites cause all problems racists.
You've got your kill them and they talk funny racists, your angry racists, and your 'anyone who calls me racist is the real racist' racists.
You've got your White Power racists, your wannabe racists, your historical racists, and your colonial racists.
But this guy is your genial, old-style racist. If you ever want to understand what the plantation mentality means, this is the guy. Well, this guy or central_va back in the day.
From Mississippi, but lamenting how liberal it has gotten (as most Freepers do with wherever the live), he not only hates blacks and American Jews, but hates just about every woman not his wife, it seems.
His profile is something to see. Lovely family pictures nestled in amongst lists of Freepers who slander the South, Rush Limbaugh on feminism, and lots of confederate flags and generals.
Really, it's a bit like him. A lot of loathsome crazy and racism and amazing sexism, but he doesn't let it control him - he doesn't let that interfere with his family (though he'd never marry a liberal)
Anyhow, he's a bundle of different issues, and this post is gonna be another long one, so lets get going!
Just to start out with: pro-segregation.
Segregation is a sin?The Turner Diaries? Prophetic.
I must have missed that.
Me and the founding fathers.
Mostly all pre 1970s Americans....including the noble Yankees
I never read Turner Diaries, and don't plan to do so.Also hates the Japanese:
actually you should...as far fetched as some of Pierce's stuff seemed back then...
compare to what is actually happening today is frightening...truly...I woulda never believed it possible
A lecture from a Nip about racism?This kinda sounds like he knows jailed White Supremacists.
Priceless you son of Bataan prick.
I have a friend who turned down old federal law 10 spot which would have meant 5 years served....he was 55.....Lucchese crew chiefThe impure South.
Had moved down here retired.....he prayed on it
Turned them down went to trial...lost
His stupid son unknowingly led the feds right to a stash of soon to be ballistic tested firearms...all used in a family fight for power a few years before
He got RUD.....removal upon death....at Leavenworth where he still is today
22 years later
redneck now in the south are mostly wiggers...hard to imagine the Freebird generation spawned such verminDamn you, wiggers!
The only thing I hate worse than pretentious southern kids attempting to speak Yankee is a wigger or collaboratorThe South is all that's left of Real America
Attacking the Old South is just an easy avenue to continue to destroy American traditions in generalFree Republic used to be full of PC-types who didn't allow racism. Not anymore, though!
Pity its always applauded by many here and quite a few pundits and talk radio
there was a time even here that [...]a whole mess of Klown Posse/Goldberg type PC freepers woulda been calling for your head on a platter as a racist.Civil War II.
That is a fact. I have no idea how I survived those strange about race days.
there was a definite contingent of those types here then...not many anymore
the Rudy purge took many of them....those who didn’t go with the Klowns
we will have to one day decide we will not be encumbered by whatever name they call us and rise up and take our land backNot a fan of MLK
and it will cost ...blood
there is no other way at this point
some of ya’ll here keep on fooling yourself
it is just a matter of when
U can assume I sure as hell don’t and neither did magnusObama meeting with Africans? Time for a cannibals joke!
His worship epitomizes the denial swamp in which we dwell
They served Long PigBeing racist against Obama is okay because Obama bad.
I think it passes the test for probably racist intent or at least insinuating Obama is chimp likeHates American Jews, loves Israel.
But Obama with his ideology brings it on himself
So I could care less.
But imagine for a second if true Christians here supported and worked to dismantle traditional America with the same vigor most Jews here do with their money and votes and media and academia cloutLiberal Jews hate themselves and Jesus and Whites.
They had a large impact in electing this president who is clearly openly relativist about civilization versus terrorism and appears to particularly dislike Netanyahu ....a man I would love to see sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania min place of King Turd
That is to me a far more telling and damaging an observation than the hyperbole that Americas youth are awash in Jew hatred....not where I am anyhow
Likely I live where Israels truest friends and supporters reside....conservative South....I don’t know anyone white or black from here who doesn’t want Israel to annihilate their foes who we know are ours too
The fight in Israel is one between God and Satan pretty much since terror and jihad absorbed the Pali issue
Dana MilbankPete Seeger hate.
Jewish libtard self hater....maybe a caker as well
Prolly wishes were more Hamas in America
Dreams about day when White Christians are only found in State run museums or as mounted trophies in the dens of environmentally compliant progressive homes
Godspeed you old commiewhat is it with these half white black guys?
Mike Bloomfield shoulda killed you in 65(?) With his Telecaster
Clubbed you like a baby seal
Say hi to fellow commie woody...tell woody Arlo ain’t like him
Just to piss him off..
what is it with these half white black guys in power...they turn on half theirsleves...must be weird...like a half traitorLike so many, also likes some of that brown sugar:
My ex who was with me noticed I had once obviously known the mulatto concierge once more than. I should have......before I marriedHe loves his current wife and Mom.
And she went off....and off....and off.....throwing stuff....screaming
Man could she throw a tantrum....I sure don’t miss it
20 years same woman....100% only herSoccer is for girls.
I sure never thought I could do that...my appetite prior was rakish to say the least
But its no challenge at all..not just cause God said so..I would hope anyone could have such a relationship with a member of the opposite sex..
It does help having same cultural outlook....religion...and similar backgrounds
And that the woman knows how to stay appealing...I know that sounds shallow but Wifey...even at 50 next birthday is still a girl to me in many ways
She cares about her appearance and zest....its hard to explain...southern girls if from a good family kind of get indoctrinated that way
Not tacky girly....its a different animal....my mom at 70.....still had a woman’s feminine aura
Like soccer...a sport for men with less threatening toughnesssissy and gayish
Indicative of how far the free testosterone of western Caucasian men has fallen
I prefer polo if one must...
For 25 years now still being in child raising to some degree or another for another 15 or so at least, I’ve watched little boys act so obviously sissy and gayish...and the moms coddle the snot out of them....and the gayer they act the dad either tries harder to thwart it or he disengages.Women are secretly weak and submissive:
I don’t know...but the rise of the alpha yet coddler mom in the home has contributed to more gay men my gut tells me...many dads today are soft as butter
On girls...worst thing there is that they have been thoroughly trashed out by culture and likely fembots like the mom in this article under the illusion it’s parity with men...they feeling that men are all sluts.
It’s disgusting...I love girls..and appreciate nakedness and the female form and smell..all that stuff that men here know what I mean...it’s instinctive in us...but today..whew...it’s a Kardashian world and it’s very ugly.
The ease nd convenience of our time has made comfortable white girls careless and in the belief they really are equal to men in all thingsMegan Kelley has daddy issues.
Its ingrained in them from every source except maybe parents and some churches
They lose sight of the animals that share the garden
Let power go out a month and feminism dies a quick death
Boy I profoundly dislike chinny harridan Kelly.Really, I wonder about his daughters...
She played the homo and race card totally out of context
That stern haircut...hear me roar
I guess daddy never noticed her enough or she hated mommy being dependent on him
Something got in her head
Men do not try homosexualityOne time he accidentally say some gay porn:
Or experiment with it
They are either attracted to being sodomized by other men....or they arent
I think women may....or be encouraged to
Usually for some can’t relate to men issue or maybe a dearth of male suiters or seen as rebellious
The dominant group of lesbians are the masculines.....the rest are just opportunities
Most younger women today are immoral by the standards I grew up in many years ago
Even church girls
My mother was a fag hag as was my wife....I pressured them to educate themselves about the fact that homosexuality is more than witty thin men who have good taste and are creative and love to dress women...and do it well i might addHmmmm....
I don't think most women who think homosexuals are cutesy really know much about it...just saying
if you are a man-dog like me and peruse the net looking at naked girls at times you will invariably see something queer pop up....and it will shock you like a car wreck
Cialis wouldn’t disgust you if your husband had bad diabetesIf you met him, you'd never know he's a horrible person.
Just saying...some men are impotent without it
And men never ....never....lose desire
Man can be nearly dead...eat up with uncle charlie and he will still be horny
When I travel amongst the Yankees they marvel at my friendliness and ability to chat up and make folks feel comfortableNot letting your crazy get in the way of your family puts him ahead of most Freepers...
I always make the effort
I can even make an old no make up grey bob mandal wearing libtard Yankee grandma blush and cackle
I get that from my momma
There’s something to be said for descending from second third and fourth sons
We’re good at parties and formals
And Thansgiving
He's also secure enough to admit he enjoys women's fashion and Bravo.
I am something of a woman’s clothes fag hag metaphorically and actually like shopping with my long time and faithful to exclusively wife/mom to the kids
Her pic is on my homepage and you can see she is olive with highlights that have become more blonde with age by design..like a lot of originally dark haired gals as they head into mid 40s
But pink on her is just not her thing..it’s ok as a bikini. Pink is a color that just does something genetic for women..like cobalt blue or robin hood green does for me
some colors do crossover...periwinkle or inky blue..my wife and I both love that hue
I think most men for lingerie or sexy prefer just satin black or white...it’s just a wiring thing but a lot of gals especially young ones..love pink..Victoria’s Secret has made a fortune just off a PINK line
and yes...I know you’re wondering...I do watch Bravo with her and laugh at the silliness..now look at my pic on my page...I don’t look like your average Bravo viewer do I..lol
and yes..they do disgust me..it’s like a car wreck..you can’t help it
if my wife could have two dinner guests it would be Karl Lagerfield and Kate Moss
She is so into she’s doing a blog..and don’t worry I won’t pimp it here and get the humblegunner hellhound on my trail
Anybody who declares his monogamy and faithfulness as much as wardaddy, obviously defines "monogamy" to suit himself.
ReplyDeleteI would guess "monogamy" for wardaddy includes the occasional prostitute and bj at the nearby adult bookstore.
As long as its quick and anonymous, its not really cheating in his mind.
Would not surprise if significant proportion of those book store bj's were from a dude.
DeleteYes, as long as he's getting it, it's not homo.
DeleteA Pierce fan?? Geez, I knew JR collected such types but I figured most of them went offboard at the time of Libertyforum, Original Dissent and Sam Francis. Guess Wardaddy kept a little quiet while some of the others threatened (and did) murder...
DeleteI'm sure he "pays to play" if you know what I mean.
DeleteThis guy is so similar to Djoyce and Jradcliffe it's eerie. And those two were writing letters to Osama with offers to mark Jewish-owned houses for AQ on Googlemaps.
DeleteDjoyce even managed top get thrown out of the Southern Independence party of Texas :).
Good stuff, Oz. This guy is a real piece of work.
ReplyDeleteHere's a thread where Freepers boast about how terrified they are in their own homes: PA:Why People Carry a Gun When Answering the Door.
Pfft. Many, many people would seem to have some grounds to be nervous, particularly when you watch the Obama brigade priorities, here:
However, I believe Plugs would counsel a 12ga instead of a 40 :).
Blog pimp
Delete"if you are a man-dog like me and peruse the net looking at naked girls..."
ReplyDeleteCreepy. And right after he talks about how women lack morals these days too.
I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman last month, But when i met a friend that introduced me to drehiaghe the great messenger to the oracle of dr ehiaghe healing home,I narrated my problem to dr ehiaghe about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24 hours later,My Ex Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me and the kids before now and one week after my Husband called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in a very big company here in USA were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact dr ehiaghe on his personal email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on: ehiaghespellhome@gmail.com and your problem will be solve.
ReplyDeleteFake doctor pimp
DeleteHaha, this seems totally legit!
DeleteEmail and narrate your problems to this random guy.
Spoilers - the solution may involve giving this guy money!
Dr. Ehiage?? Is that Jimrob? If so, send money and JR's problem will be solve..
DeleteAh swear ta gawd, ah hear Matthew McConaughey's Texas drawl whisperin' in mah eah, physically hear it, when ah read these here posts
ReplyDeleteCrazy guy, but polite. If I had to have a drink with a Freeper I've spotlighted, it might be this guy. Or Kenny Bunk, maybe.