It's always fun to watch them try to turn their craziness around. In this case, takes issue with a Daily Beast contributors assertion that conservatives "love seeing Arabs get killed."
Freepers respond with a hilarious mix of "How dare you!" and "Yes, so?"
JayAr36 has a pretty easy formula:
Dead Muslim = Good Muslim!Rummyfan also sees no problem here.
So?????Noted angry spotlight candidate bert takes issue with "Arab" vs. "Muslim."
Some do but rational conservatives restrict the view to radical Islamic wackos many of which are not Arabs.Actually, he says "radical Islam," though Freepers usually reject that distinction.
I would seem to me that in his ignorance, Dean Obeidallah confuses Arabs with Islamic wackos.
newfreep's Christianity is of the old, imperialistic kind:
As a Christian conservative, I love to see any members of satan’s death cult (aka islam) bite the dust.Said tagline: ("Evil succeeds when good men do nothing" - Edmund Burke). Sounds like he wants a crusade.
PS: see my tagline...
newfreep follows up to explain his nuanced thinking:
Actually, it’s someone who chooses satan as his leader.Politicalkiddo pulls the old strawman-justifies-my-craziness move.
There is no reason to feel compassion for any satanist - they are pure evil!!!
And evil should always be destroyed. ALWAYS!
And Arabs love seeing Jews and Christians killed. What’s your point?Alas Babylon! thinks similarly, but keeps things focused:
Liberals love seeing Jews and Christians killed.American in Israel explains that "as a conservative," he thinks all Muslims are Nazis.
Liberals love to see American children killed.Shimmer1 finds accusations of such bigotry to be lies!!!!!!!!! I guess he hasn't read the thread.
Just borrowing the same broad brush to paint back with.
As a conservative, that spent a decade living around Palestinians I am who this idiot speaks of. I hate seeing Arabs killed. I however am glad to see Muslims eliminated from this earth, we will never live in peace with Nazis on a rampage.
Don’t like death cults, American or Arab.
Just another way they are smearing conservatives. Why be accurate when you can lie and be inflammatory????!!!!Mark17 loves death!
The only good muslim is a dead one.D Rider pulls out an amusing old Jack Chick canard:
That is right. I also feel the same way about communists.
Allah was the pagan Arab moon God, hence the crescent moon symbology found throughout Islam. This was the predominant Pagan religion of the ancient Middle East. In Babylon, Bel; in Sumer, Sin; in Arabia, Allah;...etc. This is well documented by both archeology and historical documentation. It is strongly disputed by Muslims.

Also, no one tell him about Christmas/Yule, Easter/Ostara, or...Halloween.
Alas, the anti-mahdi's laziness got in the way of his craziness
I once contemplated starting a web-site Good muslim. com, as in, “the only good muslim is a dead muslim”.
Figured it would not do any good so I demurred, for now at least.
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