Thursday, April 21, 2011

Abortion rage

A website says abortion isn't awful baby killing. The organization that produces it dets some public health money from Massachusetts. Freepers get crazy:

Beelzebubba sounds a bit Taliban-y.
Truly, literally, and egregiously:


Soothesayer is itching to kill some liberals:

If I EVER catch a leftist urging a young girl towards a decision that will destroy her life and the life of her child, I will kill the rodent right there on the spot. The same goes for any leftist guilty of molestation and rape.

No more mercy for leftists. They should be treated with absolute hostility at all times. Anyone who does not do the same is equally guilty.

What about conservatives guilty of molestation and rape? Do they get due process:

somehow connects abortion Dem vote recruitment:

abortion is another mechanism the dems use for voter recruiting.

if a woman has an abortion, the vast majority will forever vote democrat to validate their decision.

this is yet another social engineering mechanism the left has been using for years. others include drug use, crime, infidelity, and body manipulation. all these things either lead to the break down of the family and/or a limitation on the professional advancement of the person.

yefragetuwrabrumuy has plans for the website's spokesperson 'Maria.'

Show Maria a few years later, when she happily gets married to the man of her dreams, for them only then to discover that the scarring from her abortion has left her barren. Her husband, wanting children, then divorces her, and her life does downhill from there.

Hard. Her own family don’t want her back, and she spends her time in bars with men who want to use her, and give her VD. She becomes an alcoholic and a drug addict, and the memories of her abortion never go away, the turning point in her life where everything went bad. Finally, she discovers that she has breast and uterine cancer, one last effect of the smiling monsters who killed her baby and ruined her life.

No need for truth when abortion is involved!

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