This is why being mixed race means you shouldn't be President! Pick a color, Mr. President!

Trump, even in triumph, is drawn like a clown.

Boehnner getting the unflattering photoshop treatment from the Freepers! It is over, once they hate, they never stop.

UN helmet and cigarette - clearly both evil and wimpy.

Why is the Rino photoshopped with kind of a thong?

OMG! Clinton rainbow! What does it mean?!

Even when out of power, the rage against Pelosi continues.

Why is it only women get the manic crazy treatment?

Obama is an internationalist, and therefor evil.

Commie propaganda posters - has Obama been added to every one yet?
Is there a first picture that's missing?
ReplyDeleteI think you missed the point on the first pic, half of Obama's face is darker because it's obscured by the shadow of a teleprompter, which is probably one of the more reasonable criticisms of him.
ReplyDeleteHrm, you could be right about the teleprompter. Though I don't think the idea of a President giving prepared speeches is a reasonable criticism, till I see stats comparing it with previous Presidents.
ReplyDeleteWe're talking about freepers here, reasonable is a relative term
ReplyDeleteHah. Touche.
ReplyDeleteI've always like their census of how often the President uses "I" or "Me." Proof of narcissism!
Never mind, my ad blocker was blocking the first image.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anonymous, that's a teleprompter obscuring half his face. As far as it being a reasonable criticism of Obama, Freepers should read this quote from 1981:
"The former Hollywood actor impresses his audiences when there is a TelePrompTer rolling out a speech for him to read or when the points he should make are written on three-by-five-inch cue cards. But give him a question for which he can't recite an answer and he flounders about, offering vague generalities and giving every indication of an embarrassing lack of knowledge."
--The Globe and Mail (Canada) 12/18/81
@ euphgeek,
ReplyDeleteThe only difference was Reagan brought the US out of the 1980-81 recession, crushed the USSR, and ended the Cold War. He also secured Panama Canal for the US trade volume.
Obama's accomplishment is????
Meanwhile your boy-king Obama is now at a new low. Only 41% approve of his performance.
ReplyDeleteReagan brought the US out of the 1980-81 recession
Yes, but it wasn't as deep of a recession as the one we were in when Obama took office. The situation then and now are completely different.
crushed the USSR
How, exactly, did he crush them? Didn't they simply collapse under their own weight?
ended the Cold War
And bought ponies and unicorns for everybody!
Obama's accomplishment is????
Well, just off the top of my head, he passed health care reform, saved the auto industry, created job growth every month, got the START treaty passed, passed the stimulus bill and is getting the unemployment rates down.
...your boy-king Obama...
What is it about you and many other conservatives that your talking points are so weak that you can't present them without trying to insult the president? Honestly, what has he done that has made you so incredibly angry at him?
Only 41% approve of his performance.
And how many people approve of the Republicans in congress? And how does his approval rating compare to Reagan and Clinton at this point?