Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Freepers weigh in on Obama's budget proposal

Freepers can always be counted on for a spirited, if not exactly substantive debate. Thus, Obama's actual plan doesn't matter - Freepers know what is in his evil little heart:

Concho has already preemptively taken out a Swiss Bank account:
its going to come out of our pockets by increased taxes or seizure of your bank accounts. Better be for yanking your worth and putting it offshore where he cant touch it.
driftdiver may not have listened to Obama's speech, but he read about his secret plans re: retirement plans!

The plans I read about them discussing in committee was to take control of the funds completely. Not taxing them, just taking them and promising everyone a ‘guaranteed’ retirement.

Seaplaner thinks this is all a plan to weaken America:

It has nothing to do with money, of course. This (if my hunch is right) is Obama's big opening to use budget cuts to justify weakening our defense, and to prove that he will always be BFFs with Bill Ayers!

Neoliberalnot cleverly gets by the censors:
barry X, the abandoned b a s t a r d of an illicit union between a deranged, teen aged, communist w h o r e and malcolm X, has his instructions from the muslim world to permanently destroy America and her via debt, wreck her economy, euthanize the greatest generation, demoralize her military via homosexuality and exhaust it in a wild goose chase in the “graveyard of empires”. He does hate America, especially White America, and does love his works of treason and destruction. It is through this that all his actions may be understood.

I hope the military honors their oaths, steps up and arrests this a s s h o l e or better. This son of a w h o r e is the walking definition of a “domestic enemy” and we won’t sit still anymore for his treason.

NEVER EVER forget the mainstream media that conspired to foist this muslim nation wrecking b a s t a r d on America is responsible. They intentionally sold us this traitor.

The democratic soviet is comprised of 22% of the population (blacks, latinos, queers, muslims, transgenders, communists, and abortionists) An amalgam of misfits tied together by nothing more than malevolent envy and hate for Natural Law.

This man is actively destroying an America he was raised to hate, is supported by communists in the media and must be neutralized for the good of all. He CANNOT be allowed to appoint one more Supreme Court judge.

Lots of words for "I hate Obama LOTS AND LOTS." No actual issues came up though.

aces has a plan for the Federal government.

Long Term, Bait and switch BS that so called saves trillions from theses programs while ramping up 10 times more from the new programs..he saves nothing, fraud, POS POTUS..don’t do anything he wants, just cut, no new anything, cut until Washington is nothing but a pimple on thee states as$..

Yes, with no Federal government, America is sure to prosper!

Drill Thrawl has the important numbers:
For those who are interested. In the last puff of hot air by 0 there were;
7 - "me"s
10 - "my"s
and 52 - "I"s
Wow, when you don't compare them to other politicians' speeches, that sure sounds narcissistic!

chuckee sees this as something Dems have done forever:

Typical Dem ploy. Spend the government into oblivion the first few years after achieving a majority. Then confiscate the public’s assets thru taxation to pay for it. Create the crisis first then confiscate assets to pay for it to create a Euro socialist state.

Yeah, Clinton...wait, I mean Carter...Hmmmm.

darth knows economics cause he's RATIONAL:

Art Laffer was absolutely right. We are well past the point in the curve where increasing taxes will REDUCE TAX REVENUES not to mention cratering the economy and increasing unemployment.

I have noticed that one of the most glaring differences between libs and conservatives is that conservatives are RATIONAL. The dims think they can tax and regulate us to prosperity. They are economic ILLITERATES.

RATIONAL people are too economically LITERATE for evidence, it seems.

. Hah. He mad:




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